



● Introduction (2)

Background (2)

Main business competitors (2)

Target customer base (2)

● Master budget (2)

The financial data (2)

The master budgets (5)

a. Sales budget (5)

b. Cash collections from customers (5)

c. Purchase and cost of goods sold budget (6)

d. Cash Disbursements for purchases (6)

e. Operating expense budget (7)

f. Capital budget (7)

g. Budget Income Statement (8)

h. Cash budget (9)

i. Budget Balance Sheet (9)

● Conclusion (11)

● Reference (11)



We use 100,000 yuan to open a MAYMAY cake house.It nears the Chongqing University of Technology.And the cake house makes cupcakes and sellsit.

Main business competitors

Now,we are under a high pressure,we might face many competitors,such as Hua Sheng Yuan,Holiland and others.We chose here to open the cake house because there are little competitor,and a great deal of people.

Target customer base

Teachers,students and the nearby residents, factory workers are our target customers. They have a great demand for convenient, nutritional and benefit breakfast or fast food.

●Master budget

The financial data.

MAY MAY company’s balance sheet as 31 Mar.2014 is as follow:

Assets 31Mar.2014

Current assets

Cash 8,600

Accounts receivable 9,400

Merchandise inventory 12,000




Unexpired rent 15,000 45,200

Plant assets

Equipment and other 74,000

17,600 60,800



Total assets 100,000

Liabilities and owner’s equity

Current liabilities

Account payable 8,400

Owner’s equity91,600

Total liabilities and


owner’s equity

1.We illustrate the budgeting process using the MAY MAY patisserie company.Although master budgets cover a full year,for the sake of brevity this illustration shows only the first 3 months of MAY MAY’s fiscal year.April-June.

Sale budget

March April May June July

Total sales $40,000 $30,000 $35,000 $40,000 $50,000 2. Our initial investment for 100,000 dollars, and the renovation cost is 30,000 dollars,

in addition, the cost of equipment and decoration is one-time payment.

3.The following are the cost of fixed assets:

Oven 10,000

Proofing boxes 10,000

Electric mixer 2,000

Operation table 2,000

Window displays 10,000

Implements 5,000

4.On average,60% of sales are cash sales and remaining 40% are credit sales.And sales in March were 40,000.

5.Gross profit margin is 60% of sales.30% of the purchases are paid in the month of purchase and the remainder in the following month. In addition,we have to maintain a monthly inventory of 50% of next month’s cost of goods sol d.

6.The following are the monthly expected expense:

(1).We will pay total $6,500 to two salesclerks for wages.



(4).Depreciation on existing assets:200

(5).Miscellaneous expense 5% of current month’s sales.

7. The fixed assets useful life are 20 years.We use Straight Line Method to computing depreciation every year.

8.The cost of insurance is a one-time payment at the beginning of the year.

9. The rent expense is paid each quarter.The first month of each quarter is time to

pay this quarter’s rent expense.

10.We will only borrow money if there are insufficient funds.The interest rate on loan

is 10% per annum.

11.The business tax rate is 5%.

The master budgets

a. Sales budget

March April May June July April—Ju

ne Total

40,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 50,000 115,000 Total


b. Cash collections from customers

April May June

Cash sales (60% of

18,000 21,000 24,000

current month


16,000 12,000 14,000 Collections of last

month’s credit

sales (40%of

previous month


Total collections 34,000 33,000 38,000

c. Purchase and cost of goods sold budget

April May June April ---June


12,000 14,000 16,000 42,000 Budget cost of

goods sold

Plus : Desired

7,000 8,000 10,000 25,000



19,000 22,000 26,000 67,000




Less :

6,000 7,000 8,000 21,000 Beginning


Purchases 13,000 15,000 18,000 46,000

d. Cash Disbursements for purchases

April May June

8,400 9,100 10,500

70% of last month’s


Plus 30% of this

9,000 4,500 5,400

month’s purchases

Disbursements of

17,400 13,600 15,900


e. Operating expense budget

April May June April ---June


Wages (Fixed) 6,500 6,500 6,500 19,500

200 200 200 600 Insurance


Rent (Fixed) 5,000 5,000 5,000 15,000

200 200 200 600 Depreciation

on existing


1,500 1,750 2,000 5,250 Miscellaneous

expense (5%

of sales)

