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I like reading books,/ Listening to music/ Playing football I used to …, now I like going out have fun with friends.

What’s your favorite…( music, sport, book, star)? What kind of…do you like? Which one do you like better ( prefer), …, or…? Do you like ( doing sth) ?
Music, Sports and entertainment
Sentence patterns --talking about hobbies

What do you like to do in your spare time? (on weekends), (leisure time, free time) Do you have any hobbies? What do you do for fun? / relaxation ?
talk about music, singer, concert

He is talented in music/ he has great talent for music Music to him is something he can’t go without. He is today’s Mozart He is the 21st Century’s Beethoven. He was borne as a musician. He has sold millions of records. He had his first hit at the age of 12. I like the rhythm, it is full of energy and hope. It’s very emotional/ touching/moving/ relaxing. I think the music is too fast. My heart can’t stand it. The music is so amusing that I can’t help dancing with it. Here is good one. Beethoven Concert at the Fall Hall.


Wind instruments 管乐器 Woodwind …, 木管乐器 Brass …, 铜管乐器 Clarinet 单簧管,黑管 Trumpet 小号 Trombone 长号 Flute 长笛 Vertical bamboo flute 萧 Harmonica / mouth organ 口琴
songs lyrics Rhythm / pace pitch Music/ melody/tune Operculum/scores Staff/ stave composer Record ( sell…) Album ( issue..)

People and activity

I like it. Naturally it can arouse my feelings (of…) it made me feel at home I was completely lost in it It carried me away It stirs up my full imagination. The concert has made a hit His singing was really a hit The concert caused( created) a ( quite) sensation. The audience was stunned by the tone
吉他 Violin 小提琴 Cello 大提琴 Piano 钢琴

Organ/ pipe organ 管风琴 Accordion 手风琴
I am not a fan of… I don’t understand a thing of… I don’t like doing… I dislike ( doing…) …is not my thing.
Fra Baidu bibliotek
How do you spend your holiday?

ask about music/concert

Where will this concert be held? When will it be on ( theatre)? How much is the ticket? Who is directing/ the director ( conductor)? Who is going to play( performance)? ( orchestra) How did you like the concert? Did you enjoy the…? How was the concert? Which one do you like better, classical music or pop music? How long will the concert run? How important is music to you? It is worthwhile to spend ( pay 200 yuan) on (for )a concert. Do you play any musical instruments?
To reply more interestingly
I like staying at home, hanging around with the kid, you know, family is important. Well, Doing home chores is definitely one thing on the list. And then, I may go on a walk to the park. Once a while, I will go to see a movie with friends, depends on what is on. When the weather is nice, we will have a family picnic at the riverside. The view there is beautiful! Normally, I will take a trip to mountains, you know, to get some fresh air.
To reply

I like reading books I am fond of… I am keen on… I am a big fan of… …is my favorite… I think …is the best… I like…most I love … I enjoy ( doing sth) Well, it depends. If…

bad impression
awful It’s disturbing/ annoying Disgusting Monotonous Boring

good impression

The pitch is too high, like screaming Noisy Too loud ( to enjoy). Too low to hear it.
Concert Singer Orchestra Composer Rehearsal, Solo show, performance Chorus The theatre / hall ( on…) symphony Player Stage, Seat, aisle, row, line The director/conductor Speaker, stereo The theme tune Intermission The accompany Acoustics The lighting effect

doing sth- interest, hobbies Like to do sth- want to do sth for this time, not a habit or hobby.
like watching TV Means, Watching TV is my hobby, I do it quite often.
Horrible Dreadful Horrible Scarring Relentless Chilling thrilling

Play Musical instruments
It can play very marvelous tunes(曲调) It is hard to find the notes ( 找音位), and breathing is also a big problem. The left hand makes the notes on the strings(铉) while the right hand has to manage the bow(琴 弓), and bowing well is an art. (violin) Guitar is the most satisfying instrument, it is easier to learn for the beginners.

Outstanding Fabulous Marvelous Terrific Wonderful Fantastic Stunning Extra-ordinary Unbelievable Moving/touching Amusing
Silly and stupid Absurd ridiculous Dumb Silly Strange Weird Bizarre Odd Unusual
normally how do you spend your holiday What do you usually do on your vacation? Usually, how do your family spend the weekend? Let’s see. Have you ever been to a Jazz club? How many times have you gone out to see the movie this month?
like to watch TV Means, I want to watch TV now. didn’t talk about other time
Music and concert

Classical music Pop music Jazz Blues Metal music Rock and roll R&B -rhythm and blues Rap Country Mixed, blend…with, Western Influenced by… Gospel Opera