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Important information
life study
solutions problems
host family
• 1. What’s her problem in study? Her essay.
• 2. How did she deal with it this time? She turned to her tutor for help.
Part I ( para1 ) The situation before leaving
Part II ( para 2 – 5) The situation at the beginning
Part III ( para 6– )7
The situation now and in the future
There will be follow-up report .
4. How do you understand the sentence “ she deserves to succeed” ?
1.近 年 , 越 来 越多 的天鹅 选择到 伊犁河 流域越 冬,这 与当地 实施天 然林保 护、湿 地生态 恢复等 重点林 业工程 建设使 湿地生 态明显 改善有 很大关 系。
• 3.How many pieces of advice? Four.
• 4. How could you get the answer so quickly?
First… Besides… Then… Finally
• 5. What benefit did she get?
Improved her mark and became an autonomous learner.
2.校 庆 在 即 , 学校 要求全 体师生 注重礼 仪,热 情待客 ,让从 全国各 地回母 校参加 庆祝活 动的校 友感到 宾至如 归。
3. 近 三 十 年 来 ,中 国社会 的快速 发展, 以及中 国和国 际交流 的扩大 ,西方 媒体从 敌视到 误读, 逐渐改 变了对 华的片 面报道
4.我们可通过河流触摸历史,把河流 和历史 抽象成 一种符 号,赋 予河流 更加丰 富和充 满变数 的内涵 。
Keep it up, Xie Lei Chinese girl fitting in well
• 1. Who is the girl? The girl is Xie Lei.
• 2. Where is she now? She is in London now.
• 3. What is she doing there? She is studying there.
5.河流不仅焕发了所有大地景观的活 力,且 还是重 要的经 济资源 、战略 资源和 不可替 代的文 化资源 。
6. 帮 助 家 境 不好 的孩子 上大学 ,是我 们应该 做的, 况且这 孩子各 方面都 很优秀 ,我们 一定要 帮助她 圆大学 梦。
7. 在 那 个 民 族独 立和民 族解放 斗争风 起云涌 的时代 ,能激 发人们 的爱国 热情是 评判一 部文学 作品好 坏的非 常重要 的标准 。
para 1 para2-5
before leaving
at the beginning
feelings excited & nervous
like a baby
numb with shock
para 6-7
now and fuBaidu Nhomakorabeaure
at home
1. Who are “ we” ?
• 4. How long has she been there? For 6 months.
general idea
Fit in well
Keep it up
A girl, Xie Lei, overcame ____d_if_f_ic_u_l_ti_e_s and _____a_d_a_p_te_d_ ttohe new environment .
• 3.What did she do then? She lives with a host family, who gave her a lot of advice.
• 4. What advice did she get?
New culture, idiom, and bring comfort to her.
Important information
life study
problems solutions
• 1. What was her trouble in life?
She had to learn almost everything.
• 2. How did she feel then? She felt like a child.
Important information read different texts
a_u_to_n_o_m_o_us learner
give my own opinion
explain it by referring to others contradict
Important information
2. In which page can we read the article?
In the column of education in the newspaper .
3. What does it mean “follow Xie Lei’s progress in later editions of this newspaper” ?
8. 社 会 大 转 型的时 代,往 往也是 造就伟 人的时 代,几 乎所有 基本领 域,都 在春秋 战国那 个充满 活力的 黄金时 代开山 立宗并 创造了 我们民 族精神 的最高 经典。
9. 原 生 文 化 是一个 民族的 根基, 其体现 的精神 没有因 为经历 了两千 多年就 逐渐消 退,当 各种复 杂的问 题困扰 我们的 时候, 每个人 都能从 中寻找 到再生 的动力 。