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以一定要求的金属Mg 粉和B 2O 3粉为原料,以一定的物料配比和升温制度条件下,在卧式还原炉中进行还原,得到还原产物后,采用盐酸进行彻底的酸洗,可制备出纯度在90~95%的无定形硼粉。

以镁热还原法制备的粗硼粉(85~92%)为原料,在粗硼粉中配入一定量的B 2O 3粉末,经充分混合后压制成块,装入不锈钢坩埚并置于卧式气氛炉中,温度维持在700~1000℃,炉内通入氩气作为保护气体,经过2~4h 后冷却,将其置于配置好的稀盐酸中除去物料中的可溶物,经过滤、烘干即得到纯度为95~97%的硼粉,其中杂质Mg 、O 、Si 、Fe 含量分别在1.5%、2%、1.0%、0.5%以下。 3、与成果最相关的图片

图1 制备的无定形硼粉和扫描电镜SEM 图

表1 无定形硼粉物理化学性能指标 物理化学性能

粒度/μm 比表面积

/m 2·g 元素含量/% B Mg O Si Fe

其他 数值 <1.0









无定形硼粉是一种高附加值的硼化工产品,92~95%的无定形硼粉市场价格在5000~8000元/kg ,而纯度达到95~97%的无定形硼粉价格超过10000元/kg 。该科研成果的应用将为硼化工企业产生丰厚的经济效益和社会效益。 5、应用情况

该科研成果已经在河北省唐山市某企业得到应用。 6、知识产权


1. Preparation of Ultra-fine Amorphous Boron Powder and Purification of Crude Boron by Magnesium Thermal Reduction

2. Introduction

Amorphous boron powder that the purity is 90~95% was prepared via heating at a certain ratio of Mg and B 2O 3 powder in furnace and then washing the product with chlorhydric acid.

Mixture of crude boron (85~92%) prepared by magnesium thermal reduction and a certain amounts of B 2O 3 powder was pressed into a block and heated at 700~1000 °C for 2~4 h under an Ar atmosphere. On cooling to room temperature, the product was washed with chlorhydric acid, filtered and dried. Boron powder, purity of 95~97%, was obtained, in which the impurities of Mg, O, Si and Fe are less than 1.5%, 2%, 1.0% and 0.5%, respectively.

3. Figure

Fig. 1 Amorphous boron powder and its SEM

Table 1. Physical and chemical performance of amorphous boron powder Properties



Bet/m 2


Element level/%

B Mg O Si Fe

Others Values


8~10 95~97 <1.5





4. Benefits

Amorphous boron powder is a high addtional value chemical product, 92~95% purity is

5000~8000 RMB/kg and 95~97% purity more than 10000 yuan/kg. The application of this study will bring rich economic and social benefits to boron chemical companies.

5. Application

This study has been used in a company of Tangshan City, Hebei Province. 6. Patent

The study has generated a patent(NO.201010130202) and 6 papers, which include 1 SCI, 4 EI and 1 ISTP.