Total expense 13,400 13,650 13,700 40,750

f. Capital budget

Assets Cost

Oven 10,000

Proofing boxes 10,000

Electric mixer 2,000

Operation table 2,000

Window displays 10,000 Implements 5,000

Total 39,000

g. Budget Income Statement

April ---June Total Sales 115,000

Cost of goods sold 42,000

Gross margin 73,000 Operating expense:

Wages 19,500

Rent 15,000 Miscellaneous 5,250

Insurance 600 Depreciation 600

Income from operation 32,050

Tax expense 1,602.5

Net income 30,447.5

h. Cash budget

April May June

8,600 11,800 15,900 Beginning cash


Cash receipts and disbursements

34,000 33,000 38,000 Collections from


Payments for

(17,400) (13,600) (15,900) merchandise

(13,400) (13,650) (13,700) Payment for

operating expense

Net cash receipts

3,200 5,750 8,400 and disbursement

3,200 5,750 8,400 Total cash increase

from financing

Ending cash

11,800 17,550 25,950 balance

i. Budget Balance Sheet

Assets 30.Jun.2014

Current assets

Cash 25,950 Accounts receivable 16,000 Inventory 1,000 Unexpired insurance 1,200

44,150 Plant assets

Equipment and other 74,000 Accumulated depreciation 18,200

55,800 Total assets


Liabilities and owners’ equity

Current liabilities

Accounts payable 32,200

32,200 Owner’s equity

67,750 Current liabilities and owner’s equity



According to the preparation of budget table, we know that our net profit is about 30,447,50.However, because of the high fixed costs, we should try our best to improve sales. That means we should improve sales by increasing our customers. So, the next thing we should do immedinatly is to increase the marketing managements like advertising.


[01] PSB Academy. Preparing the Master Budget(p297-p302). Introduction to Management Accounting.2014.

[02] PSB Academy. Making Managerial Decisions(p291-p296). Introduction to Management Accounting.2014.


Chapter 11 Lecture Notes Chapter theme: Managers in large organizations have to Array delegate some decisions to those who are at lower levels in the organization. This chapter explains how responsibility accounting systems, return on investment (ROI), residual income, operating performance measures, and the balanced scorecard are used to help control decentralized organizations. I.Decentralization in organizations A. A decentralized organization does not confine decision-making authority to a few top executives; rather, decision-making authority is spread throughout the organization. The advantages and disadvantages of decentralization are as follows: i.Advantages of decentralization 1.It enables top management to concentrate on strategy, higher-level decision making, and coordinating activities. 2.It acknowledges that lower-level managers have more detailed information about local conditions that enable them to make better operational decisions. 3.It enables lower-level managers to quickly respond to customers. 4.It provides lower-level managers with the decision-making experience they will need when promoted to higher level positions.


全面预算管理体系的内容有哪些 全面预算管理是指企业为了实现战略规划和经营目标,对预定期内的经营活动、投资活动和筹资活动。通过预算的方式进行合理的规划、预计、测算和描述,并以预算为标准,对其执行过程与结果进行计量、控制、调整、核算、分析、报告、考评和奖惩等一系列管理活动的总称。 全面预算管理体系的内容有哪些 一、全面预算管理体系的构成企业全面预算管理体系的中心环节是全面预算管理,将企业的生产经营目标和财务管理目标有机统一,重点管理企业的资金流量,全面管理企业生产、经营、财务管理的所有方面。 企业的预算管理体系由三个方面构成:预算管理组织体系、预算管理制度体系和预算管理程序体系。组织体系是全面预算管理的基础,是企业顺利开展全面预算管理体系的前提条件; 制度体系为企业顺利开展全面预算管理体系提供制度保证程序体系为顺利开展企业全面预算管理体系制定步骤、措施。三个方面相互联系、相互制约、相辅相成,共同构成全面预算管理体系。 二、全面预算管理体系的成效全面预算管理体系的成效主 要体现在三个面。 一是全面预算管理紧紧围绕企业的战略目标,充分考虑企业经营者、投资者和股东的利益,为实现企业的战略目标做出战略规划。全面预算管理细化企业整体战略目标和年度经营计划,全面管理企业生产经营财务管理的所有方面。 二是企业预算执行部门采用科学合理方法对预算执行情况

进行分析比对后,及时发现实际偏离预算的原因。企业管理 当局应查找内部控制是否存在缺陷,围绕经营目标,调整 企业经营活动,及时修订和完善内部控制的不合理方面,确保内部控制下的经营活动符合企业战略目标要求。 三是全面预算管理全面管理企业生产、经营和财务等方方面面,通过科学分析和评价预算管理执行结果,如是否符合实际、是否可操作性、能否产生经济效益等,对企业资源重新进 行合理配置。有机统一预算编制流程和业务规划流程,使资源 分配建立在科学、合理、有效的分配基础上,发挥资源分配的 最佳经济效益,从而取得最佳整体经济效益。 三、全面预算管理体系面临的挑战 (一)经济全球化使全面预算管理面临挑战经济全球化使国家的经济联系越来越紧密,贸易关系、金融关系、生产关系、资金关系、流通关系交汇融合,全面预算管理面临的经济形势错综复杂。产业升级、产业转型、生产现代化、消费需求和经济发展,给全面预算管理提出更高的要求。全面预算管理在严峻的经济形势下面临更多的考验和挑战,预算的制订和执行考虑的因素更多,难度更大。 (二)知识经济导致表外资产异常重要 随着市场经济的飞速发展,经济增长的主要因素一一厂房、机器设备、营运资金的比例有所下降,专利、专有技术、 商标、商誉等以知识为基础的无形资产比例在增加。在目前的 会计理论和实践中,对有形资产的表述较为完善,对无形资产 的表述不能跟上财务管理实践的需求。这将直接影响全面预算 管理对企业财务管理的指导作用。 (三)网络发展给全面预算管理带来挑战随着网络的迅速发展,企业的生产经营、销售、财务管理已经全部电子


Chapter 12 Lecture Notes Chapter theme: Making decisions is one of the basic functions of a manager. To be successful in decision making, managers must be able to perform differential analysis, which focuses on identifying the costs and benefits that differ between alternatives. The purpose of this chapter is to develop these skills by illustrating their use in a wide range of decision-making situations. Learning Objective 1: Identify relevant and irrelevant costs and benefits in a decision. I. Decision making: six key concepts A. Key concept #1 i. Every decision involves choosing from among at least two alternatives. Therefore, the first step in decision-making is to define the alternatives being considered . B. Key concept #2 i. Once you have defined the alternatives, you need to identify the criteria for choosing among them. 1. Relevant costs and relevant benefits should be considered when making decisions. 2. Irrelevant costs and irrelevant benefits should be ignored when making decisions.


1. Which of the following costs would be considered a period rather than a product cost in a manufacturing company A. Manufacturing equipment depreciation. B. Property taxes on corporate headquarters. C. Direct materials costs. D. Electrical costs to light the production facility. E. Sales commissions. 2. If your inventory balance at the beginning of the month was $1,000, you bought $100 during the month, and sold $300 during the month, what would be the balance at the end of the month A. $1,000. B. $ 800. C. $1,200. D. $ 200. 3. Beginning raw materials inventory was $32,000. During the month, $276,000 of raw material was purchased. A count at the end of the month revealed that $28,000 of raw material was still present. What is the cost of direct material used A. $276,000 B. $272,000 C. $280,000 D. $ 2,000 4.Direct materials used in production totaled $280,000. Direct labor was $375,000 and factory overhead was $180,000. What were total manufacturing costs incurred for the month A. $555,000 B. $835,000 C. $655,000 D. Cannot be determined. 5. Beginning work in process was $125,000. Manufacturing costs incurred for the month were $835,000. There were $200,000 of partially finished goods remaining in work in process inventory at the end of the month. What was the cost of goods manufactured during the month A. $1,160,000 B. $ 910,000 C. $ 760,000 D. Cannot be determined. 6.Beginning finished goods inventory was $130,000. The cost of goods manufactured for the month was $760,000. And the ending finished goods inventory was $150,000. What was the cost of goods sold for the month A. $ 20,000. B. $740,000. C. $780,000. D. $760,000. 7. Which of the following costs would be variable with respect to the number of cones sold at a Baskins & Robbins shop (There may be more than one correct answer.) A. The cost of lighting the store.


