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16,shut-shut-shut 关,闭 shut/close the door关门(非电源) shut off=turn off 关掉(电源)
shut down 倒闭, shut up 闭嘴,住嘴
17,sense his __ (sad) sadness sense of______ (humoroush)umor
4,electronic adj.电子的,电子设备的 —— n. electron 电子 5,electricity n. 电—— adj. electric 带 电的 6,suppose (that)+从句 推断,料想
变否定句:与think 变法一样,否定前 移,也就是在suppose 上边否定句。 be supposed to do sth=should do sth 应该做某事
prefer to do sth rather than do sth prefer to do sth instead of doing sth would rather do sth than do sth 宁可做这件事也不愿做那件事
在这样的一个雨天我宁愿呆在家里也 不愿出去。
be not supposed to do sth should not/shouldn’t do sth 不应该做某事
We _B_ it ___ be sunny later because it is raining hard now.
A: suppose, will B: don’t suppose, will C: supposed, wouldn’t D: didn’t suppose, would 7,in one’s spare/free time 在某人的业余 时间
20,perform v. 表演,执行—— n. performance 表演—— n. performer 表演者
22,in/during one’s lifetime在某人的一 生中
23,the most moving pieces of music 最令人感动的几首音乐 What made you so___? moved A __m_o_v_inpgiece of music_ Erquan Yingyue.
I prefer to stay at home rather than go out on such a rainy day.=I prefer to stay at home instead of going out on such a rainy day=I would rather stay at home than go out on a rainy day.
24, What a pity! 真可惜!
It’s a pity that+从句 …..真是遗憾
25,in total 总共,总计 26,master a foreign language 掌握一门 外语
27,have a wound in her head. 头部受伤 the wounded boy 这个受伤的男孩 wound his left/right arm伤了他的左/右 胳膊
stick the chopsticks into the 百度文库ood
stick n. 棍,棒,手杖 11,be down 悲哀,沮丧
12,make a dialog/conversation 编对话 13,a happy/sad ending一个快乐/伤感的 结局 14,documentary, comedy, Beijing Opera, thriller=scary movie, action movie, cartoon,(电影种类)What kind of movies 15, plenty of= lots of = a lot of+可数名词 复数/不可数名词 大量,许多
注意:prefer-preferred-preferred更喜欢 2,I prefer music that/which has great lyrics.我更喜欢有优美歌词的音乐。
I prefer music that/which I can sing along with.我更喜欢我可以伴着 唱歌的音乐
I prefer music that/which I can dance to.我更喜欢我可以伴着跳舞的音乐。
3,Australia n.澳大利亚——adj. 澳大利亚(人)的 Australian___ n. Australian 澳大利亚人
He __c_o_m(ceosme) from A__u_st_r_a(liaAustralian) .He is _a_n(a/an)__A_u_s_tr_a_li_an(Australia) boy.
spare some time for sb 为某人留出 一些时间
8,direct v. 指导,导演—— n. director 导演,部门负责人 Zhang yimou is ad_ir_e_c_to, rhe___diareloctteodf
9,in this case 既然这样,即使这样的话 in that case 既然那样,即使那样的话 10,stick-stuck-stuck 粘贴,刺,插, 戳 stick to sth 坚持,固守
18,pain n.疼痛,痛苦,苦恼—— adj. painful 疼的
have a headache=have a pain in my head 头疼
19,reflect v. 反映,映出,反射—— adj. reflection 反射,反映
A mirror_____( reflect) light. reflects A man’s actions____( reflection) his thoughts. reflect the ____ ( reflect) of heat. reflection