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( )1. A. B. C.

( )2. A. B. C.

( )3. A. B. C.

( )4. A. B. C.

( )5. A. B. C.

B) 听对话,从所给选项中选出最正确答案回答以下咨询题。听两遍。〔5分〕( )6.What’s the boy looking for?


( )7.When will they go to the library?

A.Next Tuesday.B.Next Monday.C.Next Thursday.( ) 8.What was Sam doing?

A.He was cleaning the floor.

B.He was playing football.

C.He was drawing on the wall.

( )9.What kind of music does Linda like?

A.Rock music.B.Country music.C.Light music.

( )10.What does the man’s answer mean?

A.The woman can’t sit beside him.

B.The woman can sit beside him.

C.Someone else will sit beside him.

C) 听对话,从所给选项中选出最正确答案回答以下咨询题。听两遍。(10分)


( )11. Where is the mother going?

A. She is going to school.

B. She is going to the hospital.

C. She is going to the supermarket.

( )12. What does the boy want?

A. He wants a ball pen.

B. He wants a pen.

C. He wants a ball.


( )13.What time was it when they thought of stopping the car?


( )14.Why did they want to stop the car?

A.To eat something.B.To have a walk.C.To look at the sheep.( )15.Where did they decide to stop at last?

A.In another field.B.In a small village.C.On a piece of grass.听第三段对话,回答第16-17小题:

( )16. Where does the man want to go ?

A. The History Museum.

B. The Science Museum.

C. The park.

( )17. How far is it from here to the History Museum?

A. About 500 metres.

B. About 5.5 kilometres.

C. About 6 kilometres.


( )18. Where is the new library?

A. Near the museum.

B. In London School.

C. On Ocean Road.

( )19. What can they do in the video reading room?

A. They can listen to tapes.

B. They can borrow some books.

C. They can search the Internet.

( )20. When can they see a free film?

A. On Tuesdays.

B. On Saturdays.

C. On Sundays.

D) 听短文,依照短文内容选择适当答案。〔5分〕

( )21. What does Andy like?

A. He likes driving.

B. He likes drinking.

C. He likes swimming.

( )22. How many times did Andy decide to give up drinking?

A. Once.

B. Twice.

C. Three times.

( )23.Charlie became angry because__________.

A.Andy hit a policeman

B.Andy was hurt

C.Andy drank again

( )24.What did Andy decide to do at last?

A.He decided to keep drinking.

B.He decided to keep all the laws and rules and stop drinking.
