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Unit 5

1. conductor (n.) 乐队指挥;(公共汽车)售票员;(火车)列车员;导(电)体

the conductor of an orchestra 乐队指挥

a bus conductor 公共汽车售票员semi conductor 半导体

Copper is a good conductor of electricity. 铜是良导体。

conduct (n.)行为,操行(v.) 传导行为;举止(使自己以某种特定方式行为)

a bad conduct 恶劣行为

Some metals conduct heat. 某些金属导热。

2. enter


(1) 进入

The train entered the tunnel. 火车进入了隧道。

(2) 加入

The general entered the discussion at a crucial moment.


(3) 写下或输入

We entered our names in the guest book. 我们在来客名簿上写下姓名。

(n.) 输入,[计] 回车


(1) enter for 报名参加(比赛)

Many competitors have entered for the high jump. 已有许多人报名参加跳高比赛。

(2) enter up 记入记录(记入账簿)

The bookkeeper was entering up the sales for the past month.


entrance (n.) 入口,门口,进入

entrance to ……的入口

Where’s the entrance to the cave? 这个洞穴的入口在哪里?

3. honor (n.) 荣誉,头衔,信用

He stained the family honor. 他玷污了家族的荣誉。

I consider it a great honor to be invited to dinner.


(v.) 尊敬,授予荣誉

Please honor our arrangement by exchanging the damaged goods.


honorable (adj.) 光荣的,可敬的

lead an honorable life 过着体面的生活

this honorable gathering of scholars 这群卓越的学者

4. join (v.)

(1) 结合,联合,相遇(to; with)

In this point I join with you. 这一点我和你一致。

(2) 伴随,一同

Your mother joins with me in congratulating you on your wonderful scholastic attainments. 你母亲和我一道祝贺你学业上的巨大成就。

(3) 参加,加入(in; with)

join in a game / conversation 参加游戏/ 谈话

(4) 毗连,接近

Our farms join along the river. 我们的农场沿河毗连。

(5) 从军(up)

He joined up to fight for his motherland. 他参军为祖国而战。

5. at very short notice 即刻(临时,忽然)

The bank manager will not see anyone at short notice.


6. leap

(n.) 跳跃,剧增,急变

There has been a great leap in the number of births in these past five years.


He crossed the garden in three leaps. 他跳跃三步就跨过了花园。

(v.) 跳跃,跃过,猛冲

His name leapt out at me from the newspaper. 报纸上他的名字一下子跳入我的眼帘。

(adj.) 闰年的

7. interpret (v.) 解释,说明;翻译,口译;了解,认为;演奏,表演

interpret a dream 圆梦interpret a role 表演一个角色interpret life 阐明人生的意义

We interpreted his silence as a refusal. 我们认为他的沉默就是拒绝。

interpreter (n.) 解释者,口译人员,翻译员,讲解员

He insisted three years is not enough for a good interpreter.


interpretation (n.) 解释,阐明,口译,通译

She give the delegation a strict interpretation of the speech.


8. score (n.)

(1) (比赛中一方得的)分数

a high/ low score 高/ 低分

(2) (比赛中双方得的)分数,比分:

The final score was 4 – 3. 最后的比分是4比3.

(3) (考试、测验得的)分数:

a score of 120 in the IQ test 智商测验中获得的120分

(4) 刻痕;划痕

deep score on the rock 岩石上深深地凹痕

(5) 欠账,欠款

pay the score at the hotel 付旅店费

(6) (单复数不变)二十

a score of people 20人

(7) 很多

“H ow many people were there?”“There were scores (of them). “


9. loyalty (n.) 忠诚,忠心

Can I count on your loyalty? 你对我的忠诚能让我信得过吗?

loyal (adj.) 忠诚的,忠实的,忠贞的

a loyal wife 忠贞的妻子

loyally (adv.) 忠诚地

10. stamp
