人教版新目标英语2018中考第一轮复习课件九年级( 全 )Unit 7-8

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九年级( 全 )Unit 7-8
要点回顾 名师考点精讲 随堂跟踪检测 常考话题写作
34.medicaladj.医疗的;医学的 medicinen.医学;医药 35.purposen.目的;目标 36.preventv.阻止;阻挠 37.energyn.力量,精力 energeticadj.精力充沛的 38.positionn.位置;职位 39.victoryn.胜利;成功 40.enemyn.敌人;仇人 41.periodn.一段时间;时期 42.wolfn.狼 wolves( 复数 )
பைடு நூலகம்
九年级( 全 )Unit 7-8
要点回顾 名师考点精讲 随堂跟踪检测 常考话题写作
重 点 短 语
1.part-time job兼职 2.talk back回嘴,顶嘴 3.keep...away from避免接近;远离 4.make one’s own decision自己做决定 5.get in the way of挡……的路;妨碍 6.run after追逐,追赶 7.at the same time同时,一起 8.make sure务必,确保 9.give sb.a hug/hug sb.拥抱某人 10.think back to回想起 11.be strict with对……要求严格 12.grow up长大 13.end up with以……结束 14.be serious about对……认真
26.outdoorsadv.在户外 indoors( 反义词 )在室内 27.sleepyadj.困倦的;瞌睡的 sleepv./n.睡;睡觉 slept( 过去式/过去分词 ) asleep/sleepingadj.睡着的;在睡觉的 28.suitn.西服;套装v.适合 29.landv.着陆;降落 n.土地;陆地 30.circlen.圆圈v.圈出 31.Britainn.大不列颠;英国 Britishadj.英国的;英国人的;不列颠的 32.receivev.收到;接收 accept( 近义词 )v.接受;收到 33.leadern.领导;领袖 leadv.领导;带领 led( 过去式/过去分词 )
九年级( 全 )Unit 7-8
要点回顾 名师考点精讲 随堂跟踪检测 常考话题写作
16.supportv./n.支持 supportern.支持者 17.enterv.进来;进去 entrancen.入口 18.choicen.选择;挑选 choosev.选择;挑选 19.whoseadj./pron.谁的 20.picnicn.野餐 21.attendv.出席;参加 22.valuableadj.贵重的;宝贵的 valuen.价值 v.重视;珍视 23.truckn.卡车 24.anybodypron.任何人 25.noisen.声音;噪音 noisyadj.嘈杂的,喧闹的
九年级( 全 )Unit 7-8
要点回顾 名师考点精讲 随堂跟踪检测 常考话题写作
26.keep sb.( away ) from doing sth.使某人不做某事 27.be excited about对……感到兴奋 28.point out指出 29.belong to属于 30.run away逃跑 31.go away离开 32.have fun doing做……很开心
九年级( 全 )Unit 7-8
要点回顾 名师考点精讲 随堂跟踪检测 常考话题写作
单元高频词汇训练 Ⅰ.根据首字母及汉语提示填空 1.Young children should be educated( 教育 ) on the dangers of environmental pollution. 2.David had awful( 可怕的 ) dreams and couldn’t fall asleep again. 3.For a number of people,entering( 进入 ) a good university is very important. 4.I’ll always support( 支持 ) Mr.Baker no matter what he does. 5.He received this valuable( 珍贵的 ) gift that his mother made by herself. 6.Do it now,or you will regret( 懊悔 ) sooner or later. 7.The plane landed( 着陆 ) ten minutes ago.They could get off now. 8.Miss Lee is an excellent leader( 领导 ) and we all trust her.
