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Producers’ responsibility Introduced引入厂商责任制
Ban on landfill of combustible waste 禁止填埋可燃垃圾
600000 400000 200000
Municipal waste planning compulsory
Ban on landfill of organic waste and national target on food waste 禁止填埋有机和食物垃圾On-going
Long-term regulations and economical steering instruments 长期规章、经济性措施
Co-operation between municipalities 跨市合作
Co-operation within municipalites (Waste-, Energy-, Water-, Urban- planning-, etc departements) 市内合作
Waste heat and electricity
1Dåva1 Fuel: waste (sorted) Electricity: 12 MW Heat: 38 MW Flue gas condenser: 15 MW (heat pumps
Biomass electricity
Dåva 2
Fuel: biomass and peat Electricity: 35 MW Heat: 70 MW Flue gas condenser: 30 MW
Co- operation 合作
Co-operation – the solution to an increasingly complex waste management: 不断复杂化的垃圾管理的必然
• Handle the waste in a costeffecient way 最经济的处理垃圾
• Waste management is a public service 垃圾管理是一项公共服务
• Clear division of roles and responsibilities enable necessary investments 清晰的责任和 必要投资
• Clear national environmental targets showing the direction 清晰的环保目标
Treatment of household waste in Sweden, 2011 (%) 瑞典生活垃圾的处理
Landfill Energy recovery Biological treatment Recycling (material)
national overview
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
Clear division of responsibilities 清晰的责任分工
Municipalities: 市政府
Producers: 厂商
• Collection and treatment of municipal waste 收集和处理城区垃圾
Waste generator: 垃圾制造者 • Citizens/households: Separation and leave/transport
waste at indicated collection points 市民:分类并运输或放置在指定地点
• Companies/Industries: Handling of own generated waste 企业:处置自产垃圾
2 heat and
An integrated part of a holistic system 整合系统
Products 产品
Material recycling 材料回收
Sewage water
cleaning 污水处理
Farms 农场
Waste 垃圾
Biosolids 生物固废
Recycling centers 回收中心
Generation of district heating and electricity 区域供暖和电力
Covers around 20 % of the total district heating in Sweden, equals the needs of 900 000 homes 覆盖瑞典20%的供暖,约90万个家庭
Infrastructure 基础设施
Collection of waste from households based on source separation 按收集方式 Curb side collection 路边收集站 630 manned drop-off recycling centers
Collaboration between public and private sectors 政民协作
Focus on communication and public engagement 侧重宣传和公民参与
Incineration 焚烧
Landfill 填埋
Anaerobic digestion 厌氧罐
Biogas 沼气
Vehicle fuel 汽车燃料
Cooling/ heating production供暖
Other fuels 其他燃料
production 电能
Important sucsess factors 关键成功要素
: 9 million 瑞典人口900万 : Since 1995 自95年加入欧盟
: Advanced with a high standard of living : north to south ~1600 km 南北1600千米
east to west ~ 500 km 东西500千米
Waste – a resource 垃圾是一种资源
Collection and transport收集和运输 Recycling stations回收站 Recycling centers回收中心
Curbside collection 路边收集站
Materialrecycling 材料循环 Biological recycling生物循环
Energy recovery 能量循环 Landfill 填埋
630个人工回收中心 5 800 unmanned recycling drop-off
stations 5800个非人工回收中心
Treatment and recycling of waste based on the character of the waste 按处理方式 • 58 organic waste facilities58个有机垃圾站 32 waste to energy plants32个能源转化站 79 landfills 79个填埋场
Produces electricity corresponding to the needs of 250 000 homes 供25万家庭用电需求
Advanced and secure flue gas treatment 先进安全的废气处理
Most of the rest-products can be recycled 绝大多数副产品可被利用
The Swedish Waste Management System 瑞典垃圾管理系统
6580 公里
Umeå于默奥 Population Umeå 人口 : 117 000
Population Sweden Member of the EU Welfare system Size
Total energy production 2011: 能量产出 District heating: 13,5 TWh 供暖13.5 太瓦时 Electricity: 2 TWh 电能2太瓦时 (including industral waste 包含工业垃圾)
Dåva combined heat and powerplant 多瓦电能、制热厂
Municipal level 市政层面
Municipal authorithies: 市政当局 Local environmental targets 本地环保法案 Local waste plans and regulations 当地垃圾规划和规章 Permissions to smaller treatment plants (the environmental office) 审批小型设施
Important steps of development
Household waste to landfill per year (tonnes) 每年填埋的生活垃圾量(吨)
1400000 1200000
Landfill tax introduced 填埋税引入
1000000 800000
National environmental courts (5 plus one superior): 国家环保法庭 Gives permissions to larger treatment plants 审批大型处理设施
Regional level 区域层面
County Administrative Board - government authority (21 counties): 省管理委员会 Regional environmental targets 区域环保法案 Permissions and control for most treatment plants 审批大部分处理设施 Supervision of the regional treatment capacity 监控区域内处理设施
• Securing competence 保障竞争力
Overview model 总体模型
Housholds or companies Waste prevention 家庭和企业减少垃圾
New products: 新产品
Biogas, new materials, district heating, electricity, bio-fertilizer 沼气、新材料、供暖、电能、肥料
Unique results 成效显著
1cycling (material)
Biological treatment
Energy recovery
0 Sweden 2010
EU 2010
USA 2010
The development
Authorities and Agencies 当局和机构
National level 国家层面
Parliament 国会 National environmental targets 国家环保法案
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency 瑞典环境保护局 National waste plan 全国垃圾规划 Produces national legislation and guidelines 制定相关法律和规章指南
• Collection and treatment of waste within the Producers
• Information to households
• 收集和处置责任范围内垃圾
Supervisory Authorities