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This paper is guided by the human resources management theory, through the study of meaning and effect on salary, that strengthening the salary management in state-owned enterprise in our country is an important step in human resource management. In salary management in China and points out the existing problem of state-owned enterprises after the analysis of the causes of these problems, and based on the analysis of problems and causes, put forward to strengthen the salary management in state-owned enterprises in China: provide the function transformation of government measures of compensation is fair and competitive to provide a good external environment for enterprises to establish a sound performance appraisal system; salary incentive mechanism, give full play to the promotion of welfare policy design; humanism; the collective wage negotiations, perfect capital mechanism; create a new corporate culture, the establishment of enterprise core value concept.

Keywords: Pay;Excitation;State-owned enterprise


第一章概述 (1)

第二章薪酬激励的概念与意义 (1)

2.1薪酬激励的概念 (1)

2.2薪酬激励的意义 (2)

第三章我国国有企业经营者薪酬激励存在的问题及原因 (3)

3.1我国国有企业经营者薪酬激励存在的问题 (3)

3.1.1政企不分,政府对企业的薪酬管理干预过多 (3)

3.1.2薪酬体系不合理,薪酬制度不完善 (3)

3.1.3平均主义严重,缺乏公平和激励机制 (3)

3.1.3薪酬水平较低,品种繁杂,激励机制不健全 (3)

3.2我国国有企业经营者薪酬激励存在的问题原因分析 (4)

3.2.1企业尚未成为自主分配的主体 (4)

3.2.2薪酬管理技术上的失误 (4)

3.2.3薪酬管理配套措施建设滞后 (4)

第四章我国国有企业经营者加强薪酬激励对策 (4)

4.1提供具有公平性和竞争力的薪酬 (4)

4.2转变政府职能为企业提供良好的外部环境 (5)

4.3确立明确的酬薪分配原则 (5)

4.4建立完善的绩效考核体系,充分发挥薪酬的激励机制 (5)

4.5促进福利政策设计的人本化 (6)

第五章结论 (6)

参考文献 (8)
