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“Humor is mankind's greatest blessing.”
not just for amusement, but was a sharp weapon to criti cize the evilness of society; contained sorrow and satire ;

Mark Twain in a reception response to a reporter's question, said : "The United States Congress is some dog dependence. "
Mark Twain is not only a expert who good at telling jokes, but al -so expert in writing the society and the people.
Mark Twain used to tell people about his childhood for some sad memories. It is said that Mark Twain was born twins, he and his twin brother both look exactly the same, and even their mother can not see. One day, the nanny for their bath, one does not accidentally fell into the bathtub and drowned, no one knew which is drowned "The most makes people sad." Mark Twain said, "Everyone thought I was that who survived, actually I do not. survive is my brother. I drowned.“

马克· 吐温收到一封信。 这是一位青年人写来 的,他想向马克· 吐 温请教成为大作家的 诀窍。信中说:“听 说鱼含大量的磷质, 而磷是有利于脑子的。 看来要成为一个大作 家,一定要吃很多鱼 吧?但不知道你究竟 吃的什么鱼,又吃了 多少呢?” 马克· 吐 温回信说:“看来, 你得吃一条鲸才行。”
He is a very busy man ,he often forget something. One day , he go to a city by train to see a friend. Oh! How out of the way, I must find that When the damn ticket. conductor check tickets, otherwise, he looked over each how do pocket, and did not find I know where his ticket. Just this to go? " conductor knew him, so he comforted Mark Twain and said: "It does not matter, if you can not find the ticket.”
Mark Twain’s humor
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many hyperbole 夸张 and extremity exaggerate imagination 夸大的想象力; Sometimes, use the “wrong matched ” to make the story more exaggerate ;
马克•吐温常常向人说起他小时候的一段伤心往事。据说,马克•吐温出生时是双胞胎, 他和他的双胞胎兄弟两人长得一模一样,连他们的母亲也分辨不出来。 有一天,保姆为他们洗澡时,其中一个不小心跌入浴缸淹死了,没有人知道淹死的究竟 是双胞胎中的哪一个。 “最叫人伤心的就在这里。”马克•吐温说,“每个人都以为我是那个活下来的人,其实 我不是。活下来的是我弟弟。那个淹死的人是我。”
Mark Twain was invited to dinner. During the evening, he said to a lady : "Madame, you are so beautiful!" Unexpectedly, the woman said: "Sir, but regrettably, I can not answer you the same thing." Sensitive mind, sharptongued Mark • Twain smiled and replied: "It does not matter, you can also tell lies, like me." 一次马克吐温应邀赴宴。 席间,他对一位贵妇说:“夫人,你太美丽了!”不料那妇人却说: “先生,可是遗憾得很,我不能用同样的话回答你。” 头脑灵敏, 言辞犀利的马克· 吐温笑着回答:“那没关系,你也可以像我一样说 假话。”

Washington members must Mark Twain publish in a newspaper revelation, and apologize.
The United States Congress is not some mother custody of the dog. 国会议员,有一半不是混蛋
Mark Twin received a letter which a young people wrote, he wanted to ask Mark Twin to be a great writer tips. The letter said: "I have heard that fish contain large amounts of phosphorus, and phosphorus is conducive to brain. It seems to be a great writer, must eat a lot of fish? But I don't know what fish did you eat, and how much to eat?" Mark Twin wrote back and said:" look, you have to eat a whale."