全面预算管理体系 编制人: 复核人:

目录—————————————————————————————————————————————— 一、全面预算管理及其在企业中的作用 (3) 1、预算释义 (3) 2、全面预算管理概述 (3) 3、预算管理在企业中的作用 (3) 4、企业预算管理与其他管理的关系 (4) 二、全面预算管理内容 (4) 1、全面预算管理内容的释义 (4) 2、财务预算管理的内容及关系图 (6) 三、全面预算管理组织体系 (7) 四、预算编制程序与方法 (7) 1、全面预算编制程序及流程附图 (7) 2、全面预算编制方法 (16) 五、预算执行与控制反馈 (16) 1、全面预算执行情况 (16) 2、全面预算执行的控制反馈 (17) 六、预算差异分析与调整 (18) 1、预算差异分析 (18) 2、预算预算调整建议 (18) 七、考核评价与管理完善 (19) 一、全面预算管理及其在企业中的作用

1、预算释义 预算是关于企业在一定的时期内(一般为一年或一个既定的期间内)经营、财务、投资等价值流相关的总体计划,是公司整体战略发展目标和年度计划的细化,它包括业务方面的预算(如收入预算、采购预算、费用预算等)和财务方面的预算(如资金预算、利润预算、现金流量表预算、资产负债表预算等)。 2、全面预算管理概述 ⒈全面预算是一种公司整体规划和动态控制的管理方法,是对公司整体经营活动的一系列量化的计划安排。 ⒉全面预算的有效推行将为公司各下属单位确定了具体可行的努力目标,同时也建立了必须共同遵守的行为规范。 ⒊全面预算是执行战略过程中进行管理监控的基准和参照,也是企业业绩评价的基础和比较对象。 ⒋全面预算管理的过程就是企业目标分解、控制和实现的过程。 3、预算管理在企业中的作用 ⒈预算管理是经过对企业运营的规划、分析和数量化的系统编制,它使得企业目标得以具体化。 ⒉预算目标的制定为控制绩效评估及信息反馈提供标准,企业就可以从人制转变为管理机制。 ⒊预算制定时各部门的沟通可以减少各单位操作中的隔阂,同时也明确各部门责任分工。 ⒋预算计划编制可以协调企业资源,使企业达到资源最优化配置,

管理会计 全面预算

第七章全面预算 一单选题 1下列预算中,不属于财务预算内容的是( )。 A现金预算B生产预算 C预计利润表D预计资产负债表 2在成本习性分析的基础上,分别按照一系列可能达到的预计业务量水平编制的能适应多种情况的预算是() A固定预算B弹性预算 C增量预算D滚动预算 3相对于固定预算而言,弹性预算的主要优点是() A机动性强B稳定性强 C连续性强D远期指导性强 4在基期成本费用水平的基础上,结合预算期业务量及有关降低成本的措施,通过调整有关原有成本项目而编制的预算,称为() A弹性预算B零基预算 C增量预算D滚动预算 5可以保持预算的连续性和完整性,并能克服传统定期预算缺点的预算方法是()A弹性预算B零基预算 C滚动预算D固定预算 6以预算期内正常的、可实现的某—业务量水平为惟—基础来编制预算的方法称为( )。 A零基预算B定期预算 C静态预算D滚动预算 7下列各项中,没有直接在现金预算中得到反映的是() A期初期末现金余额B现金筹措及运用 C预算期产量及销量D预算期现金余缺 8在下列各项中,能够同时以实物量指标和价值量指标分别反映企业经营收入和相关现金收支的预算是( ) A现金预算B销售预算 C生产预算D产品成本预算 9下列项目中,原本属于日常业务预算,但因其需要根据现金预算的相关数据来编制因此被纳入财务预算的是() A财务费用预算B预计利润表 C销售费用预算D预计资产负债表 10 全面预算编制的起点是() A财务费用预算B销售预算 C销售费用预算D现金预算 二多选题 1与编制零基预算相比,编制增量预算的主要缺点包括() A可能不加分析地保留或接受原有成本支出 B可能按主观臆断平均削减原有成本支出


