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• 91% of adults have broadband access
Measuring the Internet Audience
• How people use the Internet
– Web 2.0: Sharing and Collaboration
• • • • •Fra Baidu bibliotekwikipedia twitter digg del.icio.us craigslist
– Search engines are devoted to finding requested information from the Web
• google is the most popular at present
Digital Interactive Media
• Social Media
Measuring the Internet Audience
• Media planning tools
– No standardization yet – Companies offer audited measurements
• Nielson-Online & comScore, among others • report on usage patterns across sites and Internet apps • give insights into industry &category best practices
Digital Interactive Media
• Internet
– a distributed global network of computers – originally very different from today’s Internet
annual US Internet advertising spending growth
Digital Interactive Media
• The Web
– Information available on the Internet often written in html accessible through browsers – Web portals provide starting points or gateways to other resources on the Internet
Digital Interactive Media
• Other Interactive Media
– DVD & Blue Ray Catalogs and Magazines – Interactive TV
• advertisers are not developing unique content
– Mobile Advertising
• mobile ad spending increased 80% from 2008 to 2009 • most common form: banner advertising (or WAP)
What are the major types of digital interactive media? What are some of the opportunities marketers can take advantage of with digital interactive media? What are some of the important marketing-related destinations on the Web?
– any form of online presence that allows users to engage in multi-directional conversations in or around the content on the Web site. – allows any one person to share anything with his or her friend’s list – harnessing social media for advertising isn’t as cut and dry as for other media
Digital Interactive Media
Chapter 13
Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Learning Objectives
• • • • • LO1: Discuss the various types of digital interactive media. LO2: Describe who uses the Internet and how they use it. LO3: Explain how time and space in the Internet is bought. LO4: Discuss the types of Internet advertising. LO5: Detail the problems with the Internet as an advertising medium and suggest ways to use it in IMC.
Measuring the Internet Audience
• How people access the Internet
– Mobile Phones
• iPhone, Blackberry, Android
– Gaming Systems
• PS3, Xbox, Wii
– Broadband
• portals have broad content so users spend a lot of time at the portal, creating advertising opportunities
Digital Interactive Media
• Internet Search