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Shichahai is a famous scenic area that includes three lakes (Qian Hai, meaning Front Sea; Hou Hai, meaning Back Sea and Xi Hai, meaning Western Sea), surrounding places of historic interest and scenic beauty, and remnants['remnənt]剩余部分;残余;

幸存者of old-style Beijing residences['rezɪdənsɪz]住处,住宅, Hutong and Courtyard[ˈkɔ:tjɑ:d]庭院,院子. It is located in the northwest part of Beijing, and covers覆盖,遮蔽,涉及;包括a large area of 146.7 hectares[ˈhekteə(r)]公顷(about 363 acres['eɪkə(r)]英亩;土地).

The history of Shichahai can be traced 追踪;追溯to as far back as the Jin Dynasty [ˈdaɪnəsti]王朝;朝代(1115 - 1234). During the Yuan Dynasty (1271 - 1368), it

was the terminal['tɜ:mɪnl]末期的;晚期的;末端的point of the Great Canal[kə'næl]京杭大运河, which was a main reason for its prosperity[prɒ'sperətɪ]繁荣;兴旺,昌盛;成功. In the period of the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644), when the channels ceased [si:s]停止,终止,结束to be as smooth流畅的;柔软的;温和的as they used to be, Shichahai changed from a bustling[ˈbʌslɪŋ]繁忙的,熙熙攘攘的hub轮轴;中心,焦点to a place of leisure ['leʒə(r)]空闲时间;闲暇;悠闲where people could stroll[strəʊl]散步around to admire赞赏;称赞;欣赏the vast广阔的;巨大的;大量的scenery['si:nərɪ]风景,景色or enjoy the cool shade under williow ['wɪləʊ]柳树trees.

Shichahai is always a good place for local Beijingers' recreational[ˈrekriˈe ɪʃənl]消遣的;娱乐的life, and in the last 200 years, many governmental officers, celebrities[sə'lebrətɪ]名人名流;名声, monks[mʌŋk]修道士,僧侣and nuns[nʌn]修女,尼姑chose[tʃəʊz]挑选( choose的过去式);选择;选定;喜欢to build mansions [ˈmænʃn]大厦;宅第,公馆, temples庙,寺and nunneries['nʌnərɪ]尼姑庵,女修

道院in Shichahai. Thus于是,因此;如此, Shichahai's attraction吸引;[物]引力;魅力;引人注意的东西lies躺;摆放,位于;处于…状态;存在,内含not only in its natural beauty, but also i

n the historical[hɪˈstɒrɪkl]value价值,价格;意义,涵义;重要性of its architectur e[ˈɑ:kɪtektʃə(r)]建筑学;建筑风格.The most famous ones among these histori cal buildings are Prince[prɪns]Gong's Mansion[ˈmænʃn]恭王府(Gon g Wang Fu), Price Chun's Mansion (Chun Wang Fu), the Former[ˈfɔ:mə

(r)]以前的,从前的;在前的;前任的Residence[ˈrezɪdəns]住处,住宅of Song Qing Li

ng, the Former Residence of Mei Lan Fang (the well-known出名的,众所周知的,熟

悉的;鼎鼎大名Peking Opera['ɒpərə]歌剧master大师) and Guang Hua Temple广化寺.

The greatest point of interest in Shichahai today is its residences, Hutong and

Courtyard[ˈkɔ:tjɑ:d]庭院,院子. In and around Beijing City, Shichahai is one o f the best places to view well-preserved['welprɪz'ɜ:vd]保存得很好的Hutongs

and courtyards. Visiting Hutongs by pedicab['pedɪkæb]三轮车has become a popular activity for visitors from China and abroad海外,异国. The most famous Hutong is Jin Si Tao, which actually includes 18 hutongs and keeps the origi

nal layout[ˈleɪaʊt]布局,安排,设计;布置图,规划图of Hutong Area. Another one is Skewed[skju:d]歪曲Tobacco Pouch[paʊtʃ]烟草袋Street烟袋斜街(Yan dai Xiejie), meaning an oblique[əˈbli:k]斜,倾斜的street which looks like a l ong-stemmed[stemd]有茎的,去掉茎的pipe[paɪp]烟斗. This street used to be a famous street selling long-stemmed pipes. In the east of Shichahai area['eərɪə], South Gong and Drum[drʌm]鼓Lane[leɪn]小路,小巷(Nanluogu Xia ng)南锣鼓巷is an interesting hutong renowned[rɪˈnaʊnd]有名的,享有声誉的;有声望的for its long history, Hutong culture, specialty[ˈspeʃəlti]特色的;专门的;

独立的stores and distinct[dɪˈstɪŋkt]明显的,清楚的;卓越的,不寻常的ive[ɪv] 有...倾向的;有... 性质的foods
