Qibao Ancient Town (七宝古镇)

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Dating from the period of Five Dynasties and Ten States (907-960) and largely renovated and extended during Ming Dynasty, the Temple is held in high regard by the local populace not only because it was said to contain the seven treasures but also for its splendid appearance and the great significance it has had in fostering the development of Qibao Town. The temple used to cover an area exceeding 40 mu (144 acres), excluding the surrounding rivers of 6 mu (22 acres) when it blossomed in Ming Dynasty. A revered monk named Jing used to study and interpret the scriptures here, something that was recorded in the inscriptions carved on the bronze bell. The temple was rebuilt in 2002 and now covers a total area of 43 mu (155 acres) and was opened to public in the following January. The new Qibao Temple, with its ingenious designs for both buildings and gardens, presents visitors with an insight of the unique architectural styles of Han (BC206-220) and Tang Dynasty (618-907).

Once it was one of the most popular folk activities among the ancient Chinese and even now cricket fighting still draws so much interest that the local people have established a special museum where both cricket displays and live cricket fighting shows are to be seen. It may seem strange that such a little insect could bring great popularity to a place, but the crickets in Qibao Town, especially the fiercest species called Iron Sand and Blue (respectively referring to the colors of their necks and feet), are indeed an extraordinary and indispensable feature of the town. Due to its favourable geographic position and fertile lands, the town provides the crickets with an abundance of food and ideal living conditions. In return, the vigorous crickets provide exciting performances each day during the golden weeks (May 1-7 and Oct. 1-7) and the annual Festival of Cricket Culture.
庵遂改名七宝寺。因江水啮岸,宋初再迁, 移今七宝地。初以张泽舍宅为寺。地缘寺而趋 旺,七宝遂成地名。宋大中祥符年间 (1008~1015年),请得宋真宗赐额。元代, 赵孟頫有诗句“探奇来宝地,名刹冠丛林”, 以咏镇咏寺。明成化十九年(1483年)建大寺 殿,万历十三年(1585年)重修。引横沥水灌 四围,建寺前中、东、西3座香花石桥,面正对 镇大街,“巍然为邑中名刹”。至清中叶,广 40余亩,寺舍千余间,有荷花池、竹林、梅园, 五代桧,罗汉松,人称郡东第一刹。咸丰年间, 终因兵燹而败。1947年,地方上绅以寺址,引 上海南洋模范中学建分校,尚有遗存山门,莲 涌堂、荷花池,梓树,明钟,金字莲花经。 2000年,政府决定移址重建,越年落成。寺襟 汇带沥,建山门,钟鼓楼,天王殿,大殿,讲 经堂,法堂,藏经楼,配七层宝塔,筑西园、 牡丹园,寺揉汉唐建筑风格,配以现代工艺和 材料,庄严肃穆,经恢复为海上名刹,最胜道 场。[

Located in the center of Minhang District of Shanghai, only 18 kilometers (11.18 miles) from the downtown area, Qibao Ancient Town can satisfy your curiosity about ancient water townships without the bother of either long distance or the rush of crowds.aGT As the only ancient town forming part of greater Shanghai, with a history spanning over one thousand years, Qibao is more than just a living fossil of ancient Chinese conurbation and urban planning. The town was built in Northern Song Dynasty (9601126) and grew into a prosperous(兴隆的) business center during Ming (1368-1644) and Qing Dynasties (1644-1911). Qibao is the Chinese for 'seven treasures' and there are two popular theories(理论) about its derivation(,起源 ). The more reliable one says that the name originates from the Qibao Temple, famed for its good reputation. It was this that contributed to the growth of business and culture of the previously unknown town. The other theory seems more popular among the local people who tell folk tales about seven treasures. These were an iron Buddha made in Ming Dynasty, a bronze bell also dating from the Ming Dynasty but said to have mysteriously appeared from nowhere, a Gold Script Lotus Sutra written by an imperial concubine of the 10th century, a one-thousandyear-old Chinese catalpa tree, a jade axe, a gold cockerel (小公鸡)and a pair of jade chopsticks. Actually of these seven treasures, the existence of only first four can be verified while only the Scripture and the bell have survived to this day.

Shadow Plays were once a feature of Shanghai culture but it was a man named Mao Gengyu from Qibao Town who first introduced this art to Shanghai area. The Qibao Shadow Play performs mainly entertainments based on widely-known historical events with the local dialect, thus giving the shows a truly local character. The plays are performed using colorful drawings and expressive music to illustrate the emotions of the characters. In October of 1988, some amateur artists held a special exhibition of paintings of the shadow play, so as to develop a wider appreciation of this t form of folk art.

位于闵行区市中心的上海,只有18公里(11.18英里)从市区, 七宝古镇可以满足你的好奇心,古乡无打扰或长距离或匆忙 的人群。 作为唯一的古镇形成大上海的一部分,以超过一千多年的历 史跨越,七宝不仅仅是一个活化石的中国古代城市与城市规 划。该镇始建于北宋(960-1126)和发展为繁荣的商业中心, 在明朝(1368 - 1644年)和清朝(1644 - 1911)。七宝是 中国'七财富和有流行的理论推导。一个更可靠说,这个名字 源于七宝寺,因其良好的声誉。正是这一贡献的增长,商业 和文化的以前未知的镇。其他理论似乎更受当地人民谁讲民 间故事七珍宝。这是一个铁佛像明代铜钟,也从明代约会但 说有神秘不知从哪里冒出来,金脚本法华经写的一个妃子的 第十个世纪,一个one-thousand-year-old梓树,玉斧,金公鸡 和一双玉筷子。其实这七样宝物,只存在四个可以被证实, 而只有圣经和铃一直延续到今天
皮影戏是一次上海文化特征但它是 一个名叫毛gengyu从七宝镇谁首先 介绍了这一艺术区上海。七宝皮影 戏的主要娱乐执行基于众所周知的 历史事件与当地的方言,从而使显 示了一个真正的地方特色。戏剧是 用彩色的画和音乐来说明人物的情 感。在十月的1988个,业余艺术 家举行了一次特别展览画作的皮影 戏,以建立一个更广泛的赞赏这一 宏伟的民间艺术形式。