英语语法 1句子与句子结构

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Q: Are the two sentences the same? If not, what is the difference?
• 一般来说,状语的位置有三个:句首(放在主 语的前面),句中(系动词或第一个助动词的 后面,实意动词的前面)或句末(宾语或补语 之后)。
• 状语的位置主要是依据状语本身的种类、意义 以及形式来确定的。为了有效地传达信息,话 语者会利用句子中成分的排序和语调来表达出 信息的焦点。
• The Complex Sentence:
1)The Attributive Clause 2)The Adverbial Clause 3)The Noun Clause
• 简单谓语 • 复合谓语 • 并列谓语 • 双重谓语
• 第一种是由情态动词,助动词+不带to的动词 不定式等构成的复合谓语。
• Coordinating conjunctions are as follows: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. e.g. Joe waited for the train, but the train was late.
complex sentence
• A complex sentence is one in English in which includes, at minimum, one dependent clause and one independent clause.
Lecture One
English Grammar 句子和句子结构
1. sentence
• Simple sentence • Compound sentence • Complex sentence
e.g. • What he said is not true.
What is a simple sentence?
Compare the Chinese: • 屡战屡败 • 屡败屡战
3、信息焦点原则与“主语+谓语”、“主语+ 谓语+主语补语”、“主语+谓语+宾语”三 种结构
• Everybody laughed.
• Johnson looks in splendid health.
• She offered to buy my house.
• it contains only one subject and one predicate, and is devoid of any subordinate or dependent clauses.
A compound sentence
• a sentence made up of two independent clauses (or complete sentences) connected to one another with a coordinating conjunction.
• 如果一个句子含有几个信息片断时,最后一个 信息片断为信息焦点,即最主要的内容留在最 后出现,使整个句子以高潮结束,以便突出核 心信息。
2、“末端重量”原则(the principle of end-weight)
• 按照语法分析,英语句子又是由具有不同语法 功能的不同部分组成的。这些部分按其在句子 中所起的作用可以分为主语、谓语、宾语、状 语、补语等。
should have written it out for her.
2、had better, would rather和不定式连用,表 示劝告或主观上做出选择
• --Not really, my dear. You’d better stay home for another day or two.
4.系表谓语可用于表让步或原因的倒装结构中,而 双重谓语则不能。
• 我们可以说:Angry as he was,I persuaded him to remain silent.
• 但不能说:Angry as he came,I persuaded him to re- main silent.
• 而只能说:Although he came angry,I persuaded him to remain silent.
基本形式:行为动词+表语(说明主语从事该 行为时所处的状态),用作双重谓语的动词多 为那些表示位置移动变化的行为动词。如: return,leave, go,come,arrive, start等。其具体的结构形式主要有以下几种:
1.动词+形容词 1)He left this morning very gay. =He was very gay when he left this morning. 2)She lay there motionless.
2.动词+名词 She left a shy girl and returned a young mother.
(=She was a shy girl when she left and a young mother when she returned.)
3.动词+介词短语 He died in despair.
3.就其结构看,双重谓语动词后常常出现一些用 来表示地点或方向的小品副词。如:about, back,up, down,away,here或there 等;而系表谓语动词后一般没有这类副词。如:
1)He came back tired.(双重谓语)
2)The screw came loose.(系表谓语)
3、be going to, be to, be about to, be able to, be likely to, have to, happen to, seem to, appear to, used to等结构和不定式连用
由系动词(link verb)和表语(predicative)组成, 表示主语的状态、性质、地位等等。 be, remain, keep, continue, lie, stand, sit, hold, get, become, get, grow, come, go, run, fall, turn, turn out, seem, appear, feel, smell, taste, sound。
• It’s very dangerous for children to cross the busy street.
• It is no use crying over split milk.
• 虽说并列关系中,所连接的单位属于成分结构 中同一层次的,但当两个并列分句按先后顺序 放在一起时,其中第二个分句由于它所处的位 置而成为突出的中心。
二、双重谓语与系表谓语(复合谓语) 的区别:
1.通过去掉其表语来判断是双重谓语还是系表谓 语。
试比较: (1)He stood there silent.他静静地站在那儿。 (2)He stood firm.他立场坚定。
2.通过变更谓语动词来判断是双重谓语还是系表 谓语。
• My paper remained unfinished after days of hard work.
• Johnson tried hard,but he failed.
• She died and she was buried in the cemetery.
新信息,也是整个并列句的 所突出的中心
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
• 主从关系复合句中,常常通过位置和句法等级 来表现出分句语义上的主从关系。如:
C. putting
D. having put
• I got out of the taxi, _____ the fare and dashed into the station.
A. paid
B. paying
C. to pay
D. having paid
Double Predicate
• 某些实意动词可兼作系动词,在句中具有既表行 为又表状态的双重作用。这种有双重作用的谓语 我们称之为双重谓语(Double Predicate)
并列谓语 Compound Predicate
• She took her son, ran out of the house, _____ him in the car and drove quickly to the nearest doctor’s office.
A. put
B. to put
(=He was in despair when he died.)
4.动词+分词(短语) They lay there chatting.
(=They were chatting when they lay there.)
He returned home what he had always been. (=He was what he had always been when he returned home.) 回家时,他还是老样子。
• 第二种是由连系动词+表语构成的复合谓语。
• If there were no examination, we should have a much happier time at school.
• Where is my pen? I must have lost it. • I told Sally how to get here, but I perhaps
4、主-动-宾-宾结构——句尾双宾语词序的选 择
• 英语句子接双宾语时存在两种结构 • He threw me a magazine. (indirect object + direct object)
• He threw a magazine to me. (direct object + to/for + prepositional object )
• 它们在句中并非任意组合,而是必须遵循一定 的语法规则。
• SV • SVC • SVO • SVOO • SVOC • 这些按句法规则排列出的线性结构称为句法结
构(syntactic structure)
• 从句法结构来看,按照英语民族的语言表达习 惯,一个句子里比较有分量或较为复杂的成分 应置于句末,使句子的线性排列呈现出一种从 轻到重的顺序,这就是“末端重量”原则
• Do you think the sentence is grammatically wrong?
• 这句话语法结构没有任何毛病,但是句子头重 脚轻,违反了末端重量原则。 改为:
• It does not matter which side may win the match.
更详细且更长的结构,放在 句尾。这样既表现出末端焦
• 或者说:Angry as he was when he came,I persuaded him to remain silent.
3.“末端焦点和末端重量”原则 和
1、“末端焦点”原则(the principle of end focus
• 句子的信息结构(information structure) “已知信息+新信息”
End focus
New information
End focus 表明对手的特征
6、it 作为形式主语
• 当句子的主语是名词性分句,不定式分句或动 名词分句时,可以用“it”作为形式主语,代行 主语的句法功能,而使实际主语移向句尾。如 : Which side may win the match does not matter.
Compare the following sentences:
• He conquered all his opponents with great effort.
• With great effort, he conquered all his opponents who looked down upon him.