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Week 1 (9/15) 課程簡介
Week 2 (9/21) The Concept of SHRM
1.Lengnick-Hall, C. A., and M. L. Lengnick-Hall. 1988. Strategic human
resources management: A review of the literature and a proposed typology.
Academy of Management Review, 13(3): 454-470.
2.Wright, P. M. & Boswell, W. R. 2002. Desegregating HRM: A Review and
Synthesis of Micro and Macro Human Resource Management. Journal of
Management, 28: 247-276.
3.Wright, P. M., and Snell, S. A. 1998. Toward a unifying framework for
exploring fit and flexibility in strategic human resource management.
Academy of Management Review, 23(4): 756-772.
Week 3 (10/2) Theoretical Basis of SHRM (1)
1.Schuler, R. S. 1989. Strategic human resource management and industrial
relations. Human Relations, 42: 157-184.
2.Barney, J., and Wright, P. M. 1998. On becoming a strategic partner: The
role of human resources in gaining competitive advantage. Human
Resource Management, 37: 31-46.
3.Lepak, D. P., and Snell, S. A. 1999. The human resource architecture:
Toward a theory of human capital allocation and development. Academy of
Management Review, 24: 31-48.
Week 4 (10/9) Theoretical Basis of SHRM (2)
1.Snell, S. A., M. A. Youndt, and P. M. Wright. 1996. Establishing a
framework for research in strategic human resource management: Merging
resource theory and organizational learning. In J. Shaw, P. Kirkbride, and K.
Rowland(Eds.), Research in personnel and human resource management,
vol.14: 61-90, Greenwich, CT : JAI Press.
2.Kang S. C., Snell, S. A. 2009. Intellectual capital architectures and
ambidextrous learning: A framework for human resource management,
Journal of Management Studies, 46: 65-92.
3.Snell, S. A. 1992. Control theory in strategic human resource management:
The mediating effect of administrative information. Academy of
Management Journal, 35: 292-327.
Week 5 (10/16) HRM and Organizational Performance (1)
1.Huselid, M. A., Jackson, S. E., and Schuler, R. S. 1997. Technical and
strategic human resource management effectiveness as determinants of firm
performance. Academy of management Journal, 40: 171-188.
2.Batt, R. 2002. Managing customer services: Human resource practices, quit
rates, and sales growth, Academy of management Journal, 45: 587-597.
3.Giardini, A., and Kabst, R. 2008. Effects of work-family human resource
practices: a longitudinal perspective. International Journal of Human
Resource Management, 19: 2079 – 2094.
Week 6 (10/23) HRM and Organizational Performance (2)
1.Sun, L., Aryee, S., and Law, K. S. 2007. High-performance human resource
practice, citizenship behavior, and organizational performance: A relational
perspective. Academy of Management Journal, 50: 558-577.
2.Zatzick, C. D., and Iverson, R. D. 2006. High-involvement management and
workplace reduction: Competitive advantage or disadvantage? Academy of
management Journal, 49: 999-1015.
3.Ericksen, J., and Dyer, L. 2005. Toward a strategic human resource
management model of high reliability organization performance,
International Journal of Human Resource Management, 16: 907-928.
Week 7 (11/6) Multiple Concepts about Fit
1.Drazin, R., and Van de Ven, A. H. 1985. Alternative forms of fit in
contingency theory. Administrative Science Quarterly, 30: 514-539.
indarajan, V. 1988. A contingency approach to strategy implementation
at the business-unit level: Integrating administrative mechanisms with
strategy. Academy of Management Journal, 31: 828-853.
3.Doty, D. H., Glick, W. H., and Huber, G. P. 1993. Fit, equifinality, and
organizational effectiveness: A test of two configurational theories.
Academy of Management Journal, 36: 1196-1250.
Week 8 (11/13) Internal and External Fit in SHRM Research (1)
1.Ichniowski, C., Shaw, K., and Prennushi, G. 1997. The effects of human
resource management practices on productivity: A study of steel finishing
lines. The American Economic Review, 87: 291-313.
2.Huselid, M. A. 1995. The impact of human resource management practices
on turnover, productivity, and corporate financial performance. Academy of
Management Journal, 38: 635-672.
