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1.spook: colloq. a ghost【口】鬼,幽灵

2.retread: to put a new covering on the tire翻新(旧轮胎);修补

3.recollect: remember记得,想起

4.dangle: to hang freely or swing gently back and forth悬挂,摇摆

5.swing: to move backwards and forwards or from side to side while hanging from sth.摇摆,摆动

6.enforce: to make people obey a law or rule or do sth. that they do not want to强制执行


8.desegregate:“segregate” is to separate the black and the white. “desegregate” is to end the separation

that exists, in this case concerning schools.废除种族隔离

9.coon: slang offens. A black person【俚语,冒犯】黑鬼;a raccoon浣熊

10.dictatorship: a state ruled by a person with supreme authority 独裁专政

11.draft: to force sb. to join the army应征入伍;to make a first copy of a piece of writing起草

12.sergeant: an officer with a low position in the army中士;an officer with a middle position in the police


13.bunk: a bed that is fixed to a wall, for example on a ship or train床铺;上下铺

14.luscious: tasting very good美味的;甘美的;sexually attractive性感的

15.harmonica: a small musical instrument that you play by moving it across your lips while are blowing


16.FNG(Fucking New Guy)(军俚)新兵(00:41:57)

17.sniper: a person who shoots at sb. from a hidden position狙击手

18.cushion: a bag filled with soft material软垫子,坐垫


20.sling: a piece of cloth that you put under your arm and tie around your neck to support a broken arm,

wrist, etc.吊带

21.requisition: an official order laying claim to the use of property or materials征用令,申请单

22.lieutenant: an officer at a middle level in the army(陆军)中尉

23.platoon: a small group of soldiers排

24.ambush: a surprise attack from a hidden position伏击,埋伏

25.misfire: fail to go off or start or function regularly(枪)不发火;(发动机等)不能正常发动

26.slaughter: to kill a large number of people at one time, esp. in a cruel way屠杀,杀戮

27.brutalize: treat cruelly残酷地对待

28.hassle: a trouble or inconvenience麻烦,不便;an argument or involved struggle争吵

29.veteran: a person who has served in the army退伍老兵

30.celebrity: a well-known person名人

31.imbecile: a stupid person傻瓜,低能儿

32.moron: a very stupid or foolish person傻子,笨蛋

33.cunning: clever in a dishonest or bad way狡猾的;attractive【北美】可爱的

34.pathetic: causing you to feel pity or sadness可怜的,可悲的

35.fuse: a small piece of wire in an electrical system that melts and breaks if there is too much power.保


36.cocktail: a mixture of small pieces of food that is served cold什锦拼盘;a drink made from a mixture

of alcoholic drinks and fruit juices鸡尾酒

37.due: exactly, directly正对着

38.whopper: a big lie弥天大谎;sth. big of its kind庞然大物

39.zillionaire: 亿万富翁

40.jabber: to talk rapidly, and in an unclear way喋喋不休地说

41.clear: all the way【美】一直I ran clear to the ocean.我一直跑到大海。

42.bumper: the bar fixed to the front and back of a motor vehicle to protect it if it hits sth.保险杠

43.double-park: park illegally often in the middle of the street并排停,双行停

44.custom-made=custom-built: made to a customer’s order 定做的

45.fiancée: a woman who has promised to marry a man未婚妻

46.scrapbook: a personal book of memories, photographs, articles and so on剪贴簿

47.clippings: a group of specific articles about someone or something剪报


49.bayou: the place where a river enters into a large body of water, such as a lake or ocean长沼

50.bulldoze: A “bulldozer” is a huge type of truck that levels entire buildings to the ground. 推土机to

clear with a bulldozer平整,推平


1. fine and dandy: a curious and somewhat old-fashioned expression meaning good, or well.极好的

2. induction day: the first day upon entering an organization.第一天

3. get a load of: 【俚语】瞧一眼

2. trip wire: a hidden wire that when touched, causes a bomb or mine to explode地雷引线

3. let sb. down: to disappoint sb. 使某人失望、沮丧

4. on one’s feet: stand up 站好

5. split everything right down in the middle全部都对半分

6. pull back: to move backwards退回,撤退

7. expand one’s mind: a 1960s way to say “She learned about the universe.”扩大视野,了解世界

8. get out of hand: become difficult or impossible to control变得难以(或无法)控制

9. make a fool of sb.: make (a person) look foolish使(某人)出丑;愚弄

10. swear in: induct into office etc. by administering an oath宣誓就职

11. grow on sb.: If sb./sth. grows on you, you gradually like it more and more逐渐为某人所喜爱

That painting’s really grown on me.那幅画实在让我越来越喜欢了。

12. pay one’s respects to sb.: to honor their memory, and it is often used in the context of visiting their grave

13. figure out: to try and understand理解;计算出,解决;估计

14. white lie: a lie that is not very harmful or serious善意的谎言;无伤大雅的小谎话
