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Ⅰ. Definition(定义)



Eg. (例子)

The person stood in front of you just now is ____ ____.


*I didn’t know that it was ____ at that time. 当时我不知道那是你。(代词充当表语) The door remained ____. 门仍然关着。(动词过去分词充当表语)

Mary’s daily job is ____ ____ ____.

玛丽的日常工作就是打扫这间房子。(动词- ing形式充当表语)

The house is ____ ____ large ____ ____ beautiful. 这所房子不仅大而且漂亮。(形容词)When I went to your house, you were ____.当我到你家的时候,你不在家。(副词充表语) No one was ____ ____ ____, when she arrived. 当她到达时,宿舍里没人。(介词短语) My job is ____ ____ ____ ____. 我的工作是教你们英语。(不定式充当表语)

*The reason why he came late was that ____ ____ ____ ____.



2. 表语从句的构成

主语 + 系动词 + 引导词 + 简单句

This is why he did it.

What I want to say is that I am tired



1: be(being,been,am,is,are,was,were)

2: feel , seem , look, appear ,sound, taste , smell

3: stand , lie , remain ,keep, stay

4: become ,get , grow , turn ,go ,come, run,fall

5: prove, turn out

连接词:that / whether /as if /as though (if不引导表语从句)

连接代词:who / whom / whose / which / what

连接副词:when / where / why / how / because


1. that

1) that 在从句中不担任句子成分,无实际意义,一般不能省略

2)在表“建议,劝说,命令”的名词idea, suggestion, request, proposal 等后面的表从句中,谓语动词用“should + 动词原形”,should可省略

My opinion is that it’s getting better and better.

My suggesstion is that we (should) start early tomorrow.

2.whether在表语从句中表“是否”,但不充当句子的成分。if “不能”引导表语从句。如: What the doctor really doubts is whether my mother will recover from the serious

disease soon.

The question is whether it is worth doing.

3.as if, as though 引导的表语从句

1)as if/though引导的表语从句常置于连系动词look, seem, sound, be, become等后面,


e.g. It sounds as if/though somebody was knocking at the door.

2) 主语+连系动词(look/seem/appear……)+that/as if从句

*as if/as though引导的表语从句如果是事实,就用陈述语气;如果与事实不符,就用虚拟

语气(主句一般现在时,从句就用过去式,be的话变成were。主句是过去式,从句用过去完成时)。It looks as if he were her own father.(与事实不符)

Dark clouds are gathering. It looks as if it’s going to rain.

As /as if、as though

The situation is not ____ it seems to be.形势并不像外表所看到的那样。

She looks ____ ____ she is worried about her leader’s disease.她看上去很担忧她领导的病情。

It was ____ ____ he were mad.他好像疯了似的。


because引导表语从句通常只用于“This/That/It is because…”结构中。

My anger is because you haven’t written to me for a long time.


Why were you absent from the forum? Was it because you were ill?

5.that, why 与because 引导表语从句时的区别

1)虽然三者均可引导表语从句,但that没有词义,而why 和because 有自己的意思;另外,虽然why和because 都可引导表语从句,但前者强调结果,后者强调原因。如:The reason was ____ you don’t trust her. 原因是你不信任她。

The fact is ____ they are angry with each other. 事实是他们生彼此的气。

He was ill. That’s ____ he was sent to the hospital. 他病了,所以被送到医院来。He was sent to the hospital. That’s ____ he was ill.他被送到医院,是因为他生病了。

填空: The reason why we didn't trust him is ______ he has often lied.

*reason 做主语时,表语从句只能用that引导, 不能用why 引导。句型结构为:

The reason (why…/for…)is /was that….

The reason is that……


The reason ____ he was late was ____ he missed the train by one minute this morning


注意点1:主语为reason 时,表语从句连接词用that, 但以it, this, that 开头做主语的句子,则可用because。

The reason for his being late was ____ he missed the early bus.

She was late this morning. That was ____ she missed the early bus.

* The reason why he was late was ____ he missed the early bus.(why引同位语从句)例题2:

The reason why he failed is ________he was too careless.

A. because

B. that

C. for

D. because of

注意点2:主句主语为reason, 只能用that引导表语从句,不可用because.B


1._______your father wants to know is________ getting on with your studies.

A. What; how are you

B. That;how you are

C. How;that you are

D. What;how you are

2. The trouble is__________we are short of tools.