3.Arthur, J. B. 1992. The link between business strategy and industrial
relations systems in American steel minimills. Industrial and Labor
Relations Review, 45: 488-506.
Week 9 (11/20) Internal and External Fit in SHRM Research (1)
1.Youndt, M. A., Snell, S. A., Dean, J. W., and Lepak, D. P. 1996. Human
resource management, manufacturing strategy, and firm performance.
Academy of Management Journal, 39: 836-866.
2.Delery, J. E., and Doty, D. H. 1996. Modes of theorizing in strategic human
resources management: Tests of universalistic, contingency, and
configurational performance prediction. Academy of Management Journal,
39: 802-835.
3.Nikandrou, I., Apospori, E., Panayotopoulou, L., Stavrou, E. T.,
andPapalexandris, N. 2008. Training and firm performance in Europe: the
impact of national and organizational characteristics, International Journal
of Human Resource Management, 19: 2057 – 2078.
Week 11 (12/4) HRM and Employment Relationship
1.Tsui, A. S., Pearce, J. L. Porter, L. W., and Tripoli, A. M. (1997),
Alternative Approaches to the Employee-organization Relationship: Dose
Investment in Employees Pay Off? Academy of Management Journal, 40,
2.Wang, D., Tsui, A. S., Zhang, Y., and Ma, L. 200
3. Employment
relationships and firm performance: Evidence from an emerging economy.
Journal of Organizational Behavior, 24:511-535.
3.Dabos, G. E., and Rousseau, D. M. 200
4. Mutuality and reciprocity in the
psychological contracts of employees and employers. Journal of Applied
Psychology, 89: 52-72.
Week 12 (12/11) HRM and Agency Theory
1.Eisenhardt, K. M. 1989. Agency theory: An assessment and review.
Academy of Management Review, 14: 57-74.
2.Welbourne, T. M., Balkin, D. B., and Gomez-Mejia, L. R. 1995.
Gainsharing and mutual monitoring: A combined agency-organizational
justice interpretation. Academy of Management Journal, 38: 81-899.
3.Berrone, P., and Gomez-Mejia, L. R. 2009. Environmental performance and
executive compensation: An integrated agency-institutional perspective.
Academy of Management Journal, 52: 103-126.
Week 13 (12/18) Multi-level issues in SHRM
1.Klein, K. J., and Kozlowski, S. W. J. 2000. From micro to meso: Critical
steps in conceptualizing and conducting multilevel research. Organizational
Research Methods, 3:211-236.
2.Takeuchi, R., Chen, G., and Lepak, D. P. 2009. Through the looking glass
of a social system: cross-level effects of high-performance work systems on
employees’ attitudes. Personnel Psychology, 62: 1-29.
3.Ketkar, S., and Sett, P. K. 2009.HR flexibility and firm performance:
Analysis of a multi-level causal model,International Journal of Human
Resource Management, 20: 1009-1038.
Week 14 (1/8) Cultural difference and HRM
1.Hui, C., Rousseau, D. M., Lee, C. 2004. Psychological contract and
organizational citizenship behavior in China: Investigating generalizability
and instrumentality, Journal of Applied Psychology, 89: 311-321.
2.Fey, C. F., Morgulis-yakushev, S., Park, H. J., and Björkman, I. 2009.
Opening the black box of the relationship between HRM practices and firm
performance: A comparison of MNE subsidiaries in the USA, Finland, and
Russia. Journal of International Business Studies, 40: 690-712.
3.Chiang, F. F. T., and Birtch, T. 2007. The transferability of management
practices: Examining cross-national differences in reward preferences,
Human Relations, 60: 1293-1330.
Week 15 (1/15) Progress and Prospect of SHRM
1.The Editors, 2009. Human resource management (HRM) and performance:
Progress and prospects, Journal of Management Studies, 46: 127-128.
2.Paauwe, J. 2009. HRM and performance: Achievements, methodological
issues and prospects, Journal of Management Studies, 46: 129-142.
3.Janssens, M., and Steyaert, C. 2009. HRM and Performance: A Plea for
Reflexivity in HRM Studies, Journal of Management Studies, 46:
4.Becker, B. E., and Huselid, M. A. 2006. Strategic human resource
management: Where do we go from here? Journal of Management, 32:
Week 16 (1/22) Presentation。
