

______(hereinafter referred to as “Party A”)hereby agree that will use the consulting service provided by Business Connect China Company Limited, a Hong Kong corporation (hereinafter referred to as “Party B”) as its investment consultant.


Both parties hereby mutually agree upon the cooperation issues as set forth below:

一、定义 Definition:

1) “资金需求方”系指经乙方推荐的有资金需求,并通过全部或部分股权或债权的出售、交换或其他方式的处置,包括但不限于资产出售、股权出售、合并、合资、股权投资、资本结构的重组或任何其他会改变其财务结构、控制权或所有权的一方。

“Investee”means the party which desires to finance and recommended by Party B, will change its financial structure, control right or ownership, of the entire or part of its equity, creditor’s rights, either by selling, exchange or other manners, including but not limited to, asset sales, share flotation, acquisition, joint venture, equity investment, Recapitalization.

2) “交易”系指甲方和/或其母公司、关联方与乙方推荐的资金需求方通过资金需求方全部或部分股权或债权的任何出售、交换或其他方式的处置,包括但不限于资产出售、股权出售、合并、合资、股权投资、资本结构的重组或任何其他会改变资金需求方财务结构、控制权或所有权而发生的交易。

“Transaction”means the disposal of investee’s equity or creditor’s rights, either in whole or in part, including but not limited to, asset sales, share flotation, acquisition, joint venture, equity investment, Recapitalization which might occurs the change of Party B’s financial structure, control right or ownership, between Party A and/or its parent ,affiliate and the investee recommended by Party B.

3) “总对价”系指已付给、应付给、已分配给或应分配给与交易有关的,或预期将参与交易的公司、股东或其他证券持有人的总对价。

“Total consideration”means, any prepaid, payable, assigned or allocable which concerned with the deal, or the total consideration of any company, shareholder or stockholder, who will participate into the deal in expectation.

二、乙方的责任义务 Responsibility and Obligation of Party B :

1) 根据甲方提供的信息了解甲方的业务、运营、资产、财务状况和前景。

Get to know the status of Party A’s business, operation, property, financial and its prospect on the basis of information provided by Party A.

2) 安排甲方与资金需求方的接触与交流。

Arrange negotiation and communication meeting for Party A and the demand side.

3) 经甲方合理要求和指示,与甲方的法律顾问、会计师、审计师、资产评估师和其他顾问一同开展上述工作;但甲方了解乙方不负责且不会向甲方提供任何税务、审计、保险精算、


Cooperate with legal consultant, accountant, auditor, assets estimator and other consultants recommended by Party A, to carry out the foregoing works, upon the reasonable requirement and instruction of Party A; Nevertheless, Party A hereby understand that Party B will not be liable and provide any suggestions relating to tax, audit, actuary or legal.

4) 协助甲方与资金需求方之间的投资合作方案的条款设计(包括但不限于融资方案、合资合作方案、成立合资公司方案、并购方案等),协助甲方与资金需求方之间的谈判与签约。Assist to plan the clauses of the investment cooperation project, including but not limited to, financing plan, joint venture plan, between Party A and the demand side.

5) 若甲方和乙方一致同意由乙方提供本协议未规定的额外服务,甲方和乙方应签署补充协议规定服务的性质、范围、费用和其他相关事项。

Provided that any extra service not mentioned hereof is needed by Party A, both parties will mutually sign a amendment to stipulate the nature, scope, payment and other related issues therein.

三、甲方的责任义务Responsibility and Obligation of Party A :

1) 甲方保证提供的信息资料真实全面,以便乙方掌握有效信息开展投资顾问工作。

Party A undertakes to provide comprehensive and valid information for Party B to carry out investment consultation.

2) 甲方保证按照本协议的约定,向乙方支付服务费用以及其他相关费用;如因支付问题产生的仲裁或诉讼费用,将完全由甲方承担。

Party A undertakes to pay Party B service fees and any other related charges in accordance with the terms under this agreement. In the event of any costs and expenses arising out of arbitration or litigation for payment hereunder, such costs and expenses shall be borne by Party A.

3) 甲方有权要求乙方定期汇报相关交易的进展情况。

Party A is entitled to be regularly reported by Party B on the progress of the transaction.

四、服务佣金及支付:Service Commission and its Payment


Party A hereby agrees to pay Party B commission for completed investment service as remuneration.

1) 投资服务完成佣金:在甲方成功向资金需求方投资的情况下,甲方应向乙方支付交易的总对价的一定比例的佣金作为投资顾问完成佣金:甲方若以债权的形式投资,甲方向乙方支付交易总对价的百分之___ 作为投资顾问完成佣金;甲方若以股权的形式投资,甲方向乙方支付交易总对价的百分之___ 作为投资顾问完成佣金;甲方若以股权加债权的混合形式投资,债权部分的投资按百分之___ 计算,股权部分的投资按百分之___ 计算,两部分加和作为甲方应支付乙方的投资顾问完成佣金。此项佣金不包括在投资过程中甲方需要另行聘请中介机构(如境内外律师、会计师、审计师、保险精算师、资产评估机构等)而产生的或需要向相关监管机构支付的费用。
