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摘要 (1)

Abstract (2)

绪论 (3)

一、我国中小企业融资现状 (4)

(一)我国中小企业融资的来源 (4)

1.内源融资 (4)

2. 外源融资 (5)

(二)我国中小企业融资的需求特点 (5)

1.信息不透明 (5)

2.企业关注控制权 (5)

3.普遍缺乏抵押物 (6)

4.资金需求波动大 (6)

二、我国中小企业融资存在的问题 (7)

(一)中小企业自身原因 (7)

1.中小企业信用度不足 (7)

2.中小企业管理水平低下 (7)

3.中小企业信贷保证机制不健全 (7)

(二)我国银行管理和金融体制对中小企业的制约 (7)

1.资本市场缺乏层次 (7)

2.直接融资体系结构缺陷 (8)

3.间接融资体制制度缺陷 (8)

(三)政府及社会融资机构方面不足 (8)

1.缺乏完善的管理机构 (8)

2.缺乏完善的法律法规的支持保障 (9)

三、解决中小企业融资问题障碍的对策 (10)

(一)微观方面融资对策 (10)

1.从中小企业自身角度考察 (10)

2. 从金融机构角度考察 (10)

3.从担保机构角度考察 (11)

(二)宏观方面融资对策 (12)

1.从政府扶持角度考察 (12)

2.从融资环境角度考察 (12)

结论 (14)

参考文献 (15)

致谢 (17)



长期以来,中小企业融资难一直是困扰企业发展的重要因素。如何有效改善中小企业融资境况,成为中小企业发展的关键问题。作为经济社会发展不可缺少的组织细胞, 在促进经济发展、扩大社会就业、提供社会服务、增加财政收入中发挥着举足轻重的作用,同时在我国国民经济中发挥着越来越重要的作用。然而长期以来,在其发展过程中,由于自身缺陷和外部环境多种因素,产生了融资难的问题,这已成为制约中小民营企业发展的最大“瓶颈”。因此中小企业在获得发展所需资金的来源上很难与其在国民经济中所处的重要地位相匹配。因此,如何解决中小企业融资难问题成为政府、企业和研究学者所共同关注的课题。要破解这一难题,目前必须从政府引导、建立现代企业制度、发展中介服务体系等方面入手。



Small and medium-sized enterprises occupy a very important position in China market, the development of small and medium-sized enterprises to promote the healthy development of China's economy has a very important significance. However, there are many factors restricting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, the financing problem is one of the most important factors.

For a long time, the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises is an important factor affecting the development of enterprises.How to effectively improve the financing situation of small and medium-sized enterprises, becomes the key problem of development of small and medium-sized enterprises .As an important economic and social development of the tissue cells, play a decisive role in promoting economic development , expanding employment, the provision of social services ,increasing financial revenue, while China's national economy is playing an increasingly important role. However, in the process of development, because of its defects and external environment factors, the financing difficult problem, which has become the biggest "bottleneck restricting the development of small and medium-sized private enterprises". The important position so small and medium-sized enterprises in access to the source of funds needed for development is very difficult in the national economy and its matching. Therefore, how to solve the problem of financing SMEs become the common concern of government , enterprises and scholars of the subject. To resolve this problem , the government must guide, the establishment of a modern enterprise system, the development of intermediary service system and other aspects.

【Keywords】SMEs Structures for Financing Problems for Financing C ountermeasures for Financing
