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②封闭性问题(wh- 结合文中的具体依据进行回答) ③开放性问题(结合个人的观点态度进行表述)
阅读表达评分标准: Grammar+ Content(内容)
① What’s the best title of the passage?
② What’s the main idea of the passage/paragraph…?

To sum up, while televised sport has created many opportunities and benefited certain …
Q: What is the main idea of the text? (within 8 words)
Advantages and disadvantages of televised sport.
[3]So, when Ashley was sixteen, she launched her own website, called GooseHead. She had no idea how big a success it would be, but three years later, the site was the most successful teen site in the USA! It was getting 100,000 hits every day, and Ashley had about 30 employees.
●Ask for help.… ●Be prepared. … ●Block bad thoughts. …
Q: What is the best title of the passage ? (within 10 words)
Steps/Ways to Lessen Test Anxiety
Or: How to Lessen/Reduce Test Anxiety
How to deal with stress
③ What’s the purpose of the writer in writing this
topic, headline, subject, aim, mainly
2.解题方法: ①通览全文, 分析文体和文章结构; ②重视线索:主题句,中心词; ③归纳概括。
[1]You might be reading this article and saying, “Hey, that sounds just like me!” If so, we’re glad you recognize that this happens to you. Now you can start taking steps to lessen your test anxiety. Here are some ways to do that:
ScFra Baidu bibliotekring Principles & Standards
1 本题共5个小题,每小题2分,满分为10分。
2 每小题按5个档次给分,分别为2分,1.5分,1分,
答案与参考答案意思相符、结构吻合、语法正确、 拼写无误得2分。
4 1结的WH. o答语及h构首wat案法3提先吻提个问形与对问合以,式拼问,上:使题,写使扣用根如用进比错完1据完行何如误分整整疑常完该做,。句句整问用问子错到子的词、题误问、结回语B是1名答y构答到及词+应结,2吻v意及该个-再i构n短义合使,g根等语要?用扣据回、求完0字答V.应-整5i数n分该g的要等,使求句回3用,答子个对 5 (WW从答hh答留eyn句案提案 新/W)形问进增h,e、式行信re使加息短与提用工,问语问B,整 使还题ec使理 用a是要u用, 代s单求e从原如 词词不句因省 取回吻或状略 代介答语合题 题词从,干 干短句要扣中 中语、用0已 的等T.o动5有名回分d词o的词答等。回信短回息语答答,。时保 6 2是W. 使超h使o用出提用动字问常,词数用使的-限in用问制g名形答扣词式结0或.还构5含分。是定。动语从词句不的定名式词形短式语。等回答
试卷分析存在问题: 1.不能准确理解问题 (读懂题的要求再回答) 2.答题不规范,超字数,大小写,标点。 3.无句子意识,时态和主谓一致 4.完全照抄原文或完全自己回答。
高三专题复习之阅读表达:阅读理解+书面表达 阅读表达形式:问答题 阅读表达考点:
①主旨概括 (概括短文、短文中某一段落的大意或标
Q: What is the main idea of this paragraph?
(within 8 words)
Ashley’s GooseHead was a big success.
小结: 1.Title& main idea最好总结成短语,也可以是短
句,但要力求精辟、简洁、准确。 2.答与问要呼应, purpose/aim 可用to do回答。 3.注意语法和书写格式。 说明文:Ways to deal with stress
森林里出现了吃红泥墙的贼。黑猫警长发 现地上的脚印并辨认出它们来自于大象,河马 和野猪,便实施抓捕行动。河马的裤子挂住树 枝被捉。黑猫警长紧紧抓住野猪的耳朵,将它 逮捕。大象力气大,甩开了铁链。黑猫警长只 好用麻醉枪将它制服。
2. 谁是吃红泥墙的贼?
[2]It is now possible to watch live sport on television on any day of the week... This is certainly having an influence on the live sports events themselves, and there are both benefits and shortcomings to this.