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Chapter 9
Protein synthesis
Coding region编码区 is a part of the gene that represents a protein sequence. Coding strand 编码链of DNA has the same sequen ce as mRNA. template strand模板链 of double-stranded DNA i s the one that is used to specify the sequence of a complementary single strand of RNA. (The non-template strand is identical in sequence t o the RNA product.) Transcription 转录is synthesis of RNA on a DNA template. Translation 翻译is synthesis of protein on the mRNA template.
A polyribosome多核糖体consists of an mRNA being translated simultaneously by several ribosomes m oving in the direction from 5’-3’ . Each ribos ome has two tRNA molecules, one carrying the nas cent amino acid初生氨基酸, the second carrying t he next amino acid to be added 添加氨基酸.
The meaning of tRNA is determined by it s anticodon and not by its amino acid.
Messenger RNA is t ranslated by ribos omes 核糖体
A ribosome consi sts of two subun its亚基.
Loop 环is a single-stranded region of a hairpin发夹 in R NA (or single-stranded DNA); corresponds to the sequen ce between inverted repeats 反向重复in duplex DNA.
Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are enzymes responsible for c ovalently linking amino acids to the 2′- or 3′-OH po sition of tRNA.
Anticodon反密码子 is a trinucleotide三核苷酸sequence in tRNA which is complementary to the codon in mRNA and e nables the tRNA to place the appropriate amino acid in response to the codon.
Transfer RNA is the adapte r
Aminoacyl氨酰-tRNA is transfer RNA carrying an amino aci d; the covalent 共价linkage is between the NH2 group o f the amino acid and either the 3′- or 2′-OH group o f the terminal base of the tRNA.
A tRNA has the dual properties of an ada ptor that recognizes both the amino acid and codon. The adeno sine腺苷at 3’ end i s covalently linked to an amino acid. Th e anticodon base pai rs with the codon on mRNA.
The tRNA cloverl eaf三叶草结构has invariant不变的 and semi-invaria nt bases, and a conserved 保守的 set of base pair ing interactions .
Transfer RNA folds into a compact L-sh aped tertiary struc ture 三级结构with t he amino acid at on e end and the antic odon at the other e nd.
Transcription generate s an RNA which is comp lementary to the DNA t emplate strand and has the same sequence as t he DNA coding strand. Translation reads each triplet of bases into one amino acid. Three turns of the DNA doubl e helix contain 30 bp, which cide for 10 amin o acids.
A space-filling model shows that tRNA terti ary structure is comp act紧密的. The two vi ews of tRNA are rotat ed by 90o. Photograph kindly provided by S. H. Kim.