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英超总是被 认为是世界 上最好的联 赛,现已成 为世界上最 受欢迎的体 育赛事,也 是最顶级的 足球联赛。
The Big Four
Manchester United
曼联是英格兰超级 联赛中的一支职业 足球俱乐部,位于 老特拉福德(曼彻 斯特著名商业区)。 曼联是世界上最有 价值并且最受欢迎 的球队之一。
league record between May 2003 and October 2004 will live long in the memory and forever in the history books.
Henry,The king of Highbury
Team's family photo
David Beckham
让我们欣赏一下banana shot of Beckham
Arsenal 兵工厂---枪手
Arsenal Football Club started out as Dial Square(戴尔广场)
1886 in
by workers at the Royal Arsenal in
切尔西足球俱乐部,是一间位于英国首都伦敦的英 格兰足球俱乐部,现在参加英格兰足球超级联赛, 为世界上最具规模的球会之一。它成立于1905年, 主场位于伦敦哈默史密斯--富勒姆区邻近泰晤士 河的斯坦福桥球场. 切尔西共赢得过4次英超联赛冠军, 6次英格兰足总 杯冠军, 4次英格兰联赛杯冠军以及2次欧洲优胜 者杯冠军.
Frank Lampard
兰帕德是著名的 英格兰中场球员, 为切尔西俱乐部 和英格兰国家队 效力.他是斯坦
The Special One :JoséMourinho
He brought the first league
champion for the
past 50 years
Ryan Giggs
吉格斯是英超历 史上的代表人物。 他是历史上第一 个连续两届夺得 PFA年度最佳青 年球员的人,并 且它是唯一一位 在英超创立以来 每个赛季都有进
David Beckham
大卫贝克汉姆 毫无疑问是全 世界女球迷的 最爱。英俊的 外表,出众的 任意球和传球 技术,使他吸 引了全世界球 迷的目光,所 以他是“万人 迷”。
You'll never walk alone....
The miraculous night in Instanbul
The miraculous night in Instanbul
But Bill Shankly, the greatest coach of Liverpool, ever said “There is no the best team in the world ,because the best team was defeat by Liverpool ”.
LIVERPOOL they are worthy of name of
The song of the team is
You'll Never Walk Alone
Let us enjoy it .
When you walk through a storm,
Hold your head up high, And don't be afraid of the
In 2006 they made a shorter move, to the Emirates Stadium (酋长球场) in nearby Holloway.
49 Unbeaten
PlayeFra Baidu bibliotek 49
Won 36, Drawn 13, Lost None.
The Arsenal squad(球队) which set a new unbeaten
with hope in your heart, And you'll never walk alone,
You'll never walk alone... Walk on, walk on,
with hope in your heart, And you'll never walk alone,
London Woolwich, south-east
, and was renamed
Royal Arsenal shortly afterwards.
in 1913 they moved north across the city to Arsenal Stadium, in Highbury.(海布里)
Manchester United
曼联是英国足球历史上最成功的俱乐部之一,他 们赢得了18个顶级联赛冠军。曼联是唯一一支 得到三冠王的英超球队(联赛、欧冠、足总杯)
King of Old Trafford
前任主教练亚 历克斯·弗格森 是球队历史上 最成功的主教 练。自从1986 年11月他带队 赢得了26个主 要荣誉。
The Special One :JoséMourinho
I will beat you eventually
Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a
special one
God, after god, me.
dark, At the end of a storm, there's a golden sky, And the sweet silver song of
a lark. Walk on through the wind, Walk on through the rain,
Though your dreams be tossed and blown... Walk on, walk on,
The miraculous night in Instanbul
The miraculous night in Instanbul
After penalty kick,they Won the champions league