人教版()必修一 高一英语unit1 作文练习_ 读后续写优秀课件(共19张)

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WHO I, Bstsy, my mother,teacher,classmates
WHEN One day when I was at school
WHERE classroom
A mean girl , Betsy, who made rude remarks on me and treated me badly at school ; I began to hate school and told my mom what happened.
My mother sat me down and began to talk.
Para 1 Para 2
Then one day I did what my mother taught me and amazing things happened.
Focus on the given
Tip 1
Para 2
Betsy I teacher
dialogue response result…
考虑我在和母亲对 话的过程中的心理 活动,对话内容和 可能做出的反应。
设计的关键在于搭建本段 与前文、后文的桥梁,特 别注意动作描写、语言描 写、心理描写
考虑在学校里,我 是如何在老师和同 学们的帮助下化解 和Betsy之间的矛盾 (设计特殊事件)
Using different sentence structures. tip3
Version 1
My mother sat me down and began to talk. “Look,” she held my hand, “There will always be mean people like Betsy in this world. That is hard to change. But you can change the way you handle them. Have you ever heard of the saying, ‘Treat them with kindness.’?” I shook my head. “It's simple. Just show your kindness to the girl now and then. If she drops her pen, pick it up and hand it to her. Things like that. Just be nice to her.”
sentence of para2
first. Because some
information in it
must be mentioned
in para 1.
T i p Make use of the key 2 words in the given
sentences to infer
more information.
One day, our teacher asked us to change seats. “Class,” our teacher addressed us one morning, “you've been in the same seats for a full semester and you've become friendly with the students around you. Now it's time to change seats and make some new friends.” The class let out a collective moan (抱怨). As she assigned the new seating, Fran, Lisa and I looked at each other and waited for our names to be called. We didn't want to be separated. And we especially didn't want to sit anywhere near Betsy. Finally, Betsy sat directly behind me.
Version 1
Then one day I did what my mother taught me and amazing things happened. Our teacher announced seriously that there would be an exam the next morning. As Betsy was not good at study, I offered to help her review. Betsy was surprised but grateful. She said shyly, “You're so nice. I truly regret making those rude remarks on you. Can we be friends?” I was glad that I had followed my mum's advice. It was just what I needed, and probably just what Betsy needed, too.
记叙文故事类 逻辑性较强
续写内容为150 词左右
1.原文提供10处左右的标有下 划线的关键词语,所续写内容 应使用5处以上这些词语。 2.两段,每段的开头语已经给出
衔接合理 5个以上 关键词
语法&词汇 结构紧凑 150字左右 丰富&准确
Make sure the story develops logically and reasonably.
Never ignore the basic tone of the article.
Using linking words effectively.
Adding somwk.baidu.com details reasonably.

1.当我们常常以为自己顶不住的时候 ,并不 是最后 的时刻 ,而是 我们的 精神崩 溃了。 那你只 要坚持 精神的 重整, 坚持精 神的出 发,其 实当我 们觉得 ,那是 万劫不 复的情 景,也 依然可 以去找 到它的 出口, 也依然 可以坚 持过来

2.所以如果你有愿望,如果你真的还 有力量 去实行 它,我 觉得我 一定要 即刻就 出发, 去完成 自己的 愿望, 让自己 更少的 遗憾。 人生是 一个漫 长的过 程,年 轻是多 么的好 ,但是 请你们 记得, 记得有 很多的 东西, 当你不 懂的时 候,你 年轻, 当你懂 得了以 后,你 已年老 。
Be well connected to the given passage and the beginnings of the two paragraphs.
Be well organized with at least 5 of the 10 given underlined words.
My mother sat me down and began to talk.
My mother I
Para 1
purpose dialogue feelings What to do …
Then one day I did what my mother taught me and amazing things
“Hey!” the voice called from behind me. “Are you a girl or a duck?” I ignored the comments because I knew they were from the mean girl, Betsy. I ran to my class, causing my slight limp (跛行) to become even more apparent. Already, I could see that things would be different here. At my old school, I had a group of friends to protect me. However, in this new school, I was on my own. I took my place in the first row of desks and I was grateful for alphabetic seating. My last name came at the beginning of the alphabet and Betsy's last name came at the end of it. As the weeks went on, though, I made friends with two girls named Fran and Lisa who sat near me in class. Whenever Betsy made one of her remarks, they would wave it off and tell me to ignore her.
I knew this wasn't going to be good and I soon discovered I was right. Betsy often leaned into my back, “Quack, quack!” When I ignored her, she kicked my seat. When that didn't work, she poked (戳) me. This went on daily until one morning I simply refused to go to school. I told Mum what had happened at school.
Paragraph 2: Then one day I did what my mother taught me and amazing things
happened.____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右; 2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; 4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1:
My mother sat me down and began to talk. ________________________ _____________________________________________________________
Still, I hated that I didn't walk like everyone else. I didn't like not being able to run as fast or as straight as the other kids and I didn't like getting picked last for teams in gym class. Mostly, though, I really hated it when people like Betsy made negative remarks about how I walked.