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Chapter 4—DNA’s Vast Influence in Medical, Ethical and Social Realms
5. What benefit do scientists say cloned pigs might bring to humans? Solve the shortage of human organs for ________________________________________ ____________ transplant. 6. What else could clones help to do? _________________________________________ Save endangered animals.
Chapter 4—DNA’s Vast Influence in Medical, Ethical and Social Realms
_T_ 1. Our knowledge of DNA has raised expectations about medical promise of genetic testing. _F_ 2. The advertisement says that BRAC Analysis is a blood test to help women find out their risk for heart disease. _T_ 3. There is increasing worry among doctors and the general public about the effects of genetic tests. _F_ 4. Alex had a genetic test a few weeks ago which showed no deleterious mutation.
Chapter 4—DNA’s Vast Influence in Medical, Ethical and Social Realms
English Course of Contemporary Medicine
当代 医学 英语综合教程
Chapter 4—DNA’s Vast Influence in Medical, Ethical and Social Realms
Chapter 4—DNA’s Vast Influence in Medical, Ethical and Social Realms
Scientists say human chromosomes have about three-thousand-million pairs of these bases. Each step of the double helix is a base made up of two kinds of nucleic acid. How these bases are organized along the ladder provides the information stored in genes. (11) This _____________ information __________________________________________ directs the making of proteins, the materials that _________________________________________. build cells
Chapter 4—DNA’s Vast Influence in Medical, Ethical and Social Realms
Think of these as sets of building plans. Genes are carried on lengths of DNA called chromosomes. Almost every human cell has forty-six chromosomes. Half come from our mothers, half from our fathers. The chemicals that make up DNA are nucleic acids. There are just four kinds: adenine (腺嘌 呤), thymine, guanine and cytosine (胞核嘧啶). These nucleic acids—represented by the (10) ______________________________________ letters A, T, G and C—are called bases _________________________________________.
Chapter 4
DNA’s Vast Influence in Medical, Ethical and Social Realms
Chapter 4—DNA’s Vast Influence in Medical, Ethical and Social Realms
Section I. Asking, listening and watching
Chapter 4—DNA’s Vast Influence in Medical, Ethical and Social Realms
C. Listen to a passage “ Animal Cloning”
twice. While listening, you are to give a short answer to each of the following questions in no more than eight words.
Chapter 4—DNA’s Vast Influence in Medical, Ethical and Social Realms
_F_ 5. Genetics counselor Ellen Matloff says that Alex shouldn’t have had the genetic test. _T_ 6. Unlike a pregnancy test, genetic tests may have a wide variety of answers. _F_ 7. According to experts, one big danger is misinterpreting a positive test. _F_ 8. A genetic test can be life-saving only when it provides patients with a positive result.
B. Listen to a passage “ DNA”
three times and fill in each blank with the word or sentence from the audio clip.
Chapter 4—DNA’s Vast Influence in Medical, Ethical and Social Realms
February 28th marked an important (1) anniversary ___________. On that day fifty years ago, American scientist James Watson and British scientist Francis Crick told people about a (2) discovery ___________. The two young scientists had structure of deoxyribonucleic found the (3)___________ acid—better known as DNA. Every cell in every living thing contains DNA. self-reproducing molecule carries the This (4) _______________ information to make living things from one (5) generation to the next. ____________
Chapter 4—DNA’s Vast Influence in Medical, Ethical and Social Realms
D. Watch a video clip “ The Meaning of Genetic Test” twice and decide
whether each of the following statements is true (T) or false
Chapter 4—DNA’s Vast Influence in Medical, Ethical and Social Realms
Section II Theme Reading
Chapter 4—DNA’s Vast Influence in Medical, Ethical and Social Realms
James Watson and Francis Crick worked at Cambridge University in England. They found molecule of DNA is in the shape that each (6)___________ climbing the of a double helix. Imagine (7) __________ steps of a ladder. But this ladder does not go (8) straight up. Instead, it turns to the right, around ________ and around itself. That is what a double helix looks like. DNA is made up of genes. Researchers (9) ___________________________________ tell us that our bodies have about 30,000 genes _________________________________________.
Chapter 4—DNA’s Vast Influence in Medical, Ethical and Social Realms
1. What does DNA research involve? Genetic engineering. __________________________________________ 2. When was the sheep Dolly created? __________________________________________ In 1996. 3. What other mammals have scientists cloned since the birth of Dolly? Monkeys, pigs and goats. _________________________________________ 4. Why do some experts argue against cloning humans? There is too much risk. _________________________________________