15.spend...on...花……( 时间/钱 )在……上 16.have a chance to do sth.有机会做某事 17.pick up捡起;捡到 18.more than多于;大于 19.achieve one’s dream实现梦想 20.driver’s license/driving license驾照 21.no way没门;决不 22.fail a test考试不及格 23.lift up举起 24.get/have/make sth.done让某事被做 25.move out搬出去
九年级( 全 )Unit 7-8
九年级( 全 )Unit 7-8
要点回顾 名师考点精讲 随堂跟踪检测 常考话题写作
重 点 单 词
1.license/licencen.证;证件 2.safetyn.安全;安全性 safeadj.安全的 3.smokev.吸烟;冒烟n.烟 4.tinyadj.极小的;微小的 5.cryv./n.哭;叫喊 6.fieldn.田野;场地 7.hugn./v.拥抱;搂抱 8.liftv.举起;抬高n.电梯;搭便车 9.badlyadv.严重地;差;非常 badadj./adv.差( 的 );坏( 的 ) awful( 近义词 )adj.很坏的;讨厌的 terrible( 近义词 )adj.坏的;糟糕的
10.regretv./n.遗憾;懊悔 regretted( 过去式/过去分词 ) regretting( 现在分词 ) regretfuladj.遗憾的;后悔的 11.rabbitn.兔子 12.chancen.机会;可能性 13.educatev.教育;教导 educationn.教育 educatedadj.受过良好教育的;有教养的 educationaladj.教育的;有教育意义的 14.managev.完成( 困难的事 ),应付( 困难局面 ); 经营,管理 managern.经理;管理者 15.societyn.社会 socialadj.社会的
重 点 句 型
九年级( 全 )Unit 7-8
要点回顾 名师考点精讲 随堂跟踪检测 常考话题写作
1.Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced. 2.I think somebody must have picked it up. 3.“As you walk there,you can feel the energy from your feet move up your body,” said one visitor. 4.When I was running through the field,she made sure I was safe and kept me from danger. 1.同意和不同意 —I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. —I agree.They aren’t serious enough. —Do you think teenagers should be encouraged to make their own decisions? —No,I don’t agree with this.Teenagers are too young to make their own decisions. 2.做出推测 —Whose volleyball is this? —It must be Carla’s.She loves volleyball. 3.生活中的规矩 —Can I go to the shopping center with John? He just got his driver’s license. —No way.I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive.
九年级( 全 )Unit 7-8
要点回顾 名师考点精讲 随堂跟踪检测 常考话题写作
Ⅱ.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 1.Birds are natural enemies( enemy ) of many insects. 2.It was so noisy( noise ) that I couldn’t fall asleep that night. 3.The boy felt sleepy( sleep ) in class because he stayed up playing computer games. 4.I regret shouting( shout ) at my mother yesterday,but I was too shy to say sorry to her.
交 际 用 语
九年级( 全 )Unit 7-8
要点回顾 名师考点精讲 随堂跟踪检测 常考话题写作
语 法 归 纳
1.“情态动词+be+过去分词”结构 Do you think we may be allowed to take photos if we don’t use a flash ? I should not be told what to do! 2.情态动词表推测 My wife thinks that it could be an animal,but my friends and I think it must be teenagers having fun. —It could be a girl’s room because it’s very tidy. —I guess so.But it might be a boy’s room because the clothes look like boy’s clothes . 3.倒装句 Only then will I have a chance to achieve my dream.
重点单词 重点短语 重点句型
九年级( 全 )Unit 7-8
要点回顾 名师考点精讲 随堂跟踪检测 常考话题写作
考点1 against的用法
We have nothing against running!我们不反对跑步!( P54 ) against作介词,可表示多种含义,其常见含义和用法归纳如下: 1.表示“反对,违背”,其反义词为 for,经常同那些与之含义相关的动词连用( 如play,fight,guard 等 )。若表示“强烈反对”,一般与副词 strongly搭配。例如: 1 )Which team did they play against this time?这次他们同哪个队比赛? 2 )They are strongly against the idea.他们强烈反对这个意见。 2.表示位置,意为“靠着,倚在,顶着”。例如: 1 )The teacher’s desk is against the wall.老师的办公桌靠着墙放。 2 )Put your bicycle against the tree.把你的自行车靠那棵树停着。