英语阅读新视野Review Units 1-5 复习第1-5单元

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Review Units 1-5 复习第1-5单元

Extension Activity: Situation Mining 活动拓展:情景创设

In this review of Units 1 through 5, goups of students will review the vocabulary items of a unit, then create a visual scene using vocabulary words and idioms. The class will need the Reading Advantage book to do the activity.

To start off, create a group for each unit. Divide the class into five groups of the same size. Assign one unit(1-5) from Reading Advantage to each group, and send the groups to different places in the room where they can work without being overheard.

In this activity, the goal is for each group to use ideas from a unit to create scenes that will be acted out for the rest of the class.

1. The group will first look at the theme of the unit they have been assigned, and the list of vocabulary words and idioms. The students then settle on a topic that they can act out without sound for the rest of the class. While the unit theme is perhaps the easiest to use, imaginative students may prefer to branch out slightly to a related subject. Each scene should use at least one of the vocabulary words and preferably several of them. For example, in Unit 1, students could pretend that the imaginary spider one of them holds in their hand has a reputation for being poisonous. Someone who is bitten doesn’t stand a chance! Ah, but them they discover it’s not a real spider after all; it’s artificial.

2. Students should use body positions, facial expressions, and gestures to mine their scene to the rest of the class. It is permissible to “mouth” words (or screams, etc.), but not to say anything aloud.

3. When all the groups have scenes ready, ask each group to present theirs in turn. The other students become an audience who has to figure out what the situation is. The performers can acknowledge correct guesses with nods and shakes of the head, but should encourage their audience to make the most of the situation. It is perfectly acceptable for students to use their Reading Advantage books open to the unit being enacted. When the scenario has bee guessed correctly, the next team takes their turn. Example:

Performer: [mimes holding a spider in her hand]

Guessers; You have a pet mouse?

Performer: [shakes head]

Guessers: Is it a spider?

