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1. If you don’t know the new word, why don’t you________in the dictionary?

A. look at it

B. look after it

C. look up it

D. look it up

答:D。look up(在词典、参考书中)查寻。副词与动词构成的词组与人称代词连用时,将人称代词放在中间。A和B项与题童不符。it指前文提到的事物。

2. There comes the bus, _________?

A. B. does it

C. d oesn’t it

D. isn’t it

doesn’t there

答:C。让指the bus。

3. That’s of great importance,_________?

A. isn’t it

B. isn’t that

C. isn’t this

D. is this


4. I saw no more than one camera left in that shop. Will you go and buy_________?

A. some

B. it

C. any

D. one


5. ________ was a pity not to have gone to Shanghai.

A. This

B. There

C. Which

D. It


6. —Have you heard the news about Tom?

—No, what_________?

A. is it

B. it is

C. are they

D. they are

答:A。it指the news.

7. ________ bad mumers to laugh at people when they are in trouble.

A. It is

B. There are

C. That’s

D. These are


8. It’s time_________ the table for dinner.

A. to pull

B. to lay

C. preparing

D. putting out

答:B。不定式傲真正的主语。It’s time for+名词或It time to do ....

9. —________Who is there?


A. She’s

B. That’s

C. It’s

D. There’s


10. It’s no good _________ today’s work till tomorrow.

A. to put off

B. putting off

C. put off

D. to be put off

答:B。it是形式主语,在It is good (use)句型中,真正主语用动名词。

11. It takes the spaceship more than three days to ______ the moan.

A. to send

B. being sent

C. to be sent

D. sending


12. Is ______necessary to tell his father everything?

A. it

B. that

C. what

D. he


13. ________In summer the weather is terribly hot in Nanjing.

A. Soisit

B. Soitis

C. Itisso

D. ltsois


14. I find ______ simple to learn to drive a car.

A. its

B. it

C. he

D. him


I5. It is nearly half a century________ the first computer was invented.

A. since

B. when

C. that

D. until


16. Her uncle has moved to Beijing and does not live with her. ________ her mother.

A. Neither does

B. So has

C. Nor ha s

D. So it is with

答:D。表示“某人也……”时,当苗句中含不同的谓语动词,用so it is with ....或It is the same with...句式。

17. ______is known to all that Taiwan is a part of China.

A. It

B. This

C. That

D. W hich


18. The baby sat on________mother’s knees, learning to speak.

A. it

B. it’s

C. its

D. /


19. We took ______for granted that he would join us.

A. this

B. that

C. it

D. them


20. ________is forbidden to smoke in the concert hall.

A. Here

B. It

C. That

D. This


21. ______no need for us to discuss the problem again since it has already been set-tied.

A. It has

B. There has

C. It is

D. There is

答:D。no need为名词做主语。或用It is not necessary...。

22. Was it in 1969 ________ the American astronaut succeeded ________ landing on the moon?

A. when, on

B. that, on

C. when, in

D. that, in


23. Was________ that I saw last night at the concert?

A. it you

B. not you

C. you

D. that you rself


24. ______is five ki lometers from his home to our school.

A. It

B. This

C. That

D. There
