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we’re from different worlds, yet we somehow fit together. Love is what binds us, through fair or stormy weather. I stand before you now with only one agenda:”to let you know my heart is yours.


Okay, the key to being a good dad? Sometimes things work out just the way you want. Sometimes they don’t. You gotta hang in there. Because when all is said and done,90% of being a dad is just showin’up.


Doesn’t it feel like these arms could go around the world?


You’re reaching out, trying to hold on to something awesome.

5 我是故意输掉让他开心点的吗?也许吧。但在今天,他需要这一场胜利.我们常常为了深爱的人做些稀奇古怪的事,我们对他们撒谎,我们为他们撒谎。或许生活中难免坎坷颠簸,但我们总希望他们过得尽善尽美。就像是肩负着最


Did I lose the race to make him feel better? Maybe. But it just seemed like he could use a win today. We do strange things for the people we love. We lie to them, we lie for them. There may be some bumps along the way, but we never stop waiting the best for them. That’s what makes it such a tough job. Kind of the best job in the world.


We tell our kids it doesn’t matter if you win or lose. But let’s be honest, winning feels pretty great. There’s nothing like that golden moment in the sun.

I think every parent probably wants that for their child, and maybe a little bit for ourselves too. Sometimes we push too hard, and that leads to a lot of resentment and guilt. So, how much is too much? Here’s where I come out: Guilt fades. Hardware is forever.


If you’d asked me before the party if I wanted there to be a chain reaction of disasters that led to Luke breaking his arm, I probably would’ve said no. But, one way or another, Luke was the center of attention on his birthday and the whole family was together just the way it should be.

8每年的这个时候,我们就会经常谈论传统,尽管我们深爱着自己的传统,但有时候我们最美好的回忆,却来自最颠覆传统的时刻。We talk a lot about tradition this time of year. But as much as we love our traditions, Sometimes our best memories come from the times that are the most untraditional.


If I’m supposed to act like an adult, is that act like adults I see in the world or the adults in my family? ‘Cause if it’s the ones in my fami ly,then,how hard

could that be?

10不管是为自己还是为了所爱的人改变,15%,有时候这样就足够了 Whether it’s for themselves or for the people they love, yeah,15%, sometimes that’s just enough.


At that moment all I wanted was to be with my family. But of course, that meant finding a way to apologize to the people that I had belittled and rejected. They could have been petty. They really could have made me pay, but they didn’t. Never loved’em more.


Everybody’s afraid of something, right? Heights, clowns, tight spaces. Those are things you get over. But then there’s our children. Will they fit in? Will they be safe? Those are fears you never get past. So sometimes all you can do is take a deep breath, pull’
