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1 严重缺陷。系统无法满足基本的商业要求且没有便捷可用的工作区。性能、功能或使用方面严重不达标
2 一般缺陷。系统能够满足商业要求。有快捷方便的工作区可供使用。性能、功能或使用方面并不是严重不达标
3 微小缺陷。微小修改,希望提出建议,最好能够修正,但不是必需的。在发布准确性或实用性方面不会产生重大影响
小组中使用的主观对任务和工作项排定优先次序评级。与严重性结合在一起来评定可见度、变更、风险修复等。(A "subjective" rating used by groups to prioritize tasks and work items.
A combination of Severity with the visibility, workarounds, fix risk, etc... subjective importance)(1)优先级0(Priority 0)
⏹这类软件缺陷必须在24小时之内被解决(These bugs need to be resolved within 24
⏹问题导致了中断或者阻止了产品的正常版本编译(Issues that break or prevent a
product build)
⏹问题导致了阻止了BVT和其他测试自动化的运行(Issues that prevent BVTs and
other test automation)
⏹问题导致了无法成功构建国内和全球文档(Issues that keep production from
successfully building Domestic and International Doc Builds)
⏹由于粗心丢失内容,如文档文件、命名空间(Unintentionally dropped out content, e.g.
doc file, namespace)
(2)优先级1(Priority 1)
目标(Bugs that must be fixed in order to ship the product or achieve UE's top/main
⏹高法律风险;地域相关;版权,商标,准许法令(High Legal risk; Geopolitical,
Copyright, Trademark, Consent Decree)
⏹高风险编码实践(High risk security coding practices)
⏹问题导致了对客户和/或本公司的重大影响(Issues with significant impact on
customers and/or the company)
⏹对用户/产品关键的用于描述场景的新文档和/或新特性(New documentation for
scenarios and/or new features that are crucial to customers and/or the product)
⏹辅助访问主题的元数据的变更;搜索,属性F1和索引问题(Metadata changes to help
access topics; search, attributes, F1 and indexing issues)
⏹在目标命名空间中的代码样例/代码片段(Code samples/snippets in targeted
⏹过多从参考文档到概念性文档的引用(More linking of reference docs to conceptual
docs )
⏹在顶层页面/节点发现的问题,例如在首页,门户上发现的问题(Issue found on top
level pages/node,e.g., homepage, portal)
⏹在大标题上存在的问题(Issue appears in a large number of topics through out the doc
⏹技术性的不正确的内容(Technically incorrect content)
(3)优先级2(Priority 2)
⏹软件缺陷应该被修复(Bugs that should be fixed):
⏹对客户和产品不是那么关键性的场景或者特性(Scenarios or features that are not
crucial to customers or the product)
⏹从先前版本来的内容修复(Fixing content from previous releases)
⏹非目标命名空间中代码样例/代码片段(Code samples/snippets in non targeted
⏹在中等级页面/节点中发现的缺陷(Bug found in mid level pages/nodes)
⏹在小标题上存在的问题(Bug appears in a significant number of topics through out the
doc set)
(4)优先级3(Priority 3)
⏹如果修复这个缺陷会比较好(Bugs that would be good to fix):
⏹目录问题(Table of Contents issues)
⏹先前版本中未完成的文档(Incomplete documentation from previous releases)
⏹重写或重新格式化原本正确的文档,为了让它更清晰,更容易阅读(Rewriting or
reformatting correct content to make it clearer, easier to read)
⏹在视觉上影响到用户但是但不影响阅读(Issues that visually impacts the customer but
won't affect the readability or use of the topic)
⏹最佳实践修复(Best practice fixes)
⏹代码样例/代码片段(Code samples/snippets)
⏹在低级的页面中/节点中发现的问题(Issues found in low level pages/nodes)
⏹被阅读很少的主题(Issues found in a small number of topics)
(5)优先级4(Priority 4)
处理(Bugs that would be nice to fix, are trivial and can be postponed):
⏹在文档中藏得比较深的问题(Issues buried in the docs)
⏹仅在一个话题中有的问题(Issues found in only one topic )
⏹对用户影响比较小的问题(Issues with low to no customer impact)
⏹如果要修复这个问题导致的本地化的投入要比对用户的获益高得多(Issues with a high
localization cost versus customer gain)