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ABS是在汽车制动过程中提高操纵稳定性和转向控制能力的主动安全装置。ABS 正常工作对汽车行驶安全至关重要。滚筒式惯性检测实验台是检测汽车ABS系统性能的实验台,它可以替代路测,实现ABS测试系统在室内测试的要求。滚筒式惯性检测实验台主要有三部分组成,电机驱动部分、滚筒转鼓部分、飞轮组部分,本文主要针对其各部分的结构进行设计的。

本文介绍了ABS系统滚筒式惯性检测实验台主要部件的设计方法及设计过程。论述了ABS系统的工作原理,分析了现在存在的各种汽车性能检测实验台,确定了总体设计方案及各部分零件的型号的选取。本文ABS系统滚筒式惯性检测实验台采用滚筒带动车轮转动,同时根据车轮的尺寸及汽车的重量分析设计滚筒的结构及尺寸。ABS 系统滚筒式惯性检测实验台主要采用飞轮模拟汽车在道路上行驶的惯量,根据模拟的原理对飞轮进行分析计算,确定飞轮的数量及结构尺寸,并且对实验台进行一定的校核。最后使用AutoCAD 进行平面制图。



ABS in the auto brake process improve handling stability and steering control ability of active safety device. ABS normal work is crucial for automobile driving safety. Roller-type inertial testing experiment platform is testing the car ABS system performance test rig, it can replace the road test, realize ABS test systems in indoor test requirements. Roller-type inertial testing experiment platform is made up of three main parts, motor drive part, roller drum part, fly wheel part, this article mainly aims at the structure of its parts design.

This paper introduces the ABS system roller-type inertia detection experiments of the main parts of machine design method and design process. Discusses the working principle of the ABS system, analyzes the existing of auto performance testing experiment platform, determine the overall design scheme and various parts of the type of selected. This paper ABS system inertial testing experiment platform adopt cylinder cylinder driving wheel rotation, and based on the size and weight of the car analysis and design of roller structure and size. ABS system roller-type inertial detection experiments Taiwan mainly USES the flywheel simulation cars in road, according to the principle of rotary inertia of the flywheel simulation is analyzed, the quantity and structure to determine the flywheel of size, and experiments Taiwan perform some of the check. Finally using AutoCAD for plane drawings.

Key words:ABS system; The flywheel; Roller; Experimental stage; inertia


摘要.................................................................... I Abstract ............................................................... I I 第1章绪论 . (1)

1.1 概述 (1)

1.1.1汽车ABS系统概述 (1)

1.1.2 ABS性能检测试验台的原理 (2)

1.1.3 ABS性能检测试验台设计的要求 (2)

1.2 ABS性能检测试验台设计方案的确定 (2)

1.2.1 ABS性能检测试验台整体方案的确定 (2)

1.2.2 滚筒方案的确定 (4)

1.2.3 飞轮方案的确定 (4)

1.3 本章小结 (5)

第2章实验台部件的选择 (6)

2.1电机的选择 (6)

2.1.1 电机功率的计算 (6)

2.1.2 驱动元器件的选择 (6)

2.2 联轴器的选择 (7)

2.3 轴承的选择 (8)

2.3.1 轴承载荷的计算 (8)

2.3.2 轴承型号的选择 (9)

2.4 本章小结 (9)

第3章滚筒设计 (10)

3.1 概述 (10)

3.2 滚筒结构分析 (10)

3.3滚筒尺寸的选择 (11)

3.4 本章小结 (13)
