荐-外研版必修五英语Module3 单词.ppt

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I’m sorry to disturb you with this
[dɪ’stɜːb] 打扰;妨碍
Comedy is about laughter.
[’kɑmədi] 喜剧
He created a romantic scene by using candles to form the shape of a heart.
[di'tektiv] adj. n. 侦探
to find some clues.
Each user can log into their user account.
[ə'kaunt] n. vi. vt. 账户;账号
My dog is my best companion.
[kəm'pænɪən] n. 同伴;伙伴
Women make up only 30% of the workforce. Women account for only 30% of the workforce.
(构成;占…比例) I’m trying to make up the time I lost while I was sick. The manager tried to make up the money he had used.
The ghost terrified me.
['tɛrɪfaɪd] adj. v. 使恐惧;惊吓
1. have (no/close/much) connection with 与…有联系/有关联 be connected with be related to be involved in be linked to
居里夫人能够成功并不奇怪。因为她一旦对什么事情好 奇了,她必须好奇地把这个事情做好,也就是说, 因为好奇她成功了。
Words on p24-29 in Module 3
For this magic trick, I will pull a bird out of
this hat.
[trɪk] 恶作剧;戏法;诡计
(P33) make for = head for 朝。。。走去 make of 了解,理解,看待 make off匆匆离去,溜掉 make over改造,转让 make up for 补偿 make it 成功,按时到达 make sense 有意义;讲得通
区别:make up 和make up for make up for the loss/regret/ mistake Diligence can make up for lack of intelligence.
[wɔːn] 警告
The river is too shallow.
[‘ʃæləʊ] 浅的
Adolescent girls usually are of bad temper.
[,ædə’lɛsnt] 青少年
I determined that I would quit smoking.
[dɪ‘tɝmɪn] 决定;下决心
It isn’t curious that Madame Curie succeeded, because once she was curious about something, she must be curious to do it well. Namely, out of curiosity, she became a success.
我不想与此事有牵连。 I don’t want to have connection with this matter.
2. account n. 描述、叙述、解释、账户 give an account of= give a description of 报道、叙述
on account of =because of 由于;因为
9. be/feel in the mood (for sth/ to do sth) be in a good/bad mood
I’m not in the mood to argue. Are you feeling in the mood to listen to music?
10. set ( a play/novel) in…= be set in 以…为背景
When there is thundering, it’s unwise to stand under the shelter of a huge tree.
Trees shelter the house from the wind.
5. lie to sb tell a lie / lies a big / white / black lie lie→lay →lain →lying 躺;存在;位于 lay→laid →laid →laying 放;下蛋 lie→lied →lied→lying 说谎
Planting and establishing trees are good for the environment.
[ɪ’stæblɪʃ] 建立;创办
The hotel has a good reputation.
7. trick n.诡计;骗局;恶作剧 vt. 欺骗;哄骗
on no account=on no condition 决不
take sth. into account/consideration =take account of sth. 考虑到某事;把…列入考虑范围
account for
The accountant gave a detailed account of what had happened. On account of his carelessness, he didn’t take the account of the customer into account. Otherwise, on no account had the thing happened.
[tai] v. n. 领带;系
Rope is made by twisting threads
[rəup] n. v. 绳子
He has a black beard.
[biəd] vt. n. 胡须
He is experiencing a stage fright.
[frait] n. vt. 恐惧;害怕
Words on p21-23 in Module 3
I have read this biography.
[baɪ'ɑɡrəfi] n. 传记
The story is a fantasy.
['fæntəsi] n. adj. vt. 幻想;想象
The detective is using a magnifying glass
当我一到家,天就下起雨来。 No sooner had I reached home than it poured down.
4. shelter n. & v.遮蔽物;避难所;保护;庇护;躲避
under the shelter of … take/find shelter from (the wind/rain…) shelter sb./sth. from 保护…(使之…免受…)
当他们理解到他们所编造的东西毫无理由的时候 他们意识到了自己的不足。为了弥补这种遗憾, 他们转让了她们所拥有的一切朝既定的目标走去, 后来他们终于成功了。
When they made of what they made up was unreasonable, they realized their shortcomings. In order to make up for the regret, they made over what they had, and made off for the target they had planed. Later on they made it.
[rə(ʊ)’mæntɪk] 浪漫的
I like reading science fiction books.
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[rɪ’vju] 复习;评论;回顾
He resembles his brother.
会计详细地描述所发生的事情。由于他的粗心, 没有把客户的账户考虑进去,否则这类事情绝对不会发生。
3. pour vi.(雨)倾盆而下;vt.倒、斟 pour down pour oil on troubled waters 调解争端 pour oil on the flame 火上加油 pour cold water on/upon 对…泼冷水
Pour yourself another cup of tea.
[pɔ:] n. vt. 倒、斟
The house is a shelter from the storm.
['ʃeltə] n. vt. 庇护处;遮蔽物
They paddled their boat up the river.
trick sb into doing sth. trick sb out of one’s money play a trick / tricks / a joke/ jokes on sb make fun of sb
你本不应该取笑那个盲人。 You shouldn't have made fun of the blind man.
['pæ dl] n. v 船桨;用桨划
He lied to us.
[lai] v. n. 撒谎
He began to panic.
['pæ nik] n. adj. v 恐慌
The cat is curious about the fishbowl.
['kjʊrɪəs] adj. 好奇的
My teacher’s tie doesn’t match his suit.
The force of the punch knocked him out.
[fɔːs] 武力;暴力
The pilot flies an airplane.
[‘paɪlət] 领航员;飞行员
The picture shows vivid bullet holes.
[‘vɪvɪd] 生动的;鲜明的
Mother asked why he lay on the floor. He lied to her ( told a lie to her )that he laid a big egg like a hen.
母亲问他为什么躺在地板上,他谎称说 他像母鸡一样下了很大的一个鸡蛋。
6. be curious to do sth be curious about sth out of curiosity= because of curiosity with curiosity It’s curious that…
[rɪ’zemb(ə)l] 类似Байду номын сангаас像
Dogs are not allowed here, with the exception that they are accompanied by their owners.
[ɪk’sɛpʃən] 例外
Sometimes exclamation points are a warning sign.
8. make up I think they are making the whole story up. (编造) Mary and Joan quarreled with each other but made up after a while. (和好,和解) They made him up as an old man for the last act of the play. (化妆,打扮)
set about doing sth=set out to do sth= get down to