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2. Apple, the largest competitor between the Internet software and telephone area, shares its experience and get its own
products promoted 3. a story between two animals 4. a story between two students; two companies;
wisdom c. an instructive story, which gives me some further
thought d. we need to cooperate and help each other to get a win-
win effect
2Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu 进一步说明“互助才能共赢”的道理。How?
The passage tells us the benefits of cooperating and helping each other through the story of a farmer who shared his best corn seed with his neighbors. (一句话的summary)
• 举例子:互相帮助的例子 • 说道理:为什么要互助? 如何选取典型的例子—— (身边的人和事) 1. 学习上互相帮助共同进步的例子 2. 公司合作互助获得更多利益的例子 3. 国与国之间合作共赢的例子
a. one’s ability is limited b. we will come across all kinds of difficulties in our daily… c. everyone has his or her strength and weakness d. cooperation and helping each other enables us to do
After reading such an impressive story, I was lost in thought. The farmers’ action guaranteed both his neighbors and himself good harvest, which tells us that benefits can be shared when people help each other.
His corn cannot improve unless his neighbors’ corn also improves. And so it is in life. If we co-operate and help each other out, life can get better for everyone, and the benefits can be shared by all. But if we think only of ourselves, our selfishness will not only hurt others but it may come back to hurt us.
As a matter of fact, I have a similar experience like that, from which I learn that only by helping each other can we share the benefits. I used to be poor in maths but my deskmate did well in it. I did well in English while he didn’t. We helped each other with our homework, and we discussed some puzzling problems and worked out them together. With our long-term effort, we both made great progress. Therefore, in my belief, cooperation is very vital and it will bring benefits to us all. (only by cooperation can we become more successful.)
∧ and so
Growing Good Corn There was a Nebraska farmer who grew award-winning corn. Each year he entered the district’s farming competition where his corn always came out on top and won the blue ribbon. One year a newspaper reporter interviewed him and learned something interesting about how he grew it. To his great surprise, the reporter discovered that each year the farmer shared his corn seed with his neighbors. “Why do you share your best seed with your neighbors when they are competing against you?” the reporter asked. The farmer’s reply made everything clear. “Why sir, said the farmer, “didn’t you know? The wind will blow corn pollen (花粉) from field to field. If my neighbors grow poor corn, it will affect the quality of my corn. If I am to grow good corn. I must help my neighbors grow good corn.”
In the passage the writer uses the story of the awardwinning farmer who shares his best corn seed with his neighbours to teach us that we can all benefit when we cooperate and share with each other. (参考答案)
[写作内容] 以约30个词概括这篇短文的主要内容; 然后以120个词就“互助才能共赢”的话题进行
议论,内容包括: 1.你对文中故事的看法及感受; 2. 进一步说明“互助才能共赢”的道理。
1. 故事 (获奖的农夫和他的邻居分享最好的玉米种子) 2 意义 ( 互助才能双赢。)
A farmer shared his best corn seed with his neighbors and won the farming competition each year. The story tells us benefits can be shared by all if people help each other.
Composition 1
Take our study as an example. Everyone may have a good approach to the same problem, but if we all keep it, we have only one. On the contrary, if we share it with our classmates, then we will get two, three or even more. Therefore, it will help to improve our understanding of the problem and contribute to our greater progress. In fact, cooperators are not enemies but friends who can achieve a win-win situation through cooperation with each other.
things faster and more effectively e. Together, individuals can make a difference. 格言)
1. Penguin QQ Company and 360 Anti-Virus Company once fought against each other
The story also reminds me of my own experience. When studying in primary school, I was quite poor at English. Having failed in several English exams, I became so depressed that I almost wanted to give in. My best friend noticed it and spared no effort to offer me help. With his assistance, my English improved a lot. In return, I helped him with his maths, which often drove him crazy. In the end, needless to say, both of us got better grades through cooperation.
记叙文 的summary: Who did what+moral
1.你对文中故事的看法及感受; How? 可以表达对故事的评述或者对农夫的赞美
a. kind-hearted, generous; intellectual, wise b. feel moved and admire him for his kindness and
2. 没有围绕中心任务展开,写了无关要紧的 或者关系不大的内容。
3. 说理不够深刻,欠缺说服力。 4. 语言表达不地道,有语法错误。There was
a farmer shared his best corn seed with his Aneighbours , they all grew good corn.
备考指南专项训练二 (2011广州二模)
包含题目所给全部或绝大部分的内容要点。 主题明确,内容丰富。词汇丰富,用词得 当。能有效运用合适的语言结构,而且没 有(或极少)语法错误。篇章结构的连贯 性好。
Main problems
1.格式错误:写1,2, summary, composition; 摘要第二部分隔行了
two countries…
注意段落的展开(围绕“互助才能双赢”话题) 主题句(是否紧扣话题)—拓展句(举例是否恰当)---总结句(是否回归话题)
After reading the story, I came to realize that only when we cooperate and help each other can all of us share the benefits. If the farmer hadn’t shared his seed with others, maybe his corn wouldn’t have grown so well. Therefore, it is cooperation that can bring the win-win effect. We should keep it in mind that cooperation is of great importance.