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The Winchester Round Table 温切斯特圆桌
Every year since then, Arthur's most trusted knights will be gathered in the castle of Camelot. The round-table symbolizes love and equality. Therefore, any knights seated at the round table will not find a lower status than other people and feel aggrieved.
King Arthur亚瑟王
King Arthur is a legendary British leader who, led the defence of Britain against the Saxon invaders in the early 5th century. He is the central figure of many legends.
Crown of King Arthur
After twelve campaigns, King Arthur finally drove back the Saxon invaders 、 united the France and smashed the Roman. The archbishop(主教) crowned him at Roman church.
When called upon, to defend the rights of the weak with all one's strength To injure no one Not to attack one another To fight for the safety of one's country To give one's life for one's country To seek nothing before honour Never to break faith for any reason To practice religion most diligently To grant hospitality to anyone, each according to his ability Whether in honour or disgrace, to make a report with the greatest fidelity to truth to those who keep the annals
To never do outrage nor murder Always to flee treason To by no means be cruel but to give mercy unto him who asks for mercy To always do ladies, gentlewomen and widows succor (to go to the aid of one in distress; to help) To never force ladies, gentlewomen or widows Not to take up battles in wrongful quarrels for love or worldly goods To never lay down arms To seek after wonders
Athur the new King of England
But the fact is…?
Arthur is the bastard (私生 子)of King Britain Uther and heir to the throne. However , considering his safety, Merlin advised that the baby Arthur should be raised in a secret place and that none should know his true identity.
King Arthur
The Sword of Stone was broke as
violating the spirit of knight, Under the guidance of Merlin, Arthur had obtained a magical sword from The Lady Of The Lake (湖中仙女). This sword was called “Excalibur”。With the sword scabbard(剑鞘),he will not hurt and bleed.
1.The spirit of knights骑士精神
1.To never do outrage nor murder. 永不暴怒和谋杀 2.Always to flee treason. 永不背叛 3.To by no means be cruel but to give mercy unto him who asks for mercy. 决不残忍,给予请求宽恕者以宽恕 4.To always do ladies, gentlewomen and widows succor 总是给予女士以援助 5.To never force ladies, gentlewomen or widows. 总是给予女士以援助 6.Not to take up battles in wrongful quarrels for love or worldly goods. 永不因为爱或言辞之利卷入争吵而战斗
7. To never lay down arms . 永不放下武器 8.To seek after wonders . 追求奇迹 9.When called upon, to defend the rights of the weak with all one's strength
A lot of enemies tried to invade Britain: the Saxons(撒克逊人), the Jutes(朱特人), the Pitts(比特人 and others. With his famous magical sword Excalibur and his closest knights, King Arthur fought against the forces of evil in England.
1.Mordred(莫德雷德) The son of King Arthur and his half sister Morgan摩根.The relation between them are not only father and son,but also uncle and nephew. 2. Camlan(著名的卡姆栏战役) There was a long terrible battle. At the end of the battle, King Arthur took his Excalibur and killed Mordred. But he was also hurt and dying.
King Arthur
Is there a real man behind the myth?
Historical Arthur Literary Arthur
Dark Ages
Arthur as presented in the legends was NOT a real person. There was, however, a chieftain named Arthur. Historical Arthur lived in the Dark Ages, at the end of the 5th and beginning of the 6th centuries. Literary Arthur comes from medieval times, during the 12th century.
King Arthur
the death of King Arthur 亚瑟王之死
At this time, the amour(奸情) between the first knight called Lancelot(兰斯洛特 ) and the queen Guenevere(格尼 薇儿) was exposed. Lancelot escaped to France and established his owned territory. He saved Guenevere and then returned her back . But King Arthur still dispatch the troops and crusaded against France personally.
the sword of the stone 石中剑
“Whose pullet out this sword from this stone and anvil is duly born King of all England.” ——凡能从石台上拔 出此剑者,即为英格 兰的天命之王。
the sword of the stone
Knight of Round Table 圆桌骑士
Soon after,King Arthur married Queen Guenevere(格尼薇 儿 ),her father gives him a round table as dowry(嫁妆) that can accommodate 150 people, which called “The Winchester Round Table温切斯特圆 桌”。
The legend of King Arthur
King Arthur
1.Introducing Arthur 2.The Sword in the Stone 3. Knight of Round Table 4.Excalibur 7.Lancelot 5.Arthur meets Guinevere 8.The Holy Grail 6.The five Kings 9.King Arthur goes to Avalon
History of Arthur Celtic mythology Romantic themes + Fairylike elements ____________________
Arthurian Legend
The story of King Arthur is one that has been told for hundreds of years. There have been poems, books, cartoons and even films made of his life。
The Holy Grail(圣杯)
King Arthur began interested in searching treasures. So his knights left the castle to find the lost treasure, which they believed would cure all ills, this was the „the Holy Grail‟(圣杯).But many knights have go no return. Thus, with the reduction of knights, the powerful country was going downhill.