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Ind ividua I nutritional requi rement vary with genetic and met abol ic d i ffere nces ・For in fan ts and ch i I dre n, the basic goa I s are achievement of satisfactory growth and avoidance of deficiency states. Good nutrition he Ips to prevent acute and chronic iI Iness, to deveI op phys

icaI and mental potential, and to prov i de reserves for stress・Chi Idhood nutrition shouId be a ba lanee between the h i gh energy and nutr i ent content and estabI i sh ing a heaI thy d i et with weight control, i n association with reguI ar physica I exerci se. The ba Iance between these two aspects changes from the very h i gh fat content of infancy to the low fat, high fiber diet of aduIthood. The diet for a child shouId be focused on natura I, fresh sources of energy and nut r i e nts. Dras tic d i e ting and fad foods mus t be avoided. A pos i tive attitude to hea I thy eating shou I d be encouraged from an ear I y st age.

It has bee n est ab I i shed that chi Idre n with deve I opme ntal de I ays are at increased nutrition r i sk due to conditions that may affect thei r ab iIity to ingest food safe Iy, deveI op norma I hunger/satiety cues, feed themseIves or consume age-appropr i ate food textures・

Therefore, it is cr iticaI for young chi Idren to estabI ish I ife-long eating and exercise habits that influenee the prevaIenee of chronic d i seases and obes i ty, wh i I e a t the same time ma i nt a i n opti ma I grow th and development.



Diarrhea is a common disease with the abnormal changes in the frequency

and charac ter is tics of bowe I moveme nts comm only resu It ing from gastroenter itis caused by viral infections, parasites or bacterial toxins. WorIdwide there are an estimated one billion of and 3. 3 mi I I ion deaths due to diarrhea each year among chi Idren <5 years oId・ In developing countr ies chi Idren <5 years oId exper ience a median of 3.2 episodes of diarrhea/child-year, and diarrhea accounts for 21% of a I I deaths among chi Idren <5 years oId. Lower rates are found in deveI oped countr ies but shouId not be underestimated. Rates of pathogen infection are highest in infants and young chi Idren, in whom viral pathogens predominate.

Perso n-to - per so n tran smi ss i on may acco unt for more than on e~ha I f

of cases.


小儿腹泻(i nfant i I e d i arrhea)是一组多病原、多因素引起的以大便次数增多和大便性状改变(呈稀便、水样便、黏液便或脓血便)为主要特征的儿



小儿腹泻为世界性公共卫生问题,严重威胁着儿童的健康,仅次于呼吸道疾病,在我国属第二位常见疾病。5岁以下儿童将近3亿人次/年患腹泻,平均2.5次/ (人•年)以1岁以内发病构成比(占38.5%)最高,其次是1〜2岁组(占32.29%), 2岁以内发病占70.94%。近年来,随着我国儿童保健工作的逐步完善,目前我国小儿腹泻的病死率已降至1%以下。







