新概念英语一 135课

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'I’m doing my homework.'
What did she say?
She said ( that ) she was doing her homework. What did she tell you? She told me ( that ) she was doing her homework.
间接引语 一般过去时
过去进行时 过去完成时
'I’m watching TV.'
What did he say?
He said ( that ) he was watching TV. What did he tell you? He told me ( that ) he was watching TV.
'I can repair the car.' What did he say?
He said he could repair the car.
'You may hurt yourself.'
What did grandfather tell the boy?
He told the boy he might hurt himself.
3. “ We have been there.” They told me.
They told me ( that ) they had been there. 4. “ I may return at 6:00.” She told me. She told me ( that ) she might return at 6:00.
The latest report
What shall we do?
Lesson 135 &136
Let’s review
Let’s do
Let’s learn
Let’s practice
1. ' We have seen the film.' They say. They say ( that ) they have seen the film. 2. ' I have broken the window. ' The boy said.
New words
latest一般指时间上的最近的, new指新旧方面纯粹的新,没有磨损
in the future 在将来
the time that follows the present time
a building where you pay to stay in a room and have meals
2. get married 结婚:状态用be married 3. 如你是结婚了还是单身? 4. Are you married or single? latest也是late的最高级,
5. hotel n.饭店
6. latest adj.最新的 the latest news 最新消息 7. introduce v.介绍 introduce sb. to sb. 把某人介绍给…
Listen and understand.
1. Is Miss Marsh really going to retire?
She may.
2. Will her future husband let her make films?
No, he won’t.
3. Who is her future husband? When will they get married?
'I’ll sell this cake.'
What did he say?
He said ( that ) he would sell that cake. What did he tell you? He told me ( that ) he would sell the cake.
'We’ll play basketball.'
You must get up at 7 o'clock.
What did your mother tell you?
She told me I _h_a_d_t_o___ get up at 7 o'clock.
can can't will won't may must
What did they say?
They said ( that ) they would play basketball.
' I won't wear this dress tomorrow.'
What did she tell you? She told me she wouldn't wear that dress the next day.
间接引语 could couldn't would wouldn't
might had to
• Finish the exercises of Part B,C and D on page 276.
Let’s try.
1. “ I’ll leave.” He said.
He said ( that ) he would leave. 2. “ I can’t do it well.” He said. He said ( that ) he couldn’t do it well.
I want to introduce my friend to you.
Play a game
Guess :Where is the ball?
get married
Leabharlann Baidu
Guess :Where is the ball?
Carlos. Next week.
4. How is the news?
It’s sensational news.
Role play!
• Let's read it loudly and act it out! • 找出本文中的间接引语/宾语从句有几处。
Retell the story!
• Miss Marsh may…. Her future…won’t… film. Then Miss Marsh introduces …to… • He is… They will…next week. That’s…. • Because he may be…husband.
to tell someone another person’s name when they meet for the first time.
get married be married
Let’s learn.
1. future n. 未来
in the future 在将来
The boy said ( that ) he had broken the window.
3.时态的转换: 如果主句的谓语动词是过去时态,则 间接引语中的动词时态作相应的变化。
直接引语 一般现在时 现在进行时 一般过去时 现在完成时 一般将来时