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Paragraph 3 the truth is that 事实是 distinguish vt. 分辨 ~ between jobs and careers retail store 零售店 chances are that…很可能 code n. 密码,代码,准则 dress ~ 穿衣准则 casual adj. 随意的;休闲的 ~ clothing

不带to的不定式 make sb do sth notice, observe, see, watch, hear, feel(感官) let, make, have(使动)

mention vt. 提到 eg. One of those pros was mentioned above. outfit n. 全套服装 a fashionable outfit compliment n. 赞美 there is a good chance that…很可能 receive a lot of compliments on your outfit make sb do sth 使某人。。。 make many feel proud
make sure that 保证。。。 impression n. 印象 make an impression 留下印象 as to 至于 whether or not 是否 incorporate vt. 吸收,吸纳 wardrobe n. 衣柜 above-mentioned 上面提到的 take the above-mentioned points into consideration




Business Know-how
Business Know-how Dressing for the Workplace
No matter what you wear, your clothes should be neat(整洁 ) and clean; Quality(品质) counts. Instead of buying several trendy outfits(时髦服装), invest in one good quality jacket or suit, and upgrade(升级) your blouse, shirt or tie; Grooming (打扮,穿戴) is very important. Don’t forget to shave(刮胡子) or bathe(洗澡); Keep your shoes in good condition; Makeup(化妆) should be subtle(精致); Nails(指甲) should be clean and neat and of reasonable length(合理的长度); Dress for the job you want. If you want to be a manager, dress like them. When in doubt, dress up(穿上盛装).
Unit 1 Workplace
Do you know the words

washroom department manager’s office meeting room staff office multifunction meeting room hallway reception room

paragraph 5 & 6 workplace fashion pieces时髦的职业服装 the last thing that you want to do is……. 你最不希望的是 a bad name 坏名声 instead of 而不是,代替 that is why 这就是为什么 take sth into consideration 考虑到 take what others think of you into consideration
setting n. 环境, 背景 professional office setting perfect 完美的 on the other hand 另一方面 on the one hand….~ get in the way 阻碍;妨碍 hamper vt. 妨碍;阻碍 productive adj. 多产的,有成效的

fit in with 符合;适应 fashionable 时髦的 well-dressed crowd 衣着得体的人们 reputation 名声,美名 display vt. 展示;表现 caution n. 小心;谨慎 realize vt. 认识到 a number of 很多 pros and cons 利与弊 rely on 依赖
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Workplace Fashion Trends
paragraph 1&2

look for 寻找
trend n.趋势;潮流
the latest fashion trends 最新流行趋势
trendy adj. 时髦的
n. 爱时髦的人

workplace clothing 职场服装
law office 律师事务所 insurance company 保险公司 require vt. 要求 ~ sb to do professional adj. 专业的,职业的 professionally adv. unfortunately adv. 不幸的是 design vt. 设计 ~ sth for sb

working population 工作人员,上班者 in general 大体上,一般来说 specific adj. 具体的 ~ careers run into trouble 碰上麻烦
paragraph 4 take a look at 看一下 take a good, close look at 仔细地看一下 in question 讨论中的,所谓的 for instance 例如 no matter 无论 length 长度 if so it is important that