英语小作文:论英国光荣革命及其影响The Glorious Revolution and effects on Colonial America

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The Glorious Revolution and effects on Colonial America

1.Definition of the Glorious Revolution of 1688

The Glorious Revolution of England was a blood-less coup which led to the overthrow of King James II in 1688 and the establishment of William and Mary as monarchs. The Glorious Revolution of England, also called the English Revolution, the Revolution of 1688, or the Bloodless Revolution. The Glorious Revolution was so-called because it achieved its objective without any bloodshed.

Political and religious issues produced a chain of events that led to this revolution. The Glorious Revolution abolished absolutism and established a constitutional monarchy in England in which parliament had basic sovereignty over the king. The Glorious Revolution led to the 1689 English Bill of Rights which was quickly followed by the 1689 Mutiny Act which sought to limit the maintenance of a standing army during peacetime to one year.

2. Glorious Revolution and the American Colonies

The Glorious Revolution led to a spate of short-lived rebellions in the colonies which can be seen as precursors to the American Revolution. The English Bill of Rights, that followed the Glorious Revolution, also had a massive influence on the colonies in North America and the Constitution of the United States.

3. What effect did the Glorious Revolution have on the American Colonies?

The Glorious Revolution had a significant effect on the American colonies. King James II had created as many problems in the American colonies as he had for England. Under the rule of King James II the colonists were under the direct control of the monarch. James II ruled as he saw fit and there was no one to stop him:

●Over half the governments of the colonies were under the direct control of James II

●James II refused to recognized the colonial charters that had been granted to the colonists ●He did not allow American colonists any say over laws and taxes

●As a staunch Catholic, James was attempting to replace Protestant institutions with Catholic


●The vast majority of Colonists were Protestants - Only 1.6% of the population were Catholics ●The Protestants detested the Catholics and feared the bloody persecutions they had left

behind in Europe

4.The Glorious Revolution and Rebellion in the American Colonies

The Glorious Revolution was greeted with great joy in England but the results of the Glorious Revolution was also seen as an example for the American colonists. The English had rebelled against the monarchy so why shouldn't the American colonies? A precedent had been set. The effect of the Glorious Revolution on the American Colonies sewed the idea of revolution in the colonies. In Boston Puritan militiamen seized Governor-in-Chief Andros and put him in jail. The New England colonies begin to re-establish governments. Jacob Leister led the insurrection against local colonial officials from 1689 to 1691 in colonial New York. There was a Protestant Rebellion against the Catholic dominated government in Maryland in 1689. Order returned to the colonies in 1691 when royal authority was re-established. The colonies reverted to their previous forms of government and new charters were eventually issued by King William III and Queen Mary II. The Glorious Revolution and the subsequent revolts in the colonies were precursors to the American Revolution.