本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持! 末存货。 根据生产预算来确定直接材料、直接人工和制造费用预算,产品成本预算是有关预算的 汇总。 (二)专门决策预算 专门决策预算是指企业不经常发生的、 一次性的重要决策预算。 专门决策预算直接反映 相关决策的结果,是实际中选方案的进一步规划。 管理会计一一全面预算管理 主讲老师 佟志强 第一节预算管理概述 、预算的含义与作用 (一)预算的含义 预算是企业在预测、决策的基础上,以数量和金额的形式反映企业未来一定时期内经营、 投资、财务等活动的具体计划,是为实现企业目标而对各种资源和企业活动做的详细安排。 预算是一种可据以执行和控制经济活动的、 最为具体的计划,是对目标的具体化,是将企业 活动导向预定目标的有力工具。 (二)预算的作用 主要表现在以下三个方面: 1.预算通过引导和控制经济活动,使企业经营达到预期目标。 2.预算可以实现企业内部各个部门之间的协调。 3.预算可以作为业绩考核的标准。 二、全面预算的基本体系 全面预算的基本体系,是指以本企业的经营目标为出发点, 通过市场需求的研究和预测, 以销售预算为起点,进而延伸到生产、成本费用及资金收支等各方面的预算, 最后编制预计 财务报表的一种预算体系。 全面预算的基本内容主要由业务预算、专门决策预算、财务预算三部分组成。 其基本体系的具体内容如下图所示: (一)业务预算 业务预算是基础,主要包括与企业日常经营活动直接相关的经营业务的销售预算、 生产 预算、直接材料预算、直接人工预算、制造费用预算、产品成本预算、 销售费用预算和管理 费用预算等。 其中销售预算又是业务预算的编制起点, 根据“以销定产” 所需要的销售费用。编制生产预算时,除要考虑计划销售量以外, 的原则确定生产预算并考虑 还需要考虑现有存货和期



CHAPTER 4 Cost Management Systems and Activity-Based Costing 4-A1 (20-30 min.) See Table 4-A1 on the following page. 4-A2 (25-30 min.) 1. Merchandise Inventories, 1,000 devices @ $97 $97,000 2. Direct materials inventory $ 40,000 Work-in-process inventory 0 Finished goods inventory 97,000 Total inventories $137,000 3. NILE ELECTRONICS PRODUCTS Statement of Operating Income For the Year Ended December 31, 20X9 Sales (9,000 units at $170) $1,530,000 Cost of goods sold: Beginning inventory $ 0 Purchases 970,000 Cost of goods available for sale $ 970,000 Less ending inventory 97,000 Cost of goods sold (an expense) 873,000

Gross margin or gross profit $ 657,000 Less other expenses: selling & administrative costs 185,000 Operating income (also income before taxes in this example) $ 472,000


四川久大制盐有限责任公司 全面预算管理体系建设方案 一、建设思路 在现有的预算体系下,从管理的角度出发,实行以经营责任主体为基础的全面预算。在预算编制和实施中,强化预算执行过程动态控制,建立绩效考核和经营评价相结合的预算运行机制,并合理、有效匹配资源,保障预算有序运转,提高预算执行效果,从而提升运行效率和经营质量。 二、预算运行框架 PDCA循环预算管理:预算计划-预算分解执行-预算过程控制-预 算检查 (一)预算编制 实现全面预算:预算范围涉及到公司生产经营的全方位,包括生产经营(包括生产和销售)、资产经营(包括融资、投资及资产变现等),并重点突出现金流预算。 实现现实预算:以12 月、1 月份实际经营状况为基础,对全年进行经营预测,确保预算的真实性和操作性。 实现区间预算:根据近期经营状况,预测市场变化情况,预期资产处置收益,分别确定经营保底目标、确保目标、工作目标和奋斗目标,并制定不同情况的经营预案和资源匹配预案。 (二)预算分解执行 将财务预算转化为管理预算,实行董事长全面负责制,将经营工作以为生产经营和资产经营两大板块进行分解执行。具体分解如下:刘平总经理负责公司营销管理工作,同时负责产销协调工作;李俊峰总监负责公司生产

管理工作;刘伟副总经理负责应城地区及湘碱公司经营工作;蔡晓波总监负责技术体系及轻工院经营工作;刘仲权负责蓬莱盐化公司经营工作;伍刚副总经理负责公司融资管理工作;刘珊总监负责公司人力资源及人工成本管理工作;杨宝才总工负责公司资产处置管理工作;余建川总监负责公司投资及引进投资者管理工作。 (三)预算运行保障机制 1、绩效考核机制 (1)考核特点 首次考核领导;集团领导作为各经营责任点,纳入考核体系,与董事长签订责任书,并匹配绩效机制,奖罚到位;以正向激励为主,在外部环境不好的情况下,以正向激励为主,只要超过目前的经营情况,就对等奖励。拉大绩效区间,拉大保底经营目标和奋斗经营目标的区间,针对不同的经营结果,兑现相应的绩效,绩效封顶后可以再奖励。实施绩效动态管理,各责任单位除静态指标外,增加动态指标:成本控制,订单执行率,每月确定目标考核,年底结算。(2)考核模式 取消定性的职能线考核指标,突出定量的经济指标,并针对子公 司、分公司和部门实施不同的考核模式和办法。子公司考核体现效益的经济指标,包括收入、利润、货款回笼率等;分公司考核成本费用的经济指标,包括生产成本、管理费用、订单执行效率等;部门考核资产经营类指标,包括融资总额、资产处置收益、政策资金争取、人工成本总额等。 2、经营评价机制 建立月度经营协调及评价体系,对公司及各单位月度关键财务指标和主要生产运行指标进行评价分析。根据月度预算及执行情况,及时调整经营策略,有效匹配资源,确保年度经营目标顺利实现。在月度工作会上,对上月的经营结果及预算执行情况进行分析评价,并确定下月经营预算,包

