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• • • • 动词省略(omit the be) Poll:GOP* Vulnerable in Nov Peace Talk * in Peril, India Warns Pakistan 此处*表示被省略掉的be(The * represent be)
• 2.一般现在时通常代表过去的动作或事件:(Simple present tense usually represent past action or event) • Professor Leaves $4M to His College. • Former Bush Official Kills Son and Self. • 3.不定式代表未来的动作或事件(Infinitive usually represent future action or event) • Court to Review Eavesdropping Program. • US States to Sue Chip Companies.
例2 :
副标题 江主席与普京总统通电话 (导语) 就世界和平与安全、联合国的作用和上海合作组织 圣彼得堡峰会等共同关心的重要问题交换看法
新华社北京4月17日电 正在突尼斯进行国事访 问的中国国家主席江泽民17日应约与俄罗斯总统普 京通了电话。双方就世界和平与安全、联合国的作 用和上海合作组织圣彼得堡峰会等共同关心的重要 问题交换了看法。
• 4.现在进行时表示现在发生的或即将发生的动作或事件(present progressiverepresent that something is happening or will happen at once) • Sharks Moving in on Catfish Streams. • Mike Tyson Trying to Become the Youngest Champ.
【汉译英】 Chinese, Russian Leaders Talk Over Phone
Thur Apr 18 Beijing Time People's Daily
Beijing, April 17 (Xinhua)——Chinese President Jiang Zemin had a phone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the latter's request on Wednesday, according to China's Foreign Ministry. Jiang, who is paying a state visit to Tunisia, discussed with Putin key issues of common concern, including world peace and security, the role of the United Nations, and a summit meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization which will be held in St. Petersburg, Russia. (
新闻导语指新闻报道的开头第一 段或前几段,以简练生动的文字表述 新闻事件中最重要的内容,读起来有 点儿像“内容提要”。 导语决定读者是否能从首句抓住 新闻的核心内容,从而判断是否继续 阅读。要求一目了然,一眼就能抓到 主要新闻事实。
新闻导语的翻译不能仅仅局限 于文字和概念的翻译,只有体现出 文化的不同,才能跨越文化的差异
本周内,天气将会变得更加凉爽。星期一,北 部和西部地区阴间有雨,其他地区晴,有阵雨。星 期二,随着一股较强的低气压进入苏格兰北部,全 国各地将普遍降雨,风力渐强。星期三和星期四, 天气将更加晴朗,偶有急风阵雨,苏格兰山区可能 有阵雪。全国各地将更加清凉。周末,将有雨和大 风。(1991年10月13日《星期日快报》)
第三次课 新闻报刊文体翻译
Matthew effect
• For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath.
• 新闻文体的主体结构是由标题、导语、正文三部分组成。 标题(headline):浓缩概括全文的中心实质问题。 导语(1ead or introduction):通常为文章的第一 段。文章的第一段提供主要话题和最主要的事实。 正文(body):在导语的基础上,引入更多的与主题 相关的事实,使之更加详实、具体,并展开评论,进而得 出结论。
8.标题中常见的特殊用字(The special word in title)
• • • • • • • • • • • • accord (give) ban (prohibition) bid (attempt) boost (rise, increase) clash (disagreement) deal (business agreement) freeze (stabilization) loom(appear) blaze(fire) comb(search) row [rau] (violent argument) rap(to speak severely to, to blame, to punish) • move (plan, decision, suggestion)
“中国行业标志性品牌”全国 评出145个
澳柯玛电冰柜、崂 山矿泉水、白雪文 具等。此外,由中 国品牌研究院评定 的山东省标志性品 牌中,本市海尔、 海信和青岛(啤酒) 三个品牌入选,数 量在全省领先。 (本报记 者)
岛城7品牌入 选
例2:美导弹击中伊拉克雷达基地 US Missile Targets Iraqi Radar Site Washington: A United States Air Force F-16 fighter plane fired a missile at an Iraqi radar site and after the jet was tracked electronically while in the “no-fly” zone over southern Iraq, the Pentagon said yesterday. 【译文】 美导弹击中伊拉克雷达基地 华盛顿消息:昨日,五角大楼宣称:一架 美空军F-16战斗机在伊拉克南部禁飞区被电子 跟踪后,便向伊一雷达基地发射了一枚导弹。
• round(a series of action) • shock (astonishment, blow) • shun(to keep away from…) • heist (robbery) • viable (workable) • voice(express) • operation(activities) • pact (agreement) • fake (counterfeit)
• • • • • • • • • • • •
7.标点符号的特殊功用(The special function of interpunction) 逗号(comma):代表and US, Russia Fail to Agree on WTO Membership 分号(semicolon):代表并列的两件事情 Industrial Dream Fades; Third World Revives Farms 冒号(colon):表示消息来源,或说明补充 WHO:H5N1 Virus Mutated Slightly in Family Iraq: Zarqawi's Successor 问号(question mark):表示新闻令人诧异 Containment: New Iraq Policy? 引号(quotation marks):代表特殊含义 Barbaro "Looks Good" After Week of Scares
要。翻译重பைடு நூலகம்容,不必拘泥于语言 形式,译文不宜太俗也不易过雅。
新闻翻译的原则是语言讲求具 体、准确、简明、通俗、生动。所 谓具体,即何时、何地、何人、何 事、为何、如何,常在新闻的开篇 很具体地加以交代,具体是真实的 反映,是可信性的保证,千万不要 漏译。
例1:联合王国天气预报 UK Outlook There will be a change to cooler weather. Monday will be cloudy with some rain in the North and the West but sunshine and showers elsewhere. As a deep depression moves into northern Scotland on Tuesday rain will spread across all areas with strengthening winds. During Wednesday and Thursday it will brighter with blustery showers, which could give some snow over Scottish mountains. By then it will be noticeably cooler and fresher in all parts of the country. Further rain and strong winds will continue into the weekend. (Sunday Express, October 13, 1991)
• 5.过去分词大多为被动语态(past participle usually represent passive voice) • Iraq's Olympic Rep Kidnapped. • 6.定冠词(the)与不定冠词(a, an)通常省略() • * Man Sentenced to 150 years. • *代表被省略的a(The * represent a)
本报8月23日讯 记者今天从市经贸 委获悉,日前,中 国品牌研究院首次 公布了145个“中 国行业标志性品牌” 名单,本市共有海 尔电冰箱、热水器 等7个品牌入选,上 榜品牌数量居全国 地级市第二位。
在首批公布的 145个行业标志性品 牌中,本市共有来自 5家企业的7个品牌上 榜,其中海尔集团共 获得电冰箱、洗衣机 (选自青岛《半岛都市报》2006-8-24) 和电热水器三个行业 的标志性品牌,是全 国行业标志性品牌最 多的企业;其他4个 标志性品牌分别是青 岛啤酒、
Matthew effect "马太效应"
• 凡有的,还要加给他,叫他有余。凡没有的,连他所有的, 也要夺去。 • (国际标准本)Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. • "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer"
新闻报道涉及社会政治生活、金 融商业活动、军事冲突、科技发展、 外交斗争、文化体育动态以及宗教、