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The high turnover rate of young staff in Call Center has seriously affected the normal work of call center, increased the contact center operating costs, brought difficulty for human resources management of Call Center. At the same time, it also brought certain effect for companies operating. The present study is based on the interview and questionnaires, select a number of staff in 12580 to analysis turnover of young staff. The result as follow: Young employee turnover tendency obvious. In the case of the five young employee turnover in the research project, "I might leave units in the next year, the average" option for 3.78.The rate of turnover about young employee are affected by individual factors and organizational factors. Among them, from individual factors, gender, age, the position is an important factor of young staff turnover. From the organization, the impact factor according to consider from high to low arrangement for: work of interpersonal relationship, working environment, compensation, management system, performance management. Finally, according to the results of the study, it put forward some measures in case of turnover, such as pay more attention to interpersonal communication, create the working environment, improve the level of performance management.

keywords:12580; young staff; leaving tendency; effect factor


1 绪论 (4)

1.1选题背景 (4)

1.2研究意义 (5)

1.2.1理论意义 (5)

1.2.2现实意义 (5)

1.3研究方法 (6)

1.3.1文献分析法 (6)

1.3.2唯物辩证的研究方法 (6)

1.3.3问卷调查法 (6)

1.4研究思路 (6)

2 文献综述 (8)

2.1离职倾向的概念界定 (8)

2.1.1离职的概念界定 (8)

2.1.2离职倾向的概念界定 (8)

2.2离职倾向的影响因素 (9)

2.3离职倾向的测量 (9)

3 相关理论基础 (11)

3.1离职分析模型 (11)

3.1.1普莱斯的概念模型 (11)

3.1.2莫布雷的中介链模型 (12)

3.1.3尖峰突变模式 (12)

3.2离职预警模型 (12)

3.2.1Price模型 (12)

3.2.2工作嵌入模型 (13)

4 12580呼叫中心人力资源管理现状和青年员工概况 (14)

4.1 12580呼叫中心人力资源管理现状 (14)

4.1.1 12580呼叫中心人力资源管理中取得的成绩 (14)

4.1.2 12580呼叫中心人力资源管理中存在的问题 (16)

4.2呼叫中心青年员工概况 (17)

5 青年员工离职倾向的问卷调查和数据分析 (19)

5.1描述性统计分析 (19)

5.1.1基本资料描述性统计 (19)

5.1.2青年员工离职倾向情况描述统计 (20)

5.1.3青年员工离职倾向影响因素描述性分析 (21)

5.2相关分析 (21)

5.3回归分析 (22)

6 呼叫中心青年员工离职倾向因素分析与改进建议 (23)

6.1个体因素对青年员工离职倾向的影响 (23)

6.2组织因素对青年员工离职倾向的影响 (23)

6.3改善青年员工离职倾向问题的建议 (24)

7 结论 (26)

7.1研究结论 (26)

7.2后继展望 (26)

致谢 (28)

参考文献 (28)

附录 (30)