管理会计(英文版)课后习题答案(高等教育出版社)chapter 17

管理会计(高等教育出版社) 于增彪(清华大学)改编 余绪缨(厦门大学)审校 CHAPTER 17 TACTICAL DECISION MAKING QUESTIONS FOR WRITING AND DISCUSSION 1. A tactical decision is short-run in nature; it involves choosing among alternatives with an immediate or limited end in view. A stra-tegic decision involves selecting strategies that yield a long-term competitive advantage. 2.Depreciation is an allocation of a sunk cost. This cost is a past cost and will never differ across alternatives. 3.The salary of a supervisor in an accept or reject decision is an example of an irrelevant future cost. 4.If one alternative is to be judged superior to another alternative on the basis of cash-flow comparisons, then cash flows must be ex-pressed as an annual amount (or periodic amount); otherwise, consideration must be given to the time value of the nonperiodic cash flows. 5.Disagree. Qualitative factors also have an important bearing on the decision and may, at times, overrule the quantitative evidence from a relevant costing analysis. 6.The purchase of equipment needed to pro- duce a special order is an example of a fixed cost that is relevant. 7.Relevant costs are those costs that differ across alternatives. Differential costs are the differences between the costs of two alterna-tives. 8.Depreciation is a relevant cost whenever it is a future cost that differs across alternatives. Thus, it must involve a capital asset not yet acquired. 9.Past costs can be used as information to help predict future costs. 10.Yes. Suppose, for example, that sufficient materials are on hand for producing a part for two years. After two years, the part will be replaced by a newly engineered part. If there is no alternative use of the materials, then the cost of the materials is a sunk cost and not relevant in a make-or-buy decision.



目录—————————————————————————————————————————————— 一、全面预算管理及其在企业中的作用 (3) 1、预算释义 (3) 2、全面预算管理概述 (3) 3、预算管理在企业中的作用 (3) 4、企业预算管理与其他管理的关系 (4) 二、全面预算管理内容 (4) 1、全面预算管理内容的释义 (4) 2、财务预算管理的内容及关系图 (6) 三、全面预算管理组织体系 (7) 四、预算编制程序与方法 (7) 1、全面预算编制程序及流程附图 (7) 2、全面预算编制方法 (16) 五、预算执行与控制反馈 (16) 1、全面预算执行情况 (16) 2、全面预算执行的控制反馈 (17) 六、预算差异分析与调整 (18) 1、预算差异分析 (18) 2、预算预算调整建议 (18) 七、考核评价与管理完善 (19) 一、全面预算管理及其在企业中的作用

1、预算释义 预算是关于企业在一定的时期内(一般为一年或一个既定的期间内)经营、财务、投资等价值流相关的总体计划,是公司整体战略发展目标和年度计划的细化,它包括业务方面的预算(如收入预算、采购预算、费用预算等)和财务方面的预算(如资金预算、利润预算、现金流量表预算、资产负债表预算等)。 2、全面预算管理概述 ⒈全面预算是一种公司整体规划和动态控制的管理方法,是对公司整体经营活动的一系列量化的计划安排。 ⒉全面预算的有效推行将为公司各下属单位确定了具体可行的努力目标,同时也建立了必须共同遵守的行为规范。 ⒊全面预算是执行战略过程中进行管理监控的基准和参照,也是企业业绩评价的基础和比较对象。 ⒋全面预算管理的过程就是企业目标分解、控制和实现的过程。 3、预算管理在企业中的作用 ⒈预算管理是经过对企业运营的规划、分析和数量化的系统编制,它使得企业目标得以具体化。 ⒉预算目标的制定为控制绩效评估及信息反馈提供标准,企业就可以从人制转变为管理机制。 ⒊预算制定时各部门的沟通可以减少各单位操作中的隔阂,同时也明确各部门责任分工。 ⒋预算计划编制可以协调企业资源,使企业达到资源最优化配置,


