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1、建滔(河北)焦化有限公司主营捣固焦、粗苯、焦油等产品,是邢台市重要化工企业之一。4月22日,邢台市环保局与市公安局环保支队混合编队,对该公司污染物排放情况进行了全面检查。检查发现,该公司部分高浓度焦化生产废水未经任何处理,直接用于熄焦,属典型的恶意偷排偷放。此外,该公司一期工程150t/h燃煤锅炉自动监控设备段二氧化硫值为35-90mg/m3之间,烟尘为45mg/m3,环保局现场手工监测二氧化硫值为166-172 mg/m3之间,烟尘为194 mg/m3;二期工程75t/h燃煤锅炉自动监控设备烟尘值为66 mg/m3,环保局现场手工监测二氧化硫值为烟尘为163 mg/m3,存在焦炉超标排放、燃煤锅炉在线监测数据造假、烟尘超标排放等问题。邢台市环保局依法作出处罚决定,对该公司处以145万元罚款并没收违法保证金100万元;因该公司肆意修改在线监控数据,其主管环保的经理张某某、仪表部经理胡某被依法行政拘留7日。






6、山东省监控中心通过数据审核,发现莱芜市汶源热电有限公司S02数据夜间明显低于白天,并且较长时间数据保持不变,怀疑存在弄虚作假行为。2月5日,省监控中心对该企业进行独立调查,发现在调查人员进厂后S02数据大幅升高,排放浓度为550mg/m3,超标1.75倍。调阅工控机参数记录,发现在调查人员进站房前一分钟,S02量程刚由300 mg/m3修改为正常值(1000 mg/m3),致使S02数据突变。进一步检查发现,在此之前有多次修改量程记录,企业通过设定量程上限,干扰了自动监测设备的正常运行。调查组现场责令企业立即改正监测参数,并要求限期清除自动监测设备造假功能;省环保厅按照对企业罚款5万,并要求在确保居民供暖的前提下最大限度降低生产负荷,确保达标排放。按环保厅、公安厅联勤联动工作机制,调查组现场向莱芜公安局移交了相关证据,公安机关对企业环保主任实施了行政拘留10天的处罚。


MEP informed environmental monitoring data fraud case: man arrested over responsibility PRC Beijing June 12, according to the Environmental Protection Ministry web site, in order to implement new environmental protection law, the fight against tampering, forgery monitoring data fraudulent behavior, the MEP recently organized throughout pollution automatic monitoring and management departments to increase the pollution automatic monitoring facilities supervision and inspection of operation and management situation, the discovery of data fraud and other illegal activities were severely punished, notified a number of typical cases.

Ministry of Environmental Protection Supervision Bureau Zou first informed the public of specific facts of these cases of fraud:

1, Kingboard (Hebei) Coking Co Ltd, tamping coke, crude benzene, tar and other products, is one of the important chemical enterprise in Xingtai City. April 22, Xingtai Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau and the Municipal Public Security Bureau mixed fleet environmental protection detachment, pollutant emissions of the company conducted a comprehensive inspection. Inspection found that the company part of the high concentration coking wastewater without any treatment, directly used for coke quenching, is a typical waste-water treatment snuck malicious. In addition, the company's first project 150t / h coal-fired boilers between automatic monitoring equipment segment dioxide is 35-90mg / m3, dust to 45mg / m3, EPA field manual monitoring of sulfur dioxide is 166-172 mg / m3 between soot is 194 mg / m3; two engineering 75t / h coal-fired boiler automatic monitoring equipment dust is 66 mg / m3, EPA field manual monitoring of sulfur dioxide is dust was 163 mg / m3, the presence of excessive coke oven emissions, fuel coal boiler on-line monitoring data fraud, excessive emissions of soot and other issues. Xingtai City Environmental Protection Bureau made the decision on punishment according to the law, the company fined 1.45 million yuan and confiscation of illegal deposit one million yuan; after the company willfully modify online monitoring data, the competent environmental manager Moumou, Hu was legally meter Manager 7-day administrative detention.

2, Henan Province Environmental Monitoring Center monitoring through access to historical data and found that Rolling Industrial Co., Ltd. Xinyang, Henan letter dioxide chimney oven automatically monitor data long-term stability at 20mg / m3. April 17 manual monitoring organization to the scene found that the data is 100mg / m3-200mg / m3, automatic monitoring data before and after checking a big gap. The investigation confirmed that the companies pull out part of the sulfur dioxide without measuring probe, the sampling hole leak, dilute the discharge of pollutants, human disturbance sampling device, reduce the measurement data, resulting in monitoring data distortion. Xinyang, Henan letter for Rolling Industrial Co., Ltd. of violations, according to the law of the enterprise Xinyang City Environmental Protection Bureau issued a penalty decision, for excessive emissions, automatic monitoring data interference behavior of enterprises exist, were given 60,000 yuan, 30,000 yuan penalty recovered 2015 first quarter oven chimney sulfur dioxide emission fees, to start daily meter penalty procedures. Xinyang City Public Security Bureau for alleged illegal executives and other directly responsible Moumou surname Wang administrative detention to ten days administrative penalties.

3, the masses of complaints Ltd. China cement plant emissions allegedly exceeded, pollute the environment, but on the EPA monitoring platform enterprise the pollutant emission targets all standards. Nanjing Environmental Monitoring detachment to corporate site investigation found that the company number two kiln dioxide analyzer display data is 210 mg / cubic meter, exceeding 5%, but the EPA data transmitted only 23.27 mg / m; nitrogen oxides Analyzer data is
