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13. Anna is an ________ that's why she is strict and accurate to each cent.

14. Don't put up any ___________on the walls where it is not allowed.

15. ___________, the team of Germany won the game, instead of what we had expected.

Section D. Put the following sentences into English. (要求运用主语从句的相关句型)

1. 你抛弃残疾孩子太残酷了。( abandon )

2. 这所大学的学术水平之高是绝对不容置疑的。( academic; absolutely)

3. 他们是否全神贯注地学习正式老师所关心的。(absorb)

4.很明显这些方便设施大多数人都是不能享受的。( access)

5. 他所陈述的理由不能解释事故的真正原因。(account)

6. 你所适应的正是我不能适应的。( adapt)

7. 他拒绝承认失败是我们预料到的。( admit )

8.为什么他的意见会被采纳还是一个谜。(adopt )

**************************************************************************************** Keys:

Section A

1-5 HACDE 6-10 IF GO J 11-15 LNKMB

16-20 Gbfgk 21-25 aomdh 26-30 eiinj

Section C

1. ability

2. abnormal

3. absence

4. inaccessible

5. accuracy

6. accusation

7. inadequate


9. agreement 10. alcohol

11. additional 12. advantage 13. accountant 14. advertisement 15. Actually

Section D

1. It is cruel that you should abandon the disabled child.

2. That the university is of high academic level is absolutely undoubted.

3. Whether they are absorbed in their study is what their teacher cares for.

4. It is obvious that the public accommodation is inaccessible to most of the people.

5. What he accounted for cannot explain the real cause of the accident.

7. 我们别无选择只好住到他原来住过的屋子里去了。(alternative)

8. 你总是拿这种你自己也没有把握的事来问我。(always)

9. 那位指控嫌疑犯犯有抢劫罪的法官在法律研究上有很有成就。( accuse; achievement)

10. 他的伟大成就之一是这本关于心理学方面的书,许多心理学家对它进行了评论。( achievement; psychology; comment)

**************************************************************************************** Keys:

Section A:

1-5 AIHJG 6-10 KFLEM 11-15 DNCOB

16-20 o m n k I 21-25 i j g h e 26-30 f c d a b

Section C:

1. alternations

2. amazement

3. ambitious

4. amusement

5. analysis

6. Announcements

7. anxiety

8. appearances

9. applications 10. appointment 11. appreciation 12. disapproval

13. architecture 14. argument 15. arrangements

Section D:

1. It appears that he has succeeded in the place where the others failed to do the experiment.

2. I would appreciate it very much, if you could put the case in the place where I have cleaned.

3. I will make the same appointment as you made with him yesterday.

4. We have approved the test, where you should choose one from the four choices given.

5. Whether we will approve your application depends on the day when you have applied for it.

6. The wisdom of our ancestor is amazing, which is very obvious.

7. We have no alternative but to live in the house in which/ where he lived.

8. You are always asking me such things as you are not certain about.

9. The judge, who accused the suspect of the robbery, has made great achievements in the study of law.

10. One of his great achievements is his book on psychology, which many psychologists make comments on.

三、Test 3

Section A. Match Column A with Column B and write down the right order below.

Column A Column B