全面预算管理文献综述 1组:

全面预算管理文献综述 一、国外文献综述 预算管理论最早起源于英国,之后在美国得到发展与完善。与我国相比,预算管理在国外起步较早,因此它的理论体系也相对较为完善。在本文中,将西方预算管理理论发展的历程分为萌芽期、发展期和成熟期这三个阶段,分别论述国外的研究状况。 (一)预算管理理论的萌芽期 预算管理这一观念最早可以追溯到13世纪的英国,在英皇签署的《大宪章》中第15、16条规定未经过议会的同意,英皇不得随意征税。也就是说国家的收入来源必须经过议会的审核评估,这也是早期的国家预算。1911 年,Frederick Winslow Taylor提出了科学管理理论。该理论基于管理实践提出将管理人员计划职能与执行职能分离,希望将管理人员从繁杂的工作中解放出来,建立标准化的操作方法并形成标准化的管理制度,从而提高生产效率。该理论为预算管理提供了科学的经验基础,因此泰勒的科学管理理论可以看做是预算管理的雏形。 第一次世界大战结束后,美国工业得到飞速的发展,企业规模迅速扩张。这一时期在如何实现分权管理的同时保持对企业经营的有效控制成为企业发展的一个难题,杜邦公司和通用公司率先引入以目标利润为导向、以销售为起点的预算管理制度,并取得了很好的效果,因此预算管理作为协调和控制企业内部生产的工具得到了广泛应用。 1921年6月美国颁布了《会计与预算条例》,该条例的颁布标志着预算管理在实务中的应用。1922 年James O.McKinsey出版了《预算控制》一书,详细的论述了企业预算管理的理论和方法,而这本书的出版标志着企业预算管理理论的形成。 (二)预算管理理论的发展期 第二次世界大战结束后,科学技术的突飞猛进、社会生产力快速提高,跨国公司大量涌现。瞬息万变的市场环境使企业竞争加剧,内部管理难度加大。这一时期各种新的管理学派和新的管理学科不断出现,预算受到行为科学的影响,参与预算和零基预算初步形成和推广。预算管理在这一时期得到发展后趋于成熟,这个阶段被称为“传统预算管理”的标准模式。


Syllabus for undergraduate of OUC Course name:Management Accounting Course time:48/3 Course teacher:Cheng Liubing 1.Course Overview The course starts by introducing the nature, the source and purpose of cost accounting and the costing techniques used in business which are essential for any management accountant. The course then looks at the preparation and use of budgeting and standard costing and variance analysis as essential tools for planning and controlling business costs. The course concludes with an introduction to measuring and monitoring the performance of an organization. 2.Student Learning Outcomes To develop knowledge and understanding of management accounting techniques to support management in planning, controlling and monitoring performance in a variety of business context. 3.Course Expectations On successful completion of this paper, candidates should be able to: A Explain the nature, source and purpose of management information B Explain and apply cost accounting techniques C Prepare budgets for planning and control - 2 -


全面预算管理体系 编制人: 复核人: 目录 一、全面预算管理及其在企业中的作用 (3) 1、预算释义 ........................................... ..3 2、全面预算管理概述 ................................... ..3 3、预算管理在企业中的作用 ............................ ..3

4、企业预算管理与其他管理的关系 ...................... ..4 二、全面预算管理内容 (4) 1、全面预算管理内容的释义 ............................ ..4 2、财务预算管理的内容及关系图 ........................ ..6 三、全面预算管理组织体系 (7) 四、预算编制程序与方法 (7) 1、全面预算编制程序及流程附图 ........................ ..7 2、全面预算编制方法 .................................... ..16 五、预算执行与控制反馈 (16) 1、全面预算执行情况 .................................. ..16 2、全面预算执行的控制反馈 ............................ ..17 六、预算差异分析与调整 (18) 1、预算差异分析 ...................................... ..18 2、预算预算调整建议 .................................. ..18 七、考核评价与管理完善 (19) 一、全面预算管理及其在企业中的作用 1、预算释义 预算是关于企业在一定的时期内(一般为一年或一个既定的期间 内)经营、财务、投资等价值流相关的总体计划,是公司整体战略发展目标和年度计划的细化,它包括业务方面的预算(如收入预算、采购预算、费用预算等)和财务方面的预算(如资金预算、利润预算、现金流量表预算、资


管理会计——全面预算管理 主讲老师佟志强 第一节预算管理概述 一、预算的含义与作用 (一)预算的含义 预算是企业在预测、决策的基础上,以数量和金额的形式反映企业未来一定时期内经营、投资、财务等活动的具体计划,是为实现企业目标而对各种资源和企业活动做的详细安排。预算是一种可据以执行和控制经济活动的、最为具体的计划,是对目标的具体化,是将企业活动导向预定目标的有力工具。 (二)预算的作用 主要表现在以下三个方面: 1.预算通过引导和控制经济活动,使企业经营达到预期目标。 2.预算可以实现企业内部各个部门之间的协调。 3.预算可以作为业绩考核的标准。 二、全面预算的基本体系 全面预算的基本体系,是指以本企业的经营目标为出发点,通过市场需求的研究和预测,以销售预算为起点,进而延伸到生产、成本费用及资金收支等各方面的预算,最后编制预计财务报表的一种预算体系。 全面预算的基本内容主要由业务预算、专门决策预算、财务预算三部分组成。 其基本体系的具体内容如下图所示: (一)业务预算 业务预算是基础,主要包括与企业日常经营活动直接相关的经营业务的销售预算、生产预算、直接材料预算、直接人工预算、制造费用预算、产品成本预算、销售费用预算和管理费用预算等。 其中销售预算又是业务预算的编制起点,根据“以销定产”的原则确定生产预算并考虑所需要的销售费用。编制生产预算时,除要考虑计划销售量以外,还需要考虑现有存货和期末存货。 根据生产预算来确定直接材料、直接人工和制造费用预算,产品成本预算是有关预算的汇总。 (二)专门决策预算 专门决策预算是指企业不经常发生的、一次性的重要决策预算。专门决策预算直接反映相关决策的结果,是实际中选方案的进一步规划。


第二章产品成本计算 Exercises 2–1(指教材上的第2章练习第1题,下同) 1. Part #72A Part #172C Steel* $ 12.00 $ 18.00 Setup cost** 6.00 6.00 $ 18.00 $ 24.00 *($1.00 ? 12; $1.00 ? 18) **($60,000/10,000) Steel cost is assigned by calculating a cost per ounce and then multiplying this by the ounces used by each part: Cost per ounce = $3,000,000/3,000,000 ounces = $1.00 per ounce Setup cost is assigned by calculating the cost per setup and then dividing this by the number of units in each batch (there are 20 setups per year): Cost per setup = $1,200,000/20 = $60,000 2. The cost of steel is assigned through the driver tracing using the number of ounces of steel, and the cost of the setups is assigned through driver tracing also using number of setups as the driver. 3. The assumption underlying number of setups as the driver is that each part uses an equal amount of setup time. Since Part #72A uses double the setup time of Part #172C, it makes sense to assign setup costs based on setup time instead of number of setups. This illustrates the importance of identifying drivers that reflect the true underlying consumption pattern. Using setup hours [(40 ? 10) + (20 ? 10)], we get the following rate per hour: Cost per setup hour = $1,200,000/600 = $2,000 per hour



changes. Batch-level activities Activities that are performed each time a batch is produced. Benchmarking An approach that uses best practices as the standard for evaluating activity performance. Best-fitting line The line that fits a set of data points the best in the sense that the sum of the squared deviations of the data points from the line is the smallest. Binding constraints Constraints whose resources are fully utilized. Break-even point The point where total sales revenue equals total costs; the point of zero profits. Activity output The result or product of an activity. Activity output measure The number of times an activity is performed. It is the quantifiable measure of the output. Activity reduction Decreasing the time and resources required by an activity. Activity selection The process of choosing among sets of activities caused by competing strategies. Activity sharing Increasing the efficiency of necessary activities by using economies of scale. Activity volume variance The cost of the actual activity capacity acquired and the capacity that should be used. Activity-based cost (ABC) system A cost system that first traces costs to activities and then traces costs from activities to products. Activity-based costing (ABC) A cost assignment approach that first uses direct and driver tracing to assign costs to activities and then uses drivers to assign costs to cost objects. Activity-based management (ABM) A systemwide, integrated approach that
