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Unit 1 People around us


1.people around as


2.为。。。做准备:get ready for sth

get ready to do sth.

3.In this unit, you will learn how to describe people around you.


学到关于。。。learn about sth.

学会做某事learn to do sth.

describe v. 描述

describe sth. for sb. 为某人描述某物

describe sth. to sb. 把某物给某人描述下来

description n. 描述

4.Read these student s’ articles about the people around them.


articles about sth. 关于。。。的文章

5.Listen to a girl talking to her grandma about their relatives.


6.Write a short article about a person you love.


a short article about…一篇关于。。。的短文


1.Do you know these words for describing people? 你认识这些用来描述人们的单词吗?2.Jim and David are cheerful.

cheerful adj. 快乐的,高兴的=happy

cheer up v. 振作起来

3.These are hard-working students.

hard-working adj. 努力工作的,勤奋的

work hard 努力工作adv.修饰v.

hard work 辛苦的工作adj.修饰n.

4.They study hard.


study 1) v. 2) n. 书房;(复数)研究,研究论文

5.She is a patient mum.

patient 1) adj. 有耐心的----impatient (没有耐心的)----patience n.耐心

2)n. 患者

6.She takes time to help her child.

take time to do sth. (慢慢地)花时间去做某事

It takes sb. st./ sm. to do sth. 某人花某。。。时间/钱去做某事

7.use one’s own words 用某人自己的语言


1.My grandma was a short woman with grey hair.


grey hair 灰白的头发,白发

grey hairs 老年人

grey area 贫困地区;灰色地区

in grey 穿灰衣服

2.She was always cheerful.

cheerful adj. 快乐的,高兴的=happy

cheer up v. 振作起来

3.She was a very good cook.

cook n. 厨师v. 做饭cooker n. 炊具

cooked meat 熟的肉(过去分词做定语)

4.Her dishes were probably the best in the world!

dish n.盘子,菜

Chinese dishes 中国菜

5. I will never forget the taste, and the smell as well.

n. n.

forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事

forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事(没做)

forgetful 健忘的adj.

as well 也

as well as 和(后面不是主语)

Tom , as well as his parents is at home.

6.Grandma took care of my family.

照顾,照看:take care of=look after=care for

照顾好:take good care of=look after …well

7.She died two years ago and I miss her very much.

(同义句) She has been dead for two years.

die v. ----dying (现在分词) He is dying. 他快要死了。(现在进行表将来)

dead adj.

death n. 死亡the death of…。。。的死亡

miss 和lose的区别:

lose 语气较强,一般指失去不易找回。miss有"发现失去"的意思,指东西找不到,但有找到的希望。His lost his leg in the war.

She missed her child in the street.

作定语时,lose 用过去分词形式,miss用现在分词形式。

8.Alice is my best friend.

=my closest friend

make friends with sb. 和。。。交朋友

9.She is a tall girl with glasses.


10.She often tells me jokes to make me laugh, but she never makes fun of others.

不定式做目的状语=other people

tell a joke; tell jokes 讲笑话

play a joke 开玩笑

make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事,使某人做某事;----sb. be made to do sth. (被动语态)
