英语演讲稿 TED英语演讲:细节是设计的灵魂

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演说题目:Design is in the details

演说者:Paul Bennett

Hello. Actually, that's "hello" in Bauer Bodoni for the typographically hysterical amongst us. One of the threads that seems to have come through loud and clear in the last couple of days is this need to reconcile what the Big wants -- the "Big" being the organization, the system, the country -- and what the "Small" wants -- the individual, the person. And how do you bring those two things together?Charlie Ledbetter, yesterday, I thought, talked very articulately about this need to bring consumers, to bring people into the process of creating things. And that's what I want to talk about today. So, bringing together the Small to help facilitate and create the Big, I think, is something that we believe in -- something I believe in, and something that we kind of bring to life through what we do at Ideo.

你好。事实上那是BauerBodoni体的"你好" ,特意为我们当中的

字体狂们解释一下。近来传递出来的一条清楚明白的信息,就是要调和"大"的需要——"大"指组织、系统、国家——和"小"的需要——那些个体、个人。以及如何将两者联系起来我想,昨天,Charlie Ledbetter讲得非常清楚有必要把消费者、把人引入到创造事物的过程中来。而这就是我今天想要讲的内容。那么,通过聚"小"来造"大",我想,这是我们的信念——我的信念,并且某种意义上我们也在实现它,通过我们在IDEO的工作。

I call this first chapter -- for the Brits in the room -- the "Blinding Glimpse of the Bleeding Obvious."Often, the good ideas are so staring-at-you-right-in-the-face that you kind of miss them. And I think, a lot of times, what we do is just, sort of, hold the mirror up to our clients, and sort of go, "Duh! You know, look what's really going on." And rather than talk about it in the theory, I think I'm just going to show you an example. We were asked by a large healthcare system in Minnesota to describe to them what their patient experience was. And I think they were expecting -- they'd worked with lots of consultants before -- I think they were expecting some kind of hideous org chart with thousands of bubbles and systemic this, that and the other, and all kinds of mappy stuff. Or even worse, some kind of ghastly death-by-Powerpoint thing with WowCharts and all kinds of, you know, God knows, whatever.


拿着镜子对着客户,说:"呃,你来,看看到底怎么回事" 并不是坐而论道,我来举个例子吧。明尼苏达的一家很大的医疗保险机构曾经找到我们让我们向他们描述他们病患的体验。我想他们预期的是——他们肯定找过很多咨询公司——我想他们预期的是那些讨厌的组织结构图成百上千的气泡图和这系统那系统什么的,还有各种图示或者更糟,那些吓死人的PPT 满是Wow图表,各种鬼东西。

The first thing we actually shared with them was this. I'll play this until your eyeballs completely dissolve. This is 59 seconds into the film. This is a minute 59. 3:19. I think something happens. I think a head may appear in a second. 5:10. 5:58. 6:20. We showed them the whole cut, and they were all completely, what is this? And the point is when you lie in a hospital bed all day, all you do is look at the roof, and it's a really shitty experience. And just putting yourself in the position of the patient 而事实上,我们首先和他们分享的是这个:我要播放到你们的眼珠子蹦出来为止。这是影片第59秒的地方。这是1分59秒的地方。3分19秒。我想会有事发生。很快可能会有个头出现5分10秒。5分58秒。6分20秒。我们给他们放了整段的录像,然后他们全都问,这是什么?重点是,当你躺在医院的床上一整天,你能做的无非是看天花板,而这感受的确非常糟糕。你需要把自己放在病人的角度看问题。

Tthis is Christian, who works with us at Ideo. He just lay in the hospital bed, and, kind of, stared at the polystyrene ceiling tiles for a
