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Hello, everybody. As 2011 comes to an end and we look ahead to 2012, I want to wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year.


The last year has been a time of great challenge ['tʃælindʒ]挑战and great progress['prəuɡres]n. 前进; 进展for our country. We ended one war and began to wind down绞下,接下another. We dealt a crippling [‘krɪplɪŋ]blow to al-Qaeda n. 基地组织and made America more secure [si'kjuə] 使安全. We stood by our friends and allies ['ælaizn. 联盟国,同盟者]around the world through natural disasters and revolutions[,revə'lu:ʃən]n. 革命. And we began to see signs of economic[,ɪkə'nɔmik] adj. 经济的recovery [ri'kʌvəri]n. 重获,here at home, even as too many Americans are still struggling['strʌɡliŋ]adj. 奋斗的to get ahead (使)走在前面,进步,获得成功.


There’s no doubt that 2012 will bring even more change.And as we head into the New Year, I’m hopeful['həupful]adj. 抱有希望的that we have what it takes to face that change and come out even stronger –to grow our economy[i'kɔnəmi]n. 节约, 节省;经济体制create[kri'eit]vt. 创造more jobs, and strengthen['streŋθn]加强the middle class阶级.


I’m hopeful because of what we saw right before Christmas, when Members 肢of Congress ['kɔŋɡres] 代表大会came together to prevent [pri'vent] 预防a tax [tæks]vt. 向…征税hike [haik] vt. 提高for 160 million Americans –saving节省 a typical['tipikəl]典型的family about $40 in every paycheck.[’peitʃek]薪水. They also made sure Americans looking for work won’t see their unemployment[,ʌnim'plɔimənt]失业 insurance[in'ʃuərəns]n. 保险 cut off. And I expect Congress to finish the job by extending[iks'tend]延长these provisions[prə‘vɪʒn]供给through the end of 2012.我之所以对此抱有希望,是因为我们看到在圣诞节前,国会议员一起努力避免1.6亿美国人民的税负提高——这为一般家庭在每份工资单上节省了40美元。他们还确保了美国人民在失业时保险不被削减。我期待着国会能把这些条款延长至2012年年底。

It was good to see Members of Congress do the right thing for millions of working Americans. But it was only possible because you added your voices to the debate[di'beit] 讨论. Through email and Twitter['twɪtə]and over the phone, you let your representatives[,repri'zentətiv]代表know what was at stake处于成败关头. Your lives. Your families. Your well-being['wel'bi:ɪŋ]安康;福利. You had the courage 勇气to believe that your voices could make a difference紧要. And at the end of the day, they made all the difference.


More than anything else, you are the ones who make me hopeful about 2012. Because we’ve got some difficult debates and some tough[tʌf]adj. 坚韧的fights to come. As I’ve said befor e, we are at a make-or-break不成则败moment for the middle class. And in many ways, the actions we
