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Module9 unit 1 Do you want to visit the UN building.



1.学习并掌握“Do you want to visit the UN building?”、

和“I wanto…” 的表达方法;












1.让学生能够理解并掌握句子“Do you want to …”、和“I

want to…”;




1. 正确理解、说出句子:Do you want to visit …?

Yes, please.

Hav en’t you got…?

2. 正确理解课文


教具准备:power point课件,单词、句型卡片


一、 Warm up

1 .T: Hello, boys and girls. Do you like traveling? There are many beautiful places in the world. Now I am your guide, let’s go traveling with our eyes, ok?

PPT 出示世界各地著名景点的图片,老师做简介:

1) Taj Mahal : the Taj Mahal is one of the most beautiful architecture in the world. It was built for 17 years old. And there is a love story about it.

2) Grand pyramids. : Egypt is famous for its grand pyramids.There are many mysterious stories about the Egyptian pyramids.

3) The Eiffel Tower(埃菲尔铁塔),it is 320 meters high, is the symbol of Paris. It was completed in 1889.

4) Disney land: It is a paradise for children from all round the world.

5) The Stonehenge:

6) Hyde Park:

2: T: They are so beautiful. Right? And there are some other fantastic and famous buildings in the world. Now I want you to guess what they are.

1) It’s five hundred years old. It has got an old clock on it. It’s in England. What is it? Big Ben

2) It’s in China.There a re many stone animals there.And there are many tombs there. What is it? The Ming Tombs

3) It’s a very important building in New York. There are many countries in it. There are many national flags before it.What is it? The UN building

二、 Presentation:

1: T: There are different countries in the world. And we all live in one world. So there is an organization to bring all the countries of the world together .That is the UN. UN is a short name of the United Nations. Do you want to visit the UN? (板书并带读)T: And this is a picture of the UN building. Learn: building:OK, Today we are going to learn M9—U1 A visit to the UN.

2: Text study: listen and answer:Today Simon’s dad, Simon and Daming are visiting the UN. Let’s Listen to the tape and read the passage then answer some question”

1) Where is the UN building? It is in New York.

2) What is the UN building like?It’s beautiful .it’s very big and very tall.

3: Read and answer:

T: We know that the UN is very important in the world. Why is it so important? Read Part 1 silently and answer these two questions. (默读第一段,回答下列两个问题)

1) What does the UN want to make?It wants to make peace in the world.

T: Let me introduce the UN briefly.

PPT: The United Nations was formed on 24 October, 1945.

It aims to keep the world from the war.But now there are some

2) Is China in the UN? Yes. It’s one of the first countries in the world.

PPT: Many countries are in the UN.

There were 52 first countries in 1945.But now there are 192 countries in UN.

5: Read Part 2 silently. (默读第二部分。)

1) Has China got buildings like this? Yes, it has.

2) Does Daming want to go inside the UN building?Yes, he does.

6: listen and judge: true or false
