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Directions: Fill in the bla nks with the proper forms of the words give n in the brackets. For

those blanks without given words, you are required to write down a pronoun (代词),a preposition (介词),a coord in ati ng conjunction ( 连词)or a subord in ati ng conjun cti on( 从句弓丨导词).


He was the madma n who kicked a soccer shoe across a room and hit superstar David Beckham right in the face, but he's also the caring boss who supported and defended his players in times of trouble. He's a scary leader who is known for yelling (咆哮),but he's also a master of patiently

deali ng with young players.

(18) _Ma nchester Un ited ' man ager for more tha n a quarter of a cen tury, Sir Alex Fergus on

had a career varied eno ugh to lend itself to any opinion.

Perhaps David Beckham is the most famous one. (19) the former En gla nd capta in still called Fergus on a father figure ”,it was a locker room (更衣室)fight (20) the two of them (21) _caused Beckham' trade to Real Madrid. After a 2-0 home defeat at the hands of rivals

(对手)Arse nal in the 2003 FA Cup, Fergus on yelled and threw a shoe at Beckham ' head.

The fascin ati on ( 魅力)with Fergus on was with his crude ( 天然的)ability (22) (meet)_

a target, ” commented Jenkins. He had a simple objective: to find players who could score goals. His keys to such success are com mon to all en deavors: hard work, decisive ness and a readi ness to learn from mistakes.


I remember sitting in an airport one day. I was excited because I just (23) (upgrade)to

a first class ticket on my flight. In fact, I had the best seat on the entire plane: seat 1A.

Before board in g, I no ticed a young lady with several carry-on bags, (24) (hold) a crying

baby. I sudde nly heard my con scie nee speak to me: Let her have your ticket. ”1 fought this for

a while but even tually gave in.

Excuse me, "I said to the young lady, but you look like you could use this first class

ticket more tha n me. I know how hard it can be flying with kids. Why don 'we trade? ”

Are you sure? " she asked.

Oh, yeah. I really don 'tm ind, "I said

I felt like a million bucks ( 美元). As we boarded the plane, I was surprised at how good

it made mefeel to watch her sit down in seat 1A. At one point during the flight I was so curious to see how she was doing that I walked to the first class section ( 区域)and peeked in ( 偷


(25) the curta in. There she was, asleep with her baby in their big and comfortable seat



HE is the beloved Cousin Matthew, the Crawley family heir ( 继承人)in Downton Abbey, (26)

is now being aired on CCTV. With his good mann ers, dreamy eyes and charm ing acce nt, he is a n atural aristocrat ( 贵族).

Despite his upper class style on the show, 30-year-old Dan Steve ns spe nt most of his tee n years rebell ing ( 叛逆)aga inst the upper class.

(27) (adopt) at birth by two teachers, he got into trouble at school often. f' was never

very happy at school. I did n 'get on with the other kids. I did n 'fit in, "the British actor

told the Daily Mail.
