高级职业英语(第二版)拓展教程3多媒体课件1 unit 3

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
until we’ve got a strong grasp of what you need, and then produce a Photoshop or PDF (your preference) template of the website design. We mention any functions that aren’t obvious from the design.
Read on to get a better sense of how things move along when working with us.
integrity n. 诚实而 正直,完整
Chinese translation:
Unit 3 Workflow Management
Section 1 More Things to Do Step 1: Inquiry We ask the needed questions of you to know exactly what you’re looking for, and answer all the questions you may have about the process. For starters, we establish a clear, concise quote with a given price range. You’ll know within a reasonable price window exactly what it will cost to have your project done by us. No hidden costs.
Photoshop or PDF 3) template of website design.
concise a. 简明的, 言简 意赅的
quote n. 报价
Chinese translation:
Unit 3 Workflow Management
Section 1 More Things to Do
Step 2: Conception If you require design work, we discuss things with you
Unit 3 Workflow Management
Section 1 More Things to Do
Step 3: First Drop of Code You can have access to the work process as long as you’ve got access to the Internet. Once we’ve fi nished a design or development plan, we set up an interactive, secure, and private place on the web where we will chart progress if needed, and share plans moving forward. When we start developing the website, we’ll also give you a link to our private server environment where we’ll be building your web content.
launch n.(新产品 的)投产或投放 upload v. 上传 configure v. (计算 机) 装配,配置 trigger n. 击发;扳机 specify v. 确切规 定,明确说明 set aside 节省或保留 (钱或时间) bug n. 缺陷;臭虫 bundle v. 打包,捆绑 free of charge 免费
Section 1 More Things to Do
How to Work with a Web Developer
If you’ve never worked with a web developer or company
intimidating a. 吓人 的,令人惊恐的
before, it can be intimidating. Often in poor situations, there’s a great deal of “mystery” involved in the process, where clients do not have regular access to the website as it’s being developed and deal frequently with changes or alterations not
2. What will they do if there are any limitations or road blocks in the procesBaidu Nhomakorabea?
3. When should the clients make full payment to the web developer?
Unit 3 Workflow Management
tutorial n. 指南;辅 导课
package n. 包裹, 包装
Chinese translation:
Unit 3 Workflow Management
Section 1 More Things to Do
Step 5: Launch When we’re ready to go and have arranged a time for the website launch, we’ll upload your files to your server, configure and double-check everything to make sure there are no errors or outstanding problems with the launch, and pull the trigger when you say go. Be aware that by this point we will have received full payment from you. We will continue to work with you for a specified time after launch. Included in most quotes are a few hours set aside for minor bugs or last minute post-launch changes. The hours are bundled with your package and are offered free of charge.
we’ll drive some traffic towards your sparkling new baby. After the successful launch of your website, at your
discretion and convenience, we ask that you give us some feedback we can use to help our service and share with other potential clients.
development work with integrity, honesty, and a focus on identifying what you need and hope for in your project.
alteration n. 改变, 变更 prior a. 较早的,居 先的 consent n. 同意, 允许
Chinese translation:
Unit 3 Workflow Management
Section 1 More Things to Do Step 6: Coming Down Your website will be featured here for others to see, and
3 Unit
Workflow Management
Unit 3 Workflow Management
Section 1 More Things to Do
Activity 1 Read More About Workflow Management
1. Why can it be intimidating to work with a web developer or company for the first time?
mystery n. 神秘的 事物,神秘 have access to(使用 某物或接近某 人 的)机会或权利
requested and without prior conversation and consent. What we offer instead are professional designs and
If we’re working on a development project with you, we go over the aspects of functionality until you’re satisfied with the direction we’re taking. We’ll inform you of any limitations or road blocks in the process, and work with you to find another way.
interactive a. 互动 的,交 互式的
chart v. 在图表上记 录或 跟踪
Chinese translation:
Unit 3 Workflow Management
Section 1 More Things to Do
Step 4: The Details If you need us to set up a web server and WWW address online, or have other needs like tutorials for updating your content or accessing your administration, we can also include those services in your package. And we’ll be likely to arrange a suitable completion date target with you at this point.
(556 words)
feature v. 给(某物) 以显 著地位
sparkle v. 闪耀,闪烁
at one’s discretion 依照 某人的见解
Chinese translation:
Unit 3 Workflow Management
Activity 2 Fulfill the Following Tasks
Task 1 Complete the outline with the information from the passage. Six Steps to Work with the Web Developer
Step 1. 1) Inquiry .
Step 2. Discussing things with you to get a 2) grasp of what you need and then producing a
get a grasp of 理解, 领会,掌握 Photoshop 图像处 理软件, 由美国 Adobe公司出品 PDF Adobe软件的可移植文档格式 文件的扩展名 template n. 样板, 模板 functionality n. 功 能性 block n. 障碍,障 碍物
Chinese translation: