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International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 57 (2013) 26–29

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International Journal of Biological


j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /i j b i o m a


Chemical composition and moisture-absorption/retention ability of polysaccharides extracted from five algae

Jing Wang a ,c ,Weihua Jin a ,b ,c ,Yun Hou a ,b ,Xizhen Niu a ,Hong Zhang a ,Quanbin Zhang a ,∗


Institute of Oceanology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Qingdao 266071,PR China b

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,PR China c

Nantong Branch,Institute of Oceanology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nantong,Jiangsu 226006,PR China

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history:

Received 2January 2013

Received in revised form 21January 2013Accepted 2March 2013

Available online 13 March 2013

a b s t r a c t

In this study,we prepared seven polysaccharides extracted from five algae including one brown alga Saccharina japonica ,one red alga Porphyra haitanensis and three green algae Codium fragile ,Enteromor-pha linza and Bryopsis plumose .The chemical composition and capability of moisture-absorption and moisture-retention were investigated in comparison with those of hyaluronic acid (HA).The low molec-ular weight polysaccharides extracted from brown seaweed exhibited the highest moisture-absorption and moisture-retention abilities of all of the polysaccharides studied and performed better than HA.The relationships between chemical composition (including sulfated groups,monosaccharide,and molecular weight)and the functions of polysaccharides were also studied.We found the sulfated group was a main active site for moisture-absorption and moisture-retention abilities.These abilities were also related to molecular weight;with the exception of the low molecular weight polysaccharide extracted from red seaweed,lower molecular weight improved moisture-absorption and moisture-retention abilities.

© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Hyaluronic acid (HA),a common mucopolysaccharide,is a regular,unbranched polymer with a repeating unit of the type (–N–G–)n ,where N is N-acetylglucosamine and G is glucuronic acid [1,2].HA is an important functional ingredient in cosmetics and in clinical medicine because of its excellent moisture-retention ability.Although HA is ubiquitous in plants and animals,the total amount is limited,and the price is very high [2].In the past few years,interest has increased considerably in the naturally occurring class of polymers known as polysaccharides,owing to their abun-dance,friendliness to the environment,and potential to substitute for some petrochemicals [3].For example,chitin,chitosan and their derivatives have been studied thoroughly for their moisture-absorption and retention abilities [4–7].As carboxymethyl chitosan (CM-chitosan)has a similar skeletal structure to HA,the moisture retention properties of CM-chitosan have received considerable attention.Chen et al.found that intermolecular hydrogen bonds play a very important role in the moisture-absorption and reten-tion abilities of CM-chitosan,specifically,that these abilities are related to the degree of deacetylation (DD)and the degree of substi-tution (DS)[8].The moisture-absorption and retention abilities of polysaccharides extracted from other plants and animals have also

∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+8653282898703;fax:+8653282898703.E-mail address:qbzhang@ (Q.Zhang).

been studied.Chen et al.studied the moisture-retention activity of a polysaccharide from Nostoc commune ,demonstrating that the polysaccharide has better in vitro moisture-absorption and reten-tion capacities than chitosan and urea [9].Zhang et al.studied the moisture-preserving activities of polysaccharides from papaya.These studies revealed that P2had better in vitro moisture absorp-tion and retention capacities than both hyaluronic acid and glycerol [10].

Polysaccharides extracted from different types of algae,such as brown,red and green algae,have diverse chemical com-positions and structures;however,these polysaccharides all contain sulfated groups [11].Sulfated polysaccharides from three major divisions of marine algae,viz.rhodophyta,phaeophyta and chlorophyta have been reported to possess diverse biolog-ical activity of potential medicinal value,such as anticoagulant,antitumour,anti-inflammatory,antiviral and antioxidant activity [12–16].However,published studies on the relationship between the moisture-absorption/retention ability of sulfated polysaccha-rides and their molecular structures are scare.The activity of sulfated polysaccharides depends on several structural param-eters such as the degree of sulfation,molecular weight,other substitution groups and position,type of sugar,and glycosidic branching [17,18].Sulfated polysaccharides extracted from red alga are galactans,consisting entirely of galactose or modified galactose units with regular backbones [19].The general sul-fated polysaccharides found in brown alga are called fucoidan and are based on l -fucose,d -xylose,d -glucuronic acid,d -mannose

0141-8130/$–see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved./10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2013.03.001
