Chinese Opera
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Chinese Opera
嘉靖年间,魏良辅 建立了委婉细腻、 《浣纱记》 流利悠远号称水磨 调的昆腔歌唱体系, 但仅是清唱。后经 昆山人梁辰鱼等人 改革,并创作传奇 《浣纱记》上演, 声名大振,文人学 士争用昆腔新声创 作传奇,遂与海盐 腔、余姚腔、弋阳 腔并称明代四大声 腔。
Chinese Opera
Chinese Opera
After Wei Liangfu„s( (c. 1522-73) innovations, Kunqu was characterized by soft singing (水磨调 )and minimal orchestral accompaniment, typically the clapper or drum and a bamboo flute. Kunqu rose to the status of national opera in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, even in Beijing, then ruled by foreign rulers from Manchuria.
Chinese Opera
While high society enjoyed zaju in the capital in the north, a folk tradition of opera known as marvelous tales (chuanqi ) flourished in the south, particularly in the refined provinces of Zhejiang and Jiangsu. The marvelous tales opera tradition produced one of China's finest operas, Gao Ming's (c. 1301-1370) The Lute Song (Pipa ji]), which portrays the irreconcilable tension between filial piety and loyalty to the throne, two cardinal relations in Confucian social thought. 高明《琵琶记》,元传奇
Chinese Opera
南戏又称戏文,因为 形成地点在永嘉(温 州),也被称作“永 嘉杂剧”或“永嘉戏 曲”。之所以称为南 戏,是与北方的杂剧 相对而言。最早的南 戏有《赵贞女》和 《王魁》两个剧目, 然剧本已失传 。
Chinese Opera
The three extant southern play scripts, composed by anonymous writing societies, have no internal divisions, such as acts or scenes, and, according to contemporaneous descriptions, were performed with a string and wind orchestra, and an offstage chorus which accompanied the major arias, evidently along with the audience.
Kunqu was the most refined and elegant form of opera. It was precisely the ornate and allusive language that brought on Kunqu's demise. And perhaps it was never quite boisterous enough to suit popular tastes. In the late eighteenth century, a new form of opera was formed in Beijing, Peking or Beijing Opera.
Chinese Opera
Zaju typically featured three major roles: heroine (dan ), hero (mo ), villain (jing ), plus anonymous assisting minor roles (za).
Chinese Opera
Chinese Opera
Beginning in the thirteenth century, the Mongol conquerors patronized a northern form of opera called zaju, or "multi-act" play usually divided into four acts. In contrast to southern plays, the main character alone sang a lyric verse, using a single major rhyme scheme throughout the entire act, while the other characters spoke their lines.
Chinese Opera
正 末(老生)
Chinese Opera
Chinese Opera
Chinese Opera
汉 卿 《 窦 娥 冤 》
Chinese Opera
Chinese Opera
Chinese Opera
Chinese Opera
汉剧原名“楚调”亦称 “二黄”、“汉调”,是 中国最古老的剧种之一。 清代嘉庆道光年间,徽班 晋京,班是徽班,调是汉 调,史称“徽汉合流”, 为我国最大剧种——京剧 的形成和发展奠定了基础。 西皮腔刚劲有力,高亢奔 放,二黄腔缠绵细腻,柔 和委婉,均有丰富的表现 力。
Chinese Opera
“西皮腔”脱胎于梆子腔,故而 其旋律高亢激昂,具有明显的 北方特点。“二黄腔”的起源 有两种说法。一说源于江西的 宜黄腔;一说源于徽调。 “西 皮”唱腔的京胡定弦为“6~3” (la~mi)弦,即里弦为简谱 带一个低音点的“la”音,外弦 为不带高、低音点的“mi”音; “二黄”唱腔的京胡定弦为 “5~2”(sol~re)弦,即里弦为 简谱带一个低音点的“sol”音, 外弦为不带高、低音点的“re” 音。
Chinese Opera
In 1790, to celebrate his 80th birthday, Emperor Qianlong summoned opera troupes from different localities to perform for him in the capital. That year four local opera troupes of Anhui Province came to Beijing on a performance tour on the order of the imperial court. Late four famous troupes from Anhui Province remained in Beijing. In 1828, a troupe from Hubei Province came to Beijing and frequently performed together with the Anhui troupes.
Certificate of Heritage of Humanity
“…a masterpiece of oral and intangible heritage of humanity.”
至万历末,昆腔一跃而为诸腔之首。 昆腔传入北京,迅速取代北曲的地 位,受到了士大夫和民众的欢迎, 逐渐发展成为全国性剧种,时人称 为官腔。
中西文化比较之 Chinese Opera
Chinese Opera
Chinese opera dated back at least as far as the 12th century, when opera was performed in the huge public theaters of Hangzhou, then capital of the Southern Song dynasty (1179-1276). The most popular theatrical form at the time was the southern play (南戏 ) .
Chinese Opera
The sixteenth century was the time of economic properity, relative peace and also a time of the proliferation of the vernacular novel and certainly what is the most elegant form of Chinese opera, Kunqu, which originated in Kunshan near Suzhou, Jiangsu.
Chinese Opera
Sample verse of kunqu: 俺指望封侯万里班超,生 比作叛国红巾做了背主黄 巢。却便似脱扣苍鹰,离 龙狡兔,折网腾蛟。救国 离谁珠正卯,掌刑发难得 皋陶。只这鬓发萧萧,我 的行李萧条。此一去博得 个斗转天回,高求,管叫 恁海沸山摇。 昆曲《宝剑 记· 夜奔》
明代四大声腔,即南曲四大 声腔:浙江海盐腔、浙江余 姚腔、江西弋阳腔、江苏昆 山腔。
Chinese Opera
汤 显 祖 ( 1550 1616 * )
《牡丹 亭》,又 名《还魂 记》和 《游园惊 梦》,为 明汤显祖 所作 。
Chinese Opera
《牡丹亭》剧照 The Peony 白先勇 Pavilion was a classic opera of Kunqu opera. In recent years Bai Xianyong sponsors and rewrites the script and popularizes it.
Chinese Opera
The main melodies originated from Xipi and Erhuang, in Anhui and Hubei respectively and over time techniques from many other local operas were incorporated. The artists absorbed the tunes of the Hubei local opera into Xipi and drew on the best of Kunqu, Qinqiang and Bangzi and other local operas. The two singing styles later blended to form a new genre, which came to be known as Beijing Opera.
Chinese Opera
中國戲曲主要聲腔之一。 明代末葉興起於山西、陝 西(包括今甘肅)地區。因 演唱時以打擊樂器梆子擊 節,故稱梆 子。演奏时, 左手执长方形、右手执圆 柱形木棒,以圆柱形的敲 击长方形的木棒发音,音 色清脆、坚实,无固定音 高。
Chinese Opera