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The research of the music type and function in the documentary ——for "on the tip of the tongue of China" as an example Abstract

In today's prosperity of TV programs, TV documentaries, which theme is extensive, rich in content, contains profound, has a variety of unique form of expression. Due to the effect of documentary doctrine, music application in the documentary is relatively small, but as the documentary story tendency is increasingly obvious, music also gradually show creator of recognition and attention. Documentary television and film and television work the biggest difference lies in: the film and television play lively and vivid with professional actors, and the characters in the documentary is real African professional actors of ordinary people. Therefore, in order to highlight the documentary narrative and visibility, cannot ignore the role of music in film, its functional status is also more should manifest in the documentary.

In 2012, a documentary recorded according to the Chinese food as object of humanistic "on the tip of the tongue of China", after CCTV evening primetime, quickly lead to TV audiences. Through food show the human condition, stirring the audience's taste buds, not only struck a chord with the audience's local love, also let a lot of people has a strong interest on music in the movie, at the same time also let us feel the music in the film for the first time. In 2012 through the national fire "on the

tip of the tongue of China" as the research object, aimed at the large-scale documentary reflect the types and function of music, emotional sublimation and the deepening of the theme and style casting functions, and sums up "on the tip of the tongue of China" music success and significance, has high academic value, for the future healthy development of Chinese documentary puts forward constructive opinion.

Keywords: documentary ;music;type;function;on the tip of the tongue.


1979 年(改革开放)以后,随着我国政治、经济改革的深化,社会心态、伦理价值和文化观念也在进行着调整和变化,人们开始怨恨虚伪、渴求真实;厌恶空谈、崇尚实际;倍加关注自己的生存空间。在这时,纪录片及时地把真实的社会环境和人们的生活状态送上了屏幕,使人们能够充分了解自己生存的社会各个层面,于是迅速得到了广大电视观众的认同和喜爱。随后出现了众多优秀的纪录片,其中音乐的运用将纪录片的内涵和质量提升到了一个新的高度。



荣获第 28 届亚广联纪录片大奖的《沙与海》,音乐应用极少,但其所用音乐均可谓是深化主题的典型。片子中刘泽远父子俩打沙枣、捡沙枣,女孩滑沙坡,沙中埋着的驼骨,刘泽远父子在沙漠风暴中搞运输等等都是写意性较强的段落,拍得很有意味,叫人回味无穷,浮想联翩。而音乐的运用,更把这些画面升华到一种人生的高度,特别是“人要活,风要来,想躲也躲不开”的一段声音,配上父子顶风沙搞运输活命的镜头,非常感性地告诉观众这个主题:无论是沙里还是海里,要活下去都不容易。这段音乐完整的展现了该纪录片的思想性与哲理性,在纪实手法运用中显现和升华,给人以深刻的思想启迪和人生感悟